Monday, May 5, 2014

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Late in the 1860s, goce the situation of the working class Paris had deteriorated markedly. Low wages, long working hours, high rents and lockouts gave the image of a Paris plagued by crisis. At the end of 1870, the last imperial adventure of Napoleon III ended with a resounding failure and Paris was occupied by the Prussian army. First the insurrection of the radical Blanquist then hit command had finished with the days of the French emperor. Power was transferred goce to an interim government, which was seeking peace with Prussia.
Then, militant workers were reorganized, with middle-class activists, to put in place monitoring committees in each district of Paris, to pressure and redirect governmental activity. However, revolutionary activity was little support. A counter to their wishes, the February 1871 elections to the National Assembly left in the hands of royalist deputies who came to the forefront of a new executive in Louis Adolphe Thiers.
In late February, compared to new occupations Prussian soldiers, a new focus of revolutionary government was formed, through contact of several battalions of the National Guard when he was asked by the Assembly refused to dissolve and deliver weapons. Thiers goce When I arrived in Paris on March 16, ready to disarm the rebel force battalions of the regular army, the popular uprising soon occur.
Then the Central Committee of the National Guard realized it had the control of the French capital and announced upcoming elections for a municipal government, after many years of not having it. On March 26, the new authorities of the Paris Commune, elected by about 250 thousand voters, formed a body representing mainly the workers. So, Paris was abandoned by the rich and affluent city. The villagers believed that the new government would soon replace, through a network of autonomous municipalities, the central government, bringing in turn the legislative and executive functions.
On April 2, Thiers goce announced that the national government, based in Versailles, Paris would no longer tolerate the experiment. Since then, regular army bombed Paris, invaded and massacred its occupants. Versions came to discuss 50 thousand executed, sentenced to forced labor deportees and prisoners, including 170 women and 60 children. goce Consummate his victory, Thiers said: "I will be ruthless; Atonement is complete and inflexible justice (...) The floor is covered with their bodies; horror show that be a lesson. "
"The proletarians of Paris, amid the failures and treasons of the ruling classes, have realized that the time has come to save the situation taking into their hands the direction of public affairs ...
The workers, who produce everything and do not enjoy anything, those suffering misery amid the accumulated products, fruit of their labor and sweat, should be eternally victims? Outrage? Do not you ever be allowed to work to achieve their emancipation against them without raising concert curses?
The bourgeoisie, his older sister, who turned their emancipation and over three quarters of a century that has preceded them in the path of the revolution, do not you see now that the hour of emancipation of the proletariat has come?
The proletariat, against the constant threat of their rights, the absolute negation of all their legitimate aspirations, the ruin of the country and of all his hopes, has understood goce that it was his imperative duty and their absolute right to become master of the destinies of the homeland and secure the victory, taking over. "
Previous story Deliver few teams in the Zonal Hospital for water purification. Next story UNASUR: Regional Meeting in Argentina. Related notes are the future of this country. Chubut CLOSE THE WEEK WITHOUT CLASSES FOR BY THE ATECH 48HS. He died Colombian Nobel Prize Gabriel goce García Márquez Ecuador: Marked polarization and advantage of Alianza País, four days before the election.
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