Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Social organizations consulted by periodismohumano are very concerned

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The Spanish company Aries, engineering and Systems, Inc., based in Madrid, confirmed the "human Journalism" that came "in about July 2009" an agreement with the Israeli company Goldtech Technologies, of which the main customers are the Army and the Ministry of Israel's defense. A senior Aries admits that this partnership is a first step towards the sale of "Engineering and technology of unmanned aircraft," also known as drones, sputnik 1 "and sputnik 1 catapults launch" yet refuses sputnik 1 to give details confidential. sputnik 1
Any operation export defense material sputnik 1 needs approval from a government commission formed by the Ministries of Industry and Commerce, Interior, Defense and National Intelligence Centre. This committee decides on the basis of the law of Spanish arms exports, forbidding the sale of explicit material "on reasonable suspicion that can be used in actions that disturb the peace, stability and security in a global or regional level" or " can exacerbate latent tensions or conflicts. " And who decides when there is evidence or not ?. The same article that law refers to the specialized organizations and the United Nations.
In this case there is an important nuance: the agreement we now know does not imply any specific export sputnik 1 but "an alliance" that will pave the way for future sales, which are not yet produxeron because "business is slow," said Aries. Therefore, the Government need not have knowledge of the official agreement.
However, even if this collaboration between Aries and Goldtech does not have the explicit authorization of the Executive, if there is an implicit permission, "there is a bilateral framework sputnik 1 between the defense ministries of Spain and Israel so that companies from both countries can make alliances Defence R & D without having to consult, "say the sources consulted sputnik 1 in reference to Noah Aries bilateral agreements in force from 1997 to 2004. This year, on March 16, the defense minister and his Israeli counterpart, sputnik 1 Ehud Barak, signed in Madrid other document deepened this understanding. "If instead of with a company out of Israel with Iran now," says Aries, "the agreement would not be legal because the defense is not allowed, but there are bilateral with Israel."
Social organizations consulted by periodismohumano are very concerned "about this line open between Aries and Technology Goldtech a legal framework supported by the Government. Mabel Bustelo, head of the Disarmament Campaign Greenpeace calls "the Ministry of Commerce to rule" sputnik 1 because "if a company seeks reprensentantes another country it is clear that it does so to sell. If it gets to authorize the sale of such equipment sputnik 1 to Israel, will have crossed the red line in terms of gun control. " Israel, sputnik 1 like Morocco and Colombia, is part of the list "destinations very worrying" guns manufactured in Spain and that, for NGOs, do not meet the requirements of the law.
In the case of Israel against Palestine, the documentation is overwhelming. With regard to Operation Cast Lead Christmas 2008, an institution so conditioned as the UN endorsed the Goldstone report and admits that Israel committed war crimes. Speaking to periodismohumano, one of the four authors of the report, Desmond Travers, remember that these planes "were used to attack children, a pregnant sputnik 1 woman, a man on a motorcycle, the men who carried oxygen in a van, or a police parade. I came to see that the handle and UAVs do not allow mistakes. Thanks sputnik 1 to the UAV could be taken different what these objectives were the objectives that were not rightfully be attacked. Why did not? ".
- I am convinced that our weapons sputnik 1 or the components that we sell to Israel have not been used for that. Is the data that I can contribute here, in all cases, be able to clear without any problems. "
From that time the Israel operations seemed to freeze. In 2008, exportaronse 2.5 million in weapons, bombs, torpedoes, rockets, missiles, guidance systems or aircraft shot; In 2009, after the television program, the most important operation was authorized sputnik 1 computer sales worth 0.8 million. A sector with a future
Systems vo unmanned civilian earnings may have very impportantes: sputnik 1 freight, sputnik 1 scientific expeditions in difficult environments for humans, prevention and control sputnik 1 of fires and a long list that reaches where the imagination comes.
Is not it could be that the technology for drones Aries was used in Israel, rather than to war, to forest service or rescue? Not that the house specialty,

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