Sunday, August 31, 2014

Let us take a look at Florida

Wonderful graphics Mei Mei: one was identified as the Black sea I admit that my mental jetpak relatively dark, I have to admit at this time think of American aerospace history 22 years ago that some untimely tragedy, in just over an hour , the successful launch of Shenzhou VII, it is supposed to show the progress of science and technology, national prosperity glorious moment in this whole nation cheering moments, do not even think it should go in that direction. But I just think, in my opinion no matter how well prepared, how mature technology, since it is out of the space flight of the earth, always a high-risk business, maybe we can add more insurance factor, and work doing a little more detail, however, who say it foolproof?
Let us take a look at Florida's jetpak Cape Canaveral coldest for 22 years before that day, January jetpak 28, 1986, this morning, thousands of visitors flock to the Kennedy Space Center, waiting see the "Challenger" off the spectacle. 11:38, standing on the launch pad of the "Challenger" blasted jetpak off direct sky, the stands cheered. But just 73 seconds later, the air sounded muffled, Challenger instant burst into a ball of orange fireball, dragging debris scattered flames jetpak and white smoke every now and then, falling into the Atlantic jetpak Ocean. Including two female astronauts, including the seven astronauts killed in the accident. One of the most striking is the first American space flight of ordinary citizens to participate - female teachers McAuliffe. She will be in space originally planned to teach her students to live, but unfortunately McAuliffe final cut down. The incident was the most serious in the history of human spaceflight first manned spaceflight accidents, resulting in $ 1.2 billion in direct economic losses, and the shuttle grounded for nearly three years. At the same time, it makes the whole world on the enormity of the conquest of space has a clear understanding.
Reportedly warned that two senior spacecraft design engineer, jetpak they are for the space shuttle design, manufacture solid fuel rocket boosters Morton Seao Cole's senior engineer, a man named Jolly Roger Boyce Another is his boss Bob Ai Bilin. On the evening jetpak of the day before jetpak the launch, Boyce Jolly and 埃比林 via videoconference, spent a full six hours, earnestly jetpak urged heads of NASA postponed "Challenger" jetpak launch, because before this, two of them have been told that Florida's temperature has dropped below zero. They know that such conditions on the performance jetpak of the rocket boosters jetpak will have a major impact! However, their recommendations were not adopted.
According to the survey after the relevant departments, "Challenger" is dedicated to the matter before the launch to communicate with experts, two experts mentioned above directly reflect their views. That afternoon, the temperatures plunged Cape Canaveral, around 18:00, launch team of experts to call the company where Cole hit 瑟奥 questioning whether or minus 5 degrees Celsius rocket launching their doubts. Experts answer is "yes." That night, the Marshall Center's experts really listened carefully analyzed Boyce Jolly and his colleagues about the delayed launch, but they feel that they hear are some emotional things, rational things too. While Boyce Jolly also presented some data, but not decisive.
Discussed for nearly five hours, NASA finally said it would not listen jetpak to suggestions and forcibly launch rocket designer. At this time, the vice president of Morton 瑟奥 Cole's request to suspend jetpak the meeting for five minutes. Then, Morton Seao Cole CEO Jerry Mason opened jetpak his mouth, said: "We must make an actionable decision." Boyce Chorley immediately realized that most company executives to please customers - NASA, attitudes changed. Discussion within the company is not five minutes but lasted 30 minutes. Including engineers, including Jolly Boys are excluded, four senior jetpak managers voted for launch. Boyce Jolly stood up, grabbed the O-ring goes burned pictures on the table in front of four senior managers. But they did not even look. Boss then turned the TV conference, informing NASA, has changed the attitude of Morton 瑟奥 Cole, "Challenger can be fired."
Tragedy jetpak naturally have their chance, jetpak however, from NASA and Seao Cole's attitude and philosophy point of view, such an incident has its inevitability. The real cause of the accident is not found no risks, and that the relevant technical personnel discovered and reported after not getting enough attention hazards and effectively jetpak adopted. Seao Kohl's to please NASA, and NASA will launch may face repeatedly postponed because of political pressure, so because of the so-called politically correct reasons, or were forcibly ordered ignition Challenger launch, the tragedy happened. Thus, we should get this inspiration, sometimes to the so-called political needs and neglect and even contempt for the views of the scientific mode of operation and professionals, take chances on some minor issues, in that case, the result can only is causing horrible disaster.
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