Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The st ... have saturated the ziun. cok thank jarabij. my heard my advice, and you are not aman blo

Russian weapons in the Syrian passenger plane. Putin cancels visit to Turkey | Journal Web
According to intelligence information, the plane had military cargo. But other details are not known. Learned u2 spy plane that the plane was Russian weapons, which will be sent to the regime of Bashar Al Assad. Lots of weapons was discovered 300 kilograms on the plane.
Reports that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has canceled a planned visit to Turkey on Monday. Russian media report that the cause is not stopping the aircraft, but the fact that Putin wants to keep the heated side in the conflict between Turkey and Syria.
By its NATO has announced that it has plans ready to defend Turkey. "We hope however that this will not be necessary," said Alliance Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
Vitnamin of supplying CCCP. Avganistanin of supplying USA. Not need more intelligence, u2 spy plane to understand why the fuck war. Budallejte make war, the brightest of exploiting the situation to win the $ trillions.
As with the korrakut pelqejen Asqeret these Erdoğan! I was Fadaros border with Turkey, has blown pappapa the Damned, I spent the night by the enemy and, to some mollois hmm! if you know there are some korreker is Agapi.
Finally I realized that Turkofagosi mese Too us a couple puppies 25 or 30 years with a flale a piece that's ignorant knows no Greek write (elinika) u2 spy plane or English, except that's understood when he speaks neither English nor Greek s fault! Coban's son who kept grazes sheep and goats through the creases of Kakavia Yes or turkofagos tell us? Not be a soldier in 1997 in Mine? day because it is a site of "enlightened" Greek bravery that Thou hast so much ire Turks, one thing I do not dance there blaming border u2 spy plane made the unlucky tueqit zune and then ...? Adherfoula mou esi Pou Tsu Mpastardos malaka
Turkofagos entitled. The Turks are a nation of dirt and fascist sentiments. Provocations are banal created. Same for the second fight Hitler. And Sino their hand. Greece is proud. Kyrre made no wars, but I have held onto their backs. There sends soldiers outside border sali dog as he does. No weapon supplies dirty wars where thousands are killed as dog sali. You're right turkofagos. Korrak are spent. If I had the opportunity as you will not deny I was home and I was proud to Greek. Greeks are civilized and vanguard of Europe. If the people show their stance korrak We are white skinned. And many commentators u2 spy plane read. Living in darkness and anger greet turkofagos
The st ... have saturated the ziun. cok thank jarabij. my heard my advice, and you are not aman blow to the neck that he is becoming a kalos musulmanos! This work korrakeve is love and hate, as much as he hates and loves equally.
see how the 'sneaky' that takes lal Turks are kta! ... has burned u2 spy plane sixth double the average Russian hand as Greek once the TFG with Ocalan ..., but how does all PALLEN rruajten lal and face takes effect so large as work Russia u2 spy plane ... 'entitled' ... really TFG TFG is right but for the work of those men has the right to work as the changes their shirts ... turkofage as you enjoy your stay with byrazerin Davutoglu yesterday? (or PSone had gone to Davuti ?) beautiful yesterday he brought them 'korraku' Erdogan or not? even where smack in the middle of Athens, takes you where you were yesterday or pallonte lal Hajriu? ... Come kardashja that river as you would your Younanistanin rifusi again under the protection of the Ottoman Empire Davutoglu, then will not have a problem for men to TFG that would have korraket lafshprere Erdogan after breakfast lunch dinner hiiiiiiii myths ... hi hi!!
Werewolf! You are a korrak, peak. T the bad has some here, I like men, not men will like love is like Aslan, since the ride to Pella as crazy, just so happy. Now you do not see your works to blow the neck. jasas hade.
Games are scapegoating these, there with the dirt that Turk, and that supposedly protects usa Turku has no connection simple as suma man with Russia and Russia is a country with strong diplomacy that has the world, then do not talk about weapons, usa every country that supposedly is made Russia Russia attack that kills the mind, after all, are all affected mot intereset.rusi world super power is not to say it is the first country in the world.
Erdogan, on the hour, the pagush you together with your sperm those who remained in the Balkans for five centuries, are a classic example of tyranny, relics of centuries of violence u2 spy plane in the world today, and so you need to finish them and turqia.keshtu and Russians go with a pinch of the promise of each permit will expire burning fire kolera.erdhi hour God as mean time to tape, and indent, first taken out outside oats, and burned with flames, and this is your end, you want down without any condition, want after Constantinople, and this happened to read, that is close to leaving us this great day, do not say d

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