Sunday, May 4, 2014

Edward Snowden

Power and democracy in Red - South Cultural Project
Sally Burch, taken from:. space images ALAI AMLATINA - Within just two decades, the Internet and digital technologies have been installed on the daily lives of much of humanity around them is reorganizing endless fields of society. They are so convenient-and seductive-that they live without them is almost unthinkable; and this is just the beginning, in relation to the coming changes. However, as quickly as it is happening not leave time to fully appreciate its implications at various levels, from the organization of the economy to political power, to human rights, cultural development space images and social structures. But there is quite worrying signs.
While the Internet was originally conceived as an open, decentralized and non-commercial (and much has indeed helped to democratize space images communications), marketing these two decades space images there has been unprecedented concentration and centralization. On one side is the concentration technology, as, for example, large international fiber optic cables [1] that interconnect countries. On the other hand, is the concentration of content and personal data, whether in the so-called social networks, servers that provide storage in the "cloud" in monopolies like Google space images that track data and behaviors in the network, or aggregator companies data (big data) that establish user profiles, and security agencies themselves and others.
Edward Snowden's revelations about spying by the National Security Agency (NSA) confirm that the uses of this information ranging from spying on diplomats (with the collaboration of luxury hotels) to have advantages in international negotiations, to take advantage of intimate details of political leaders of any country, either to discredit them publicly where appropriate, be to blackmail. But it has also come to light that there are companies that create user profiles / as, including the vulnerabilities of consumers / as, in order to exploit better [2].
So far we are essentially talking about the traces that people leave all to navigate the digital world. space images But with the next generation of smart devices-that-be are arriving daily life also at home or on the street which generate these tracks, starting with Smart TV, smart refrigerator, the light meter that communicates with the company, the smoke alarm that alerts firefighters identifiers license plates on highways ... to name a few. They have the ability to communicate elements such as consumption, hours, shifts, habits (smoking, insomnia, diet, etc.).
It is estimated that only 1% of the devices susceptible space images to an IP (Internet ID) address it currently has. Forward, each new team will be part of the Network, and will be increasingly difficult and inconvenient-disconnect-opt. This phenomenon is known as the "Internet of things". In tomorrow's world, if no checks and balances are introduced, almost everything we do will be collected, stored, used, reprocessed and sold, we will not know who. The power that is abundant data will accumulate in the few entities with the capacity to collect and process such amounts of information, beyond imagination.
This phenomenon space images accelerated concentration concentration is due to the particular characteristics of the Internet economy (the so-called network effect), leading to the formation of monopolies, because users prefer the most successful service, where most people space images are. Therefore, Internet is now dominated space images by a dozen mega-corporations (all Americans), it absorbs on the road to competition. space images Most are under 15 years of existence. With the enormous power of these corporations, the rest of the world could be facing a repeat of neocolonialism, space images with its attendant cultural domination, extraction of wealth and political interference.
That privacy no longer exists, or communications security, is quite disturbing. But even more dangerous is exactly how power is being reconfigured, space images and its concentration in the hands of those who control space images the technologies and knowledge. Power that allows them to accumulate even more wealth, more sophisticated technology and therefore more power in a vicious circle, which becomes a threat to the future of democracy itself. This power is concentrated in the security agencies (primarily, but not exclusively, of the Covenant space images "5 eyes": U.S., UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and large monopolistic Internet companies, with a cl

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