Sunday, August 17, 2014

In the vicinity are three star system Alpha Centauri (the constellation Centaurus), composed of a p

In our galaxy, the Milky Way, the solar system is located on one of the outer arms, called the Orion Arm, or "spur local" in a region with a relatively low density material, which is supposed to have had beneficial effects on the occurrence life on Earth. Sun with the solar system is in revolves fighter jet around the center of the galaxy, at a distance of 25,000 to 28,000 light-years (about fighter jet half the radius of the galaxy), with a period of revolution of about 225-250 million (year galactic solar system). Travel speed on the circular fighter jet orbit is about 220 km / s, and the current position is geared towards the star Vega.
In the vicinity are three star system Alpha Centauri (the constellation Centaurus), composed of a pair of stars (Alpha Centauri A and B) like the Sun, around which revolves at a distance of 0.2 light years red dwarf Alpha Centauri C, a relatively fighter jet low brightness. The latter is the star closest to the Sun, at a distance of 4.24 light-years, which is why it is called "Proxima Centauri". Next in order of distance are: Barnard's Star: 359 Wolf light 5.9 years: 7.8 years light Lalande 21185: Sirius light 8.3 years: 8.6 years-UV fighter jet Ceti: 8.7 Ross 154 light years: 9.7 years light.
1.00 Mars
Inner and outer planets
MERCURY - dintreplanetelecaPamantul, Mercuresteceamai siceamaiapropiata little sun. In timpulzileitemperaturile of peMercur can reach 700 K, and in timpulnoptii can scadepana to 100 K. The pressure of the celmult pesuprafataluiMercureste 1 millibar. A caracteristicaspecificaluiMercurestealdeboul, saucapacitatea to reflectarazelesolare. AldeboulluiMercureste 0.12. PesuprafataluiMercur can observacratere, furrows, rupesurisilineamente. Mercurnu ARENA satellite. Diametrulecuatorial: 4878 km. ; Jurulaxei rotation period: 59 days; Densitateamedie: 5.44 g / cm @ 3; Jurulsoarelui rotation time: 88 days; VENUS - fostnumitadupazeitafrumusetii pentrucaapartinecelormaistralucitoarecorpuriceresti the Greeks. Sirius is 15 orimaistralucitoaredecat consideratceamaistralucitoarestea. Venus apropiecelmaimult fighter jet Earth passes only 42 million kilometers from us. Atmosferaestealcatuita mostly of carbon dioxide (96%), alteelemente 3.5% nitrogen, 0.135% steam gas apasialte. Creazaefectul carbon dioxide emissions, nearly 700 K. Presiuneaatmosfericaeste decitemperaturaestefoarteridicata 90 bar. Diametrulecuatorial: 12,104 km; Jurulaxei rotation period: 243 days; Densitateamedie: fighter jet 5.26 g / cm @ 3; JurulSoarelui rotation period: 225 days; It has satellites;
MARS - (planetarosie) suprafataplaneteiesteacoperita craters. Atmosferaestealcatuita of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% azotsialte gas. CasiPamantul Mars areIonosfera. Timpulzileiura temperature to 15 degrees C to -80 degrees K. iarnoapteascade Poliiplaneteisuntacoperiti the ice caps. In timpulveriicalotele fighter jet is micsoreazasau melt completely. PeMarte can observafurtuni carorvitezapoatesaajunga sand at 60 km / h and can inaltapana 30 km. CelemairecentecercetariaratacaMarte is the apachiarmai rezervaimensa than Earth. Mars has doisatelitidescoperiti by Asaph Hall in 1877, numitiPhobossiDeimos, dupacaiizeuluirazboiului. Diametruecuatorial: 6794 km; Jurulaxei rotation period: 24 h 37 '; fighter jet Densitateamedie: 3.93 g / cm @ 3; JurulSoarelui rotation period 687 days. JUPITER - esteceamai largest planet in the solar system. There aresuprafatasolidavizibila. A formatiunespecifica of pesuprafataplaneteiestePata Rosie. A fostobservata first time astrologulfrancez Jean D. Cassini in 1665 Lenghts Pata has 48,000 km 11,000 km wide. It presupunecaeste a ciclonatmosferic of Jupiter. Temperature of 2000 K. Presiuneaeste pesuprafataplaneteieste 200,000 orima than Earth. For masatotala fighter jet estehidrogeniar 22% 76% helium. It has 16 moons: Metis, Amalthea, Thebe, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Leda, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Ananke, Carme, Pasiphae siSinope. Diametrulecuatorial: 142,800 km; Rotation fighter jet period jurulaxei: 9h 55 '; Densitateamedie 1.3 g / cm @ 3; Rotation period jurulSoarelui: 11,86ani. SATURN - esteceamaiindepartataplanetadintreplanetelecunoscute in antiquity. Ineleleplanetei is in planulecuatorului, they fostobservate by Galileo in 1610 Inelelesuntformate of particulemiciprobabilbucati of unuisatelitsfaramat of cauzaatractieigravitationale. Probabilitateaeste great caelesa be covered by a layer of brumasaugheata. One of satelitiiSaturnului fighter jet has atmosferaformata in 99% of nitrogen. Saturn has 21 moons: Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheu, Janus, Mimas, MimasB, fighter jet Encelad, Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, TethysB, TethysC, Dione, fighter jet 1980S6, DioneB, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Phoebe Iapetussi. Diametrulecuat

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