Saturday, August 23, 2014

pt fia Crashed through the

Tanks geek Xiao Jun fans mediocre
历史今日  挑战者号航天飞机失事
历史今日  挑战者号航天飞机失事
pt fia Crashed through the "Challenger" launch time scheduled in January 25. Because of bad weather, delayed three days. Time off plan 9:38, but the unusual low temperature so that the shuttle and its ground support structure on the body end of the ice, it is also delayed two hours. 11:08, "Challenger" liftoff smooth pt fia rise: 7 seconds, the aircraft flipped; 16 seconds, the fuselage back ground, belly overturned complete shift angle; 24 seconds, the main engines thrust down to 94% of a predetermined power; 42 seconds, according to the main engine is reduced to 65% of the plans to the predetermined power in order to avoid the shuttle passes through the upper zone of turbulence due to the overheating of the housing leaving the disintegration of the aircraft. At this point, everything is normal, pt fia speed reached 677 meters per second, the height of 8000 meters. 50 seconds, pt fia the ground it has been found that the shuttle to the right side of the solid boosters out a trace of black smoke, this phenomenon did not attract attention. 52 seconds, the ground command center Trask longer than the notification command to restore the engine at full speed. 59 seconds, the height of 10,000 meters, the main engine has been working at full speed, boosters have burned pt fia nearly 450 tons of solid fuel. In this case, a variety of data on the ground control centers and computer are displayed on the shuttle did not reveal any abnormalities. 65 seconds, the Trask report to the ground than the "main engine has increased," "understand, full speed ahead" is the ground control center to listen to the words of the last sentence of the report. The first 73 seconds, the height of 16,600 meters, a mass of bright light flashed shuttle, external tank volley explosion, the space shuttle was blown to pieces, ground communications with the sudden interruption, data on the monitoring center of the screen suddenly disappeared. Challenger turned into a mass of fire, the two solid booster rockets out of control from the fireball, a V-shaped flame flew puffing, threatens pt fia to fall into the land, the Space Center densely populated than the forest officer in charge of security Georgia eye grassland, in the first 100 seconds when they detonated by a remote control device. Initially, including Krista in thousands of tourists, NASA officials, reporters and other spectators - McAuliffe's husband, two children and their parents, no one realized what had happened, but when orange fireball in the air when falling for the "Challenger" stunned only people pt fia cheering sound.
历史今日  挑战者号航天飞机失事
Challenger crashed! Debris after the explosion at launch 30 kilometers south-east of the scattered one hour long, worth $ 1.2 billion in the space shuttle, instantly vanish, killing pt fia all seven crew members. For this shocked the world, the leaders have to call condolences. However, people in grief, the relentless pursuit of science career did not stop. In "Apollo" spacecraft on the 1st test of the fire killed Grissom, who had said some touching words, "If we die, we take it as an extraordinary ordinary things, we are engaged in a adventurous career. unlikely event of an accident, do not delay the progress of the plan. conquest of space is worth the risk. "
历史今日  挑战者号航天飞机失事
历史今日  挑战者号航天飞机失事
历史今日  pt fia 挑战者号航天飞机失事
In ten seconds before the explosion, the spacecraft has been a surge of strong turbulence aerospace, power comparable to Hurricane Katrina. Contrails appear unusual "Z" suffix. The next shock to make aluminum slag off, remove the obstruction of fire from leaking out of the seams of the last barrier, flame spray on the main fuel tank. One second before the explosion, flames burning so that the main fuel tank O-ring off, resulting in a fall off the bottom of the main fuel tank. Top boosters pt fia also hit the top of the main fuel tank, the hot gas fleeing into the top chamber filled pt fia with oxygen, resulting in a huge explosion. 73 seconds after launch, "Challenger" in the explosion 40,000 liters of fuel, and blasted thousands of fragments. Actually, the accident could have been avoided. In the 13 hours before launch, an important engineer superior to the company pt fia held a conference call, pointing out that the last launch of the "Challenger" because booster O-ring failure was almost destroyed, but higher due to hurry to complete quick and cheap space travel, keeping his views. In the 30 minutes before the launch, a Boeing 757 aircraft reported the existence of strong turbulence, pt fia but the launch center did not pay attention. Insider Secret on the evening of the day before the launch for space shuttle design, manufacture solid fuel rocket boosters Morton pt fia - 瑟奥 Kohl's senior Jolly Boys and 埃比林 via videoconference, it took 6 hours, urged NASA to postpone the "Challenger" launch, because before this, the two of them have been told that Florida's temperature has dropped below 0 . They know that such conditions on the performance of the rocket boosters will have a major impact! However, pt fia Seao Cole executives gave them a blow, the company has made to NASA "to launch" proposal! After the countdown started, two of them in the hands tightly together, so that they feel fortunate that the "Challenger" smooth pt fia left the launch pad off it! Jolly Boys turned Ai Bilin: "We have just dodged a bullet!" Because according pt fia to their analysis, "Challenger" will explode pt fia on the platform. However, in two long way Shu wants to tone the moment, "Challenger" 73 seconds after liftoff, the TV screen in front of them suddenly filled with smoke, two of the heart was almost stopped. July 1986, in accepting the Presidential Commission on the "Challenger" disaster after the hearing, Jolly Boyce Presidential Commission at the hearing on the company's managers 瑟奥 Cole fired again and again. He blamed the company's practices by the company that he should not have to disclose documents related to the presidential council colleagues is a grudge against him because he broke their "golden rice bowl." Boyce left the Jolly deep in the Wasatch Mountains in northern Utah 瑟奥 Cole Proving Ground. Seven space hero
历史今日  挑战者号航天飞机失事
They are: Captain: Francis Scobie, pt fia 46; pilot: Michael Smith, aged 40, Astronaut: Judith Resnick (female), aged 36; Ronald Mai Kenai Seoul, thirty-five; Ellison Onizuka, 39; Gregory Jervis, forty years old; teacher Christa McCaw Lifu (female), aged seven. Captain Francis Scobie (Francis Scobee) was a United pt fia States Air Force fighter pilot, test pilot and later became a senior aircraft, life and dangerous to deal with. His sense of humor, cheerful, become the core and soul of the whole unit. Pilot Michael pt fia Smith (Michael Smith), who served in the Navy, served pt fia as a fighter pilot, won several medals, including the Navy's Super Flying Cross and the National dare to fight Silver pt fia Star Cross. Astronaut Judith Resnick (Judith Resnik), like playing the piano in his spare time, like looking for the United States enjoy the music. Judith like smiling, always anxious to contribute to the people. Her smile is full of confidence in the career and life.
历史今日  挑战者号航天飞机失事
Astronaut Ronald McNair (Ronald pt fia McNair), from southern California, in the cotton fields of labor determination of the character of his temper. He dreamed of going into outer space station life, do the test in weightless space: playing the saxophone. Gregory Jervis (Gregory Jarvis) to participate in the aerospace travel hopefully, he carried a small flag, which is his alma mater, New York University Bafa Luo gave him a souvenir, pt fia he would like to take this side banner expedition pt fia to explore space. Ellison Onizuka (Onitsuka bearing two; Ellison Onizuka) was born in Hawaii, his native Japanese. His childhood love barefoot in the coffee ground and Maika Da Mayer cemetery ran. He has long dreamed of one day travel to the moon. After becoming a pilot, he ambitiously prepared grand plans. Christa McCaw Lifu (Christa McAuliffe) was born in Boston, in Concord, New Hampshire Middle School. She is a well-known pt fia teacher of sociology female, married, and fathered a child and a daughter. She is scheduled to be in space, the United States and Canada through television pt fia over 2.5 million students taught in two sections Space Division, will also participate in several science show on the Space Shuttle, but also to students after playing the video, becoming the world's first a "teacher in space."
历史今日  挑战者号航天飞机失事
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