Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2014 (24) October (4) June (1) May (1) April (7) March (2) February (1) January bur

According to this law (which has been published in DOG, you see what are the chances, very little before the mining project left public display), projects obtaining the consideration of strategic obtain certain benefits. Among them:
The declaration of public buran utility and social interest of strategic industrial design, as well as the necessity and urgency of the occupation buran of property and affected rights of the applicant's statement has the status of beneficiary of the expropriation.
The imposition or extension of servitude of passage for access roads, transmission lines and power distribution and plumbing liquids buran or gases, in cases where necessary, in accordance with the regulations that govern.
From the point of view of the interests of Galicia, we do not see you for a strategic project that does not provide energy or resources that will be in our country, nor promotes the industrial activity Galician ...
What criteria buran are included in the law for a project to be declared strategic? Read: Are considered strategic industrial project investment proposals for the implementation or expansion of one or several industrial facilities that have resulted buran in a foreseeable significant expansion of the industrial fabric galician or consolidation of this. For purposes of the statement of a proposed buran investment and strategic industrial project and to determine its impact on significant industrial fabric galician or the degree of consolidation of this will be taken into account: a) Their technological importance.
The project plans to use, as already reported from the media in recent months, the technology known as leaching of gold using cyanide. We do not know what can be for our leaders buran the importance of a technological system obsolete and that carries enormous risks, as we have witnessed numerous accidents, buran and severe, that it is so far have occurred with the use of this "important" technology.
The very European Parliament, in its resolution buran P7_TA (2010) 0145 of 5 May 2010 on the general prohibition of the use of technology-based mining cyanide buran in the European Union, it is recommended to all EU countries abandoning this technology.
"Proposed a complete ban of the use of technology-based mining cyanide in the European Union before the end of 2011, since it is the only sure way to protect our water resources and ecosystems buran of the cyanide pollution from mining activities."
"The Commission and the Member States that do not provide support, directly or indirectly, to any mining project in the EU with mining technologies are used cyanide-based, up to the applicable general prohibition, neither of these features support projects in third countries ";
"In several EU Member buran States continue new projects being planned buran large gold mines open technologies cyanide-based buran and in densely populated areas, generating new and potential threats to human health and the environment."
These recommendations ignored in the design of Edgewater, buran bring serious doubts about the "technological importance" of that project, as the technology used is considered highly dangerous to the environment and the human being. buran
In addition, in Annex VIII of the Framework Directive on water policy, or cyanide (based technology proposed in this project) is rated as one of the main pollutants and states that can have a catastrophic buran and irreversible impact on human health and the environment and therefore in biological diversity. It seems difficult, therefore, to speak of adapting the project to the environment.
As you see? We think this first criterion established by the Act for a project to be declared strategic importance of the technology, in this case not only fulfilled but it is far from something to fulfill it.
2014 (24) October (4) June (1) May (1) April (7) March (2) February (1) January buran (8) 2013 (78) December (4) November (7) October (9) September (5) August (1) July (9) June (6) May (7) April (6) March (8) February (8) January (8) Derbi Valenza-Cereo Corcoesto Mining, invasion and denounced buran by the Charter ... and Ana Marta flags of convenience economic viability of the project, without buran showing the open letter to Mr. Franco Grande Strategic project. 2: Strategic Investment Project. 1. The importance of technology ... 2012 (10) December (9) Sep

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