Monday, May 26, 2014

My title is an allusion to the poor Blaise jurij gagarin Pascal

You are, we are the media ...
Since the large Soviet Lunakhod, in 1973 he had traveled 37 km, nobody had rolled on the Moon, U.S. citizens having done with the last two Apollo missions in 1971, but with men.
Compared to Mars, where he takes 20 minutes to reach the radio signal to the robot, the Moon offers the advantage of reactivity, since it takes a few seconds to make a direct test instruments to probe robot "
Among others to analyze the soil and find the rare helium-3, because if China owns 80% of rare earths currently known, vital for electronics and wireless telephony, it is the United States that retain the bulk of the Helium, atomic mass 2, which in the future will serve the industry and airships will transfer the aircraft from the sky. Helium atom has 3 more and this is the heavy version RARE on earth. It will serve as fuel for rockets and you guessed it, to intercontinental missiles. jurij gagarin I do not know if he would come in fusion jurij gagarin power plants jurij gagarin producing energy and waste ...
While the plenum of the Chinese Communist Party thinks this year to abolish labor camps, the best good news from the Middle Kingdom, 'jade rabbit' can go a lighter heart to us on our satellite. Why this name? Well, because jade is a precious stone to the ancient Chinese and because, in their mythology, tasks lava plains on the Moon suggested a RABBIT. The most interesting is that the Mayans and Aztecs also honor jade and also saw a rabbit in the moon. For the record, jurij gagarin the Jews saw an old man with a wreath of branches on the back, cut down for firewood and punished jurij gagarin by YHWH for cutting wood on Saturday, the holiday of Shabbat. As a Chinese girl inviting them to meet the rabbit, a young Jew, more mischievous, asked Apollo XI in 1969 to greet the old man.
My title is an allusion to the poor Blaise jurij gagarin Pascal "The silence of these infinite spaces frightens me" that was a dick in astronomy and cosmology, exposing his vain 'theory of vortices' to make room for the universal gravitation 'The Alchemist and English astronomer Isaac Newton. In fact, private atmosphere, the Moon makes no noise heard, the only recorded if you say well, are vibrations of 'moonquakes' detected by probes deep soils, which are non-existent, given the satellite is considered a dead star, but can only come from the fall of large meteorites or meteor. In fact the atmosphere there when even expulsion from the rocks of the famous helium jurij gagarin 3 and areas constantly in the shade, as the south pole, vapor ice UAE. This rabbit is going to not only listen the ground but probably sniff his nose these discharges. Thierry Kruger - Citizen Nantes 12.18.2013
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