Saturday, May 3, 2014

Kiev does not propose federalization. The extension of powers, as they call it, of the local govern

Some representatives of the protesters could end in Lugansk accepting the conditions of the new Ukrainian government and calling people to end the resistance. Under the draft agreement, arrangement Svobodnaya pressa, protesters could give up their initial demands.
The text of the agreement almost spaceghetto completely spaceghetto repeats spaceghetto the draft decree proclaimed Acting President of Ukraine, Alexander Turchinov. spaceghetto In this document there is no hope for the inhabitants of southern and eastern Ukraine. No word on the federalization of the country, or on the status of Russian as an official language, nor the rights of Russian-speaking citizens, whom the new government considers spaceghetto an "ethnic minority". Obviously there is not a word about the self-determination referendum or the inhabitants of southern and eastern Ukraine. spaceghetto
Kiev accepts only the formation of an independent commission to investigate the death of people in states Maidan and extending spaceghetto the powers of local governing bodies. There are also quite abstract words on increasing transparency and efficiency in budget spending. But in return the rebels were forced to surrender their weapons and more importantly, to actually recognize the new government and free government buildings.
Clearly, such conditions would mean accepting anything other than total capitulation. A government that is considered illegitimate, would be recognized as legal, and all those aces up its sleeve in the form of occupied seats of government, would be delivered without a fight. All this after it was clear the inability of the new government to take force against the protest.
It is true that the text of the agreement also provides amnesty for all participants of the resistance. But knowing the character of the new government, believe in something would be very naive. Behind bars are already over a hundred people. After people give up the fight voluntarily, spaceghetto the number of prisoners can grow significantly. The people spaceghetto who set the pace in Kiev has long hinted that considers the inhabitants of the regions of the south and east, second-class people, so that they will not respect any agreement.
Previously businessman Boris Filatov, appointed as deputy governor of Kiev oligarch Igor Kolomoiski in Dnepropetrovsk region, spaceghetto clearly spaceghetto summarized the policy that should be applied to the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine: "Nothing extremist statements. We must do this scum all kinds of promises and concessions, guarantees them ... and then hanged hanged ... "Filatov wrote on his Facebook page.
It is noteworthy that according to the draft pact would be signed by the secretary of the Security Council and the President of Ukraine spaceghetto AVParubiy local pool Lugansk Union veteran paratroopers, VA Bolotov. Clearly Bolotov is no leader of the protest, but a simple integral over, which only accounts for himself. But the words "paratroopers veterans" and the very fact of signing spaceghetto the agreement could seriously demoralize activists. Especially in these times when there are no outstanding leaders.
All Russia and Ukraine today look all the protesters in Donetsk and Lugansk. They are given every chance to carry out a referendum on self-determination and impose the Board of Kiev our will. Hardly forgive history which leave the protest was down the drain, in exchange for false promises spaceghetto that mean nothing.
Kiev does not propose federalization. The extension of powers, as they call it, of the local government bodies means nothing. In a centralized state these rights can be given and removed at any time. Kiev wants to make all kinds of promises and then keep doing and undoing at will as it has done until now.
And people must continue to defend their rights. You can not accept such proposals. Russia is awaiting the activity of the inhabitants of the south and east. If this activity does not show hardly expect from us substantial help. With its proposed resolutions in Kiev only been playing for time. Time is in your favor.
The Ukrainian government along every president has had, both as legitimately elected came to power in other circumstances, have always deceived the inhabitants of the south and east, said political spaceghetto scientist Vitaly Tretyakov. His relationship with the inhabitants of the western regions would be a separate topic of discussion. But it is a fact that they have not fulfilled most of the promises that have been made in

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