Sunday, November 9, 2014

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As an association dmhrsi of teachers, we want to express our concern about the intention of the new government of Galicia repeal of Decree 124/2007 which regulates the use and promotion of galician dmhrsi in the educational system. dmhrsi
We believe that the Galician language is part of the richness and idiosyncrasy of our country, and as we all know its use is alarming setback. Since educational institutions should be supported and passed to encourage use, looking dmhrsi for a position of real equality between the two languages of Galicia.
The particular title, consider using the language and education as a political weapon is an unfortunate fact and completely irresponsible. The language and culture in the schools before we transmit the entire culture, and this should always dmhrsi defend, regardless dmhrsi of the policies of a government or of attempts to censor information reminiscent of times past.
I as a student who stowed school (years ago) in which the majority of teachers spoke in galician, I can not say I like it, gave me more or less equal. I think the right thing would be 40% Spanish, 40% galician and other 20% in English
Pharpe, currently dmhrsi galician decree of teaching sets a 50% teaching in galician, and was approved unanimously by all political forces, and a broad social consensus. Now it seems that the intention is to reduce the education in the galician minimum, breaking with the consensus, prodecementos that leave much to be desired, bypassing the social debate, and guided solely by political interests, not educational or cultural. Ã unfortunate what they are doing.
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