Sunday, December 1, 2013

Military operations are coordinated from Italy Great Britain, b52 France and the U.S. are the guide

Military mission b52 to Libya, as expected after the UN resolution began Saturday. French fighter jets and others are advocating city Benghazi. With this the path of military implementation of the resolution. "Jere Fighter Planes are ready to intervene against tanks in the protection of civilians," said French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Military mission to Libya, as expected after the UN resolution began Saturday. French fighter jets and others are advocating city Benghazi. With this the path of military implementation of the resolution. "Other fighter aircraft are ready to intervene against tanks in the defense of civilians," said French President Nicolas Sarkozy. They have hit Libyan military targets, announced, French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on Saturday, after the extraordinary summit with the participation of a number of chiefs of state and government from Europe and other countries. Summit discussed b52 ways of implementing the UN resolution. French President Nicolas Sarkozy Gaddafi addressed the expression that "the door of diplomacy will open if the aggression stops." British Prime Minister David Cameron said that the time to act in Libya came. And this made Gaddafi himself, he told British television. "Colonel Gaddafi promised b52 a ceasefire, he broke his own ceasefire," said Cameron. Great Britain has decided warplanes, probably close to Cyprus. Germany helps with responsibilities in Afghanistan While German b52 Chancellor Angela Merkel after meeting in Paris on Saturday said that world powers were united in the view that the violence in Libya must end. It confirmed its position that Germany will not take part in the military mission, but U.S. bases in Germany b52 can be used. However, Germany has offered to facilitate NATO in Afghanistan. German AWACS aircraft type will take responsibility in Afghanistan to free up American forces to accomplish the mission in Libya. NATO plans a speedy military alliance. But participation in the mission and tools has been divergence between members, so NATO has no mandate, after consulting the ambassadors in Brussels on Saturday. "This is a giant mission, we need to correct preparation before we start," said a NATO diplomat.
Military operations are coordinated from Italy Great Britain, b52 France and the U.S. are the guidelines in this military mission. The U.S. mission in Libya is expected to be extremely limited. U.S., according to the newspaper "New York Times" on Saturday, will take part only "days, not weeks" in the fight against Gaddafi. Italy will make use of its bases. Coordinated military action against Gaddafi b52 would be from U.S. bases U.S. and NATO in Italy. Canada has indicated for rapid action. Its fighter jets in the region are ready and need two days to prepare b52 the attack. Denmark following the unanimous approval of parliament began on Saturday six fighter jets F-16 in Sicily. Minister of Defence Gitte Lillelund Bech said that they are ready for the mission on Sunday. The government assured that the mission will do what is possible b52 to avoid civilian casualties. Spain has also offered its assistance Navy and military aviation. Belgium has offered four to six fighter jets F-16. With European countries, purported martial participates in the mission Arab state of Qatar, but it is still officially unconfirmed. French warplanes early

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