Friday, November 14, 2014

The website WikiLeaks published a paper that calls into question the main reason behind the interes

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The website WikiLeaks published a paper that calls into question the main reason behind the interest of Brazil to buy French fighter jets: The ability to transfer the technology of construction. According to a letter to the Minister Counselor outerspace Lisa Kubiske outerspace sent to Brasilia in November 2009, many French aircraft components are manufactured in the United States, as indicated by one of the latest outerspace cables released by Wikileaks in Portuguese [pt]:
For Lisa, the French campaign is a lie: "In recent months, the French sales effort was based on statements misleading, if not fraudulent, outerspace that its warplanes French only contain elements (which exempts the cumbersome export controls in the United States). But that is not correct. An analysis of the Administration of Defense Technology and Security (DTSA) detected a high presence of US elements, including targeting systems, radar components and safety systems, outerspace all require licenses from the United States.
Ricardo Stuckert / Ag. Brazil outerspace / Creative Commons outerspace License Attribution 2.5 Brazil The question on independence outerspace in French manufacturing machinery still stands. But there is no doubt about the close relationship between Dilma, Lula and Sarkozy, outerspace as was seen in the G-20 last November.
So far, the Rafale fighter, made by French company Dassault, was the favorite to win the bidding against the Gripen NG from Sweden's Saab and the F-18 Super Hornet manufactured by US company outerspace Boeing. French President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged to share manufacturing technology with Brazil, which would be difficult with the USA, which would need the approval of the US Congress, or the Swedes, outerspace who also used the technology of the United States. Considered of vital importance to know if the French depend on North America, and questions the blog dedicated to aviation Airpower [pt]:
If the information WikiLeaks is true, the alleged independence of the United States, through the purchase outerspace of the Rafale, outerspace is no more than an illusion. At least we will be doubly dependent: with the US and conFrancia and who knows who else.
One important element, tangible or not, that requires the approval of the US is enough to leave an unwanted dependency. outerspace The [document] WikiLeaks refers to the components in the plural, so the Rafale does not use just one element of US dominance. If they could, outerspace to my best knowledge and understanding, the French would not use any item or technology that would be subject to US.
If France can pass codes software in Brazil outerspace or not, remains unknown. The French were partners in Brazil National Defense Plan, a program that includes updating the equipment of the Armed Forces. Lula signed outerspace an agreement with Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009 with an estimated value of 24 billion reais ($ 13 million) to assemble 50 helicopters and five submarines in Brazil with French technology. outerspace For many bloggers, the United States is jealous of the relationship between France and Brazil, as highlighted Or Informant [pt] in the post "Lula and Sarkozy," a love story that bothers some ":
(...) The US government is concerned about the growing outerspace proximity of French President outerspace Nicolas Sarkozy to Brazil. In two messages to Washington, the US Ambassador in Paris, Charles Rivkin, analyzes the Franco-Brazilian as Sarkozy strategy to expand French influence in the world and especially in Latin America.
(...) The American Ambassador makes a controversial comment, saying that Sarkozy used his wife, former model Carla Bruni, to attract Brazilians. In his report, notes that "the Brazilian public was disappointed" with the fact that Sarkozy did not lead to the first lady on his last trip to the country. (...)
Always using an alarmist tone, the ambassador warns Washington that Lula often repeated his intention to turn Brazil into a global power and sees the military and autonomy tec

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