Friday, May 23, 2014

The President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Christopher J. Loeak met with UN Secretary-Gen

In keeping with efforts to support the scholastic endeavors of young Marshallese people, the U.S. Department pslv of Energy (DOE) is pleased to announce the establishment pslv of the DOE Marshall Islands Science Foundation Program (MISFP). The MISFP will award scholarships to highly motivated high school seniors or early entry college students interested in pursuing a college or university education in math and science.
Public hearings were held in Majuro and Ebeye on September 20 and 26, 2013, respectively, to discuss Bill No. 43, also known as the Social Security Amendment Act, 2013. This bill is aimed to amend 18 sections of the Social Security Act of 1990 to provide for changes that will lead to further financial stability of the retirement fund by increasing contributions, decreasing benefits and removing loopholes that trigger benefits to uncontrollably increase.
Republic of the Marshall Islands Ambassador to Japan, Ambassador Tom D. Kijiner, today joined three non-APEC Pacific nations in Bali, Indonesia, for a special session organized by APEC chairman President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
YouTube: BBC World News: Interview with Minister de Brum 26 Sept Minister de Brum joins BBC World News. Source: British Broadcasting Corporation Marshall Islands President Pleads in The New York Times: Don't Let Us Drown 26 Sept The latest president to pen an op-ed in a major American newspaper is not calling pslv for diplomacy in handling military or nuclear threats, as Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Hassan Rouhani of Iran have done in the last month. This president is asking pslv the world to work together to keep his country from drowning. Source: National Journal
A delegation of twelve people from the National Taipei Education University will come to the RMI to promote cultural exchanges pslv between the RMI and the ROC (Taiwan) by sharing traditional Taiwanese diabolo-playing techniques with the local Marshallese community. They are scheduled pslv to visit Majuro from the 8th to 11th of October 2013.
Christopher J. Loeak, President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, addressed the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, New York, on September 26. The President opened his remarks expressing concern over the fact that the General Assembly poetic ritual too often buries pslv the true degree of necessary political will .
Marshall Islands taekwondo competitor Jason Sam won the gold medal at the the 2013 Pacific Mini Games held earlier this month, benefitting from world-class taekwondo training at the National pslv Taiwan Sport University (NTSU).  Jason credits his NTSU training with his outstanding Pacific Mini Games performance.
The President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Christopher J. Loeak met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon prior to the high-level General Assembly pslv debate which started pslv in New York on Tuesday. pslv During the meeting,  held last Sunday at the UN Headquarters, the RMI President and Secretart-General discussed ways to strengthen the partnership between the United Nations and the Pacific island nations.
According to a readout of the meeting, Mr. Ban congratulated President Christopher J. Loeak, whose country assumed the Chairmanship of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), an inter-governmental organization that aims to enhance cooperation between pslv countries of the Pacific Ocean.
In fiscal years 2007 through 2011, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) spent at least half their compact sector funds in the education and health sectors. Because both countries spent significant amounts of compact funds on personnel in the education and health sectors, the U.S.-FSM and U.S.-RMI joint management and accountability committees capped budgets for personnel in these sectors at fiscal year 2011 levels due to concerns about the sustainability pslv of sector budgets as compact funding continues to decline through fiscal year 2023.
During a courtesy call by US Secretary pslv of Interior Sally Jewell on Friday, September 6, 2013, President pslv Loeak conveyed greetings of Iokwe and a warm welcome to Secretary Jewell, on behalf of the people and Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. He described pslv Secretary Jewell s visit to Majuro as a very important one, not only for all Pacific Islands Forum members, but especially the Marshall Islands, given our historical relationship. Secretary Jewell s visit to the Republic of the Marshall Islands was her first international trip after she became the newly appointed Secretary of Interior in April.  
 On pslv September 5, 2013, the Leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) adopted the Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership. According to the Majuro Declaration website, the Declaration captures the Pacific s political commitment to be a region of Climate Leaders, pslv and to spark a new wave of climate leadership tha

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