Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In images taken by Voyager looks like there are thousands of narrow rings separated. Image from Voy

Saturn - the planet with rings | General Culture
Surrounded by a spectacular set of rings, Saturn is one of the best views visible through a telescope. Although it is the second largest infocomm 2013 planet, and almost as large as Jupiter, Saturn infocomm 2013 has a mass less than one third of that of Jupiter. Matter to be so rarefied that the planet would float on water if there is a large enough ocean! Mph winds on Saturn blow even harder than Jupiter. Gusts whip lands of the equator ten times stronger infocomm 2013 than hurricanes infocomm 2013 on Earth.
Yellowish cloud belts of Saturn appear less distinct than bands around Jupiter. Clouds are formed deeper in the atmosphere and under a layer of mist because of whom see themselves harder. Most of the time, cloud belts remain almost unchanged, but about once every 30 years, a giant storm causes a dramatic perturbation. Saturn needs 30 years to browse through orbit around the Sun, so it is likely that these giant storms to be stirred by seasonal changes in temperature. The last big storm was in 1990 around the planet are scattered white clouds, infocomm 2013 spiral. Smaller storms can occur at any time, but they are rare. It is believed that all atmospheric storms erupt when hot gas bubbles rise. Like Jupiter, Saturn is hot inside.
In images taken by Voyager looks like there are thousands of narrow rings separated. Image from Voyager showed also some "spokes" infocomm 2013 breadth infocomm 2013 dark rings. The spokes appear to be made of dust that is aligned somehow magnetism by Saturn. It is not known from where the rings of Saturn. It could be the remnants of a comet or a satellite that got too close and was blown away by garvitatia giant planets. Perhaps the matter of rings remained there during the formation of Saturn and its satellites.
The angle at which we see Saturn's rings changes as the planet moves around the Sun. The rings can be seen easily, normally infocomm 2013 with a small telescope, but every 15 years, they seem to approach and then depart again. When is the exact profile (in the middle), we can not see.
Saturn's rings are made up of millions of tiny satellites separated. They are like dirty snowballs, consisting mostly of water ice, and rock powder mixed into it. The small pieces are about the size of a golf ball. Some of the biggest may have diameter of 1 km.
At least 18 moons of Saturn keep them company, and astronomers suspect that it could be more. Everyone is different, though all are made of a mixture of ice and rock. The largest, Titan, is larger than Mercury and the only satellite in the solar system with a thick atmosphere. Surfaces infocomm 2013 other moons of Saturn are mostly dotted with craters, although many craters on Enceladus have been covered by ice. The giant crater Herschel on Mimas was prdus a clash that was close to shatter the entire satellite. A massive canyon stretches three quarters of the circumference of Tethys.
Tethys 1684 1048
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