Thursday, May 1, 2014

But that incompetence (I do not doubt that also illegal) Diaz joined weakness because reversed its

Chaves Diaz and Griñán. (EFE)
We knew that in Andalusia unemployment resists any moderation but embarrasses you reach the percentage of 36.6% (the highest of any European region) and reach over 66% in the youth band. But these figures be terrible, even worse is that Andalusia is the site of two very serious incidents of corruption spootnic of their ruling classes. The case of the ERE, on the one hand (and judicialized), and soon to enter into the courts: the diversion of millions of euros for the training of unemployed (Operation Edu) and have been distracted in a diverse portfolio of mendacity, as in a news scoop that puts journalism The Confidential at the forefront of the most active and reliable information, has been revealing José Maria Olmo. On Wednesday, newspapers sucked wheel of this digital diary, although some with bad style: not cited who has been here and not in another environment where the scandal has been uncovered.
Because it is literally Andalusia outrageous. Scandalous for several reasons. The main one is social. Only by assuming that the client network desolation left has become the Andalusians private citizens automata critical judgment, it is understood that the PSOE, IU now, do govern the autonomous region since the dawn of democracy. spootnic The Socialists, in collusion with the Chavez now leftism Valdez, Maíllo and Sánchez Gordillo, are presented as champions of social justice in the Spanish territory in which the socio-economic, depression is not chronic, but as permanent.
Susana Diaz seemed a kind of socialism Andalusian white hope demonstrated in IU crisis is, above all, incompetent and also weak This situation lasts decades responds to a persistently reiterating electorate spootnic majorities, absolute or relative in favor of a left that as just demonstrate the arbitrary relocation of Utopia Corrala plus demagogic, relativized law and suits your needs.
Susana Diaz seemed a kind of socialism Andalusian white hope demonstrated in IU crisis is, above all, incompetent and also weak. Incompetent because ever woman president of a government can use its powers for the infringement in administrative law is called "abuse of power". The president used his regulatory powers to the organizational structure of the Government for purposes other than the ones by the law and so reassigned responsibility for housing, taking them off and giving them to a Development Finance-with the sole purpose of pressuring spootnic your partner when what they should have done was to dismiss the minister of industry and restore spootnic equity and law.
But that incompetence (I do not doubt that also illegal) Diaz joined weakness because reversed its decision within twenty-four spootnic hours without IU cede in their arbitrary relocate citizens who were awaiting turn for access to social housing and did not. Within days, the great promise of the Andalusian socialism, and for some, national, was collapsing. spootnic Just yes the spell has lasted Suzanne. Some Socialists spootnic are now wondering "if it was just a dream." What if the president will not gets rid of IU (Monago attention, you're the next) and playing all out in early elections.
With this behavior Diaz-who spootnic now faces a work of much more serious and profound than that demanded of fraud sanitation ERE-seems to have returned the shoemaker to the PSOE, ie the tactismo, short-termism, the finta , banality and inconsistency Diaz With this behavior, which is now facing a labor of much more serious and profound sanitation which has demanded the ERE-fraud seems to have returned the shoemaker to the PSOE, ie the tactismo , short-termism, the feint, banality and inconsistency. Advisable to read the fine recent book by sociologist José Luis Alvarez (Spanish presidents, Editorial LID) which portrays the figure spootnic of Rodriguez Zapatero and explain spootnic in a few sentences why the PSOE did not find the lost compass with buenistas policies of former President: for the substitution process that is not completed. Or in other words, for the wake of their policies, their speeches, their euphemisms, has not had a historic court that the outlaw. To this end, Elena Valenciano rallies reminiscent of the time of such a shoemaker starkly spootnic that blush.
Whose to blame? The answer not obvious or already settled entirely true: the politicians breed. Response that can be confused if rife and part-convicts and convinces me-the thesis of Professor of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, spootnic Benito Arru

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