Saturday, November 29, 2014

February 05 Judgement Time Moonshot aboard the Apollo 13 | 1 comment

February 05 Judgement Time Moonshot aboard the Apollo 13 | 1 comment
The Apollo 13 windows were covered with water droplets, as if a storm had swept inside the spacecraft, astronauts and the chattering of only a few degrees of the cabin. He writes about the first US astronaut Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton the book together they recorded "Moonshot" of which this blog is paid to detail to English:
"Hayes calculated quickly, it will run out five hours before the start of the atmosphere entering the Thirteen cooling water. Apollo systems so overheated and shut down, just when it is most needed. Haise thoroughly described his ship. He said Lovell, the mission 151st run out of coolant hours. The crew knew that in the case of computers and navigation platforms overheating not survive the trip. Hayes has suddenly remembered that during the Apollo 11 mission to the moon ferry returning non-degree left slam to the moon, but the moon around left field, technika where Houston. The Penalty returning grades of transmitted telemetry data navigation system lasted nearly eight hours without cooling water, before the operation began to have slower response times. This offered solution for the last five hours before the Thirteen atmosphere force cooling water dilemma. On the assumption that the systems seven or eight hours to be able to operate without cooling, the crew knew that in the five hours of the Apollo-13 systems will not overheat and shut down. It will be dancing on thin ice, but survive it. For security, Lovell decided that the crew kiporciózza water dose: could drink a little technika more than half deciliter. Under normal circumstances, an astronaut in space does not feel thirst, and dehydration is a serious threat, but Lovell felt that bevállalható this risk to the trip home. But it was still far from the end of the tunnel. When too were the maneuver, technika and shut down the engine and escaped drowning, the astronauts found themselves facing another critical issue. Where sunlight for it, the external temperature of Apollo technika 13 to 120 degrees Celsius rise, while the opposite side of the ship, in the shade, the temperature dropped below minus 130 degrees Celsius. While one half of the Odyssey and the Aquarius almost technika caught technika fire from the heat, while the other side has been frozen, the astronauts will not melegíthették technika inside mentőhajójuk lack power. They were glad when the sun shone űrhajóikba, but there was more light than heat.
The air flows continuously from fans has grown with the loss of cabin humidity. The surrounding walls precipitated moisture: sweaty inside technika the casing, and increasing moisture technika content only further worsened the situation. The windows were covered with water droplets, as if a storm had swept through the interior of the ship. The temperature dropped steadily, the astronauts were chattering and the cabin is only a few degrees. Jack Swigertet particularly distressing for the damp cold: the feet were wet, as it failed to protect the boots for holdsétára, it was Lovell and Haise's as well. Astronauts telefonfükénél barely larger than the tiny capsules were unable to dress up szkafanderükbe. Teflonruhájuk become sweaty technika and was cold to the touch. It was an all-or warm underwear. The cold and damp, and the injured and helpless technika spaceship hours spent in kind to the crew, and felt incredibly lonely. The Küldetésirányításnál Deke Slayton, Alan Shepard and the rest of the team watched the growing concern Thirteen crew's state of mind. The three men had only short periods some sleep. It was evident from their voice and to say how exhausted: "These people are freaked out: Because the only cold food hungry commercialized water to sucking on hard, átfagytak, technika drench, organization and dry, and can not even be sure that did survive this journey "- Deke summed technika up the situation. "On top of that it is not even sleep. I have to get them to relax. If you do not rest, point to the atmosphere will step in bad shape, and will be managed in such a state of the spacecraft. In the meantime, there are still two days. "Jim Lovellnél better one disagreed with him. Lovell formed in space conditions described it as a "frozen pond were three men who cold as a frog." It is time to break the rules that required except in special cases to Houston Capcom just keep in touch with the crew. "There is no doubt that this is such an exceptional case," technika - said Deke gathered around the controllers. "I think they'll be home safe, but only if you are awake last critical hours of the mission. I have to go out. "Deke Capcom sat in his chair. "Hey, technika guys, I'm Deke" - began to say. "I just want you to know: we will bring you home. It suits the carbon blades. We think m

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