Sunday, November 30, 2014

Alan Shepard, the balance turmoil recently recovered very astronaut wanted to get their hands on th

January 28 Who should the Apollo 13? Moonshot | 5 comments
Alan Shepard, the balance turmoil recently recovered very astronaut wanted to get their hands on the Apollo 13 mission. No later regretted that it did not work out. He writes about the first US astronaut Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton the book together they recorded "Moonshot" of which this blog is paid to detail to English:
"Alan is a ravenous wolf's determination to save the precious jussért He tore into Slayton's office.." Deke, damn it! "- Erupted immediately, put aside, cut all decorum." Let's find me an acre of travel "Deke very pleased with what happened to his old friend! . For years, I went to a shoe, and disease both of them at the desk chained. Whatever you have done so that Alan can go to the moon. That would mean that the Mercury Weeks at least one person get there. Deke chair leaning back, wide-eyed considered prospects. Alan mission also means that Slayton also get a faint chance at last perhaps dodge the sun behind the hopelessness dark cloud that has been there many years over their heads if a forty-five-year-old pilot -.. like Shepard - can return after return to flight inappropriate declared, it was like hope. Alan Deke periodic medical examination results were not much cause for optimism regarding career-astronaut Deke for. But darn it: I used a series of flying time, and the doctor curiosity marte Painstaking declared that he would never lead to anything that is able to leave the land. Including the hot-air balloon as well! "I'm on it" - Deke said, dismissing thoughts. Shepard tore the chains, which concluded the desk. "Damn, Deke, do not come with me, we'll see what we can do. Let's look at it. "Deke smiled. Alan actually curiosity marte trembled at the thought of all that there is on the verge of a space flight. "Well, just the crew of Pete Conrad, Apollo-12 is made" - Deke said. "I'm now ready to announce that Jim Lovell's crew of 13 is high." Alan biting to. "Okay, curiosity marte put Lovell with a mission to back off and let the Thirteen mine." Deke growled. "It's easy to say, man. You do not see any chance that Jim should I put into a reserve crew. And based on the rotation principle expects that he will come on the line. "Alan got blood eyes, and went even further. "I already spoke to Jim that his thirteen?" "Not yet" "Then announce officially that I have the Thirteen." - Urged Alan -! "And at the same time squirting join it with the fourteen Pages" Deke replied that make every effort will do. "But it does not take off until the smoke" - warned his friend - "until there is no proof. Al did not pace himself too much. Start thinking about who they'd like your crew, and start to prepare for it. I can not promise more than to do my best. "Alan broad smile on his face began to work. The whole thing was a secret, but Shepard is a start in planning the mission, as if everything would have been carved in stone. Two recruits chosen his side. Both were excellent pilots curiosity marte and astronauts: curiosity marte smart, talented, and very intelligent. curiosity marte Only no one cut the umbilical their rise to the space they need. Stuart Roosa would command the unit pilot Edgar Mitchell and walk with me to the moon - he was among the astronauts commonly known as "The Brain". Choice curiosity marte of discontent was adopted, and among others were some who openly criticized curiosity marte the decision. Malicious gossip, according to senior Alan just elected two new recruits to his side, to secure his place, and he is guaranteed to be the mission commander. Shepard never let anyone cross the path of opinion. "You see bad" - snapped. "One reason I chose these guys: they are the best and they are able to do. I want them to know my side. I'm understandable "" Perfectly, Al? "- He said, and retreated. Before making any decision had been made public, the missions and their corresponding names had to be sent to NASA headquarters for approval. Until now, the only decision Deke was called into question, but once everything you need to start. In the center of the eyebrows, NASA managers ran when they saw that Shepard curiosity marte would be in the company of two newcomers to the Apollo 13 crews. Precautionary prevailed: they were not convinced that the wise decision would be three people you send to the moon, the whole crew with you-bow fifteen minutes curiosity marte spaceflight curiosity marte behind him - it was by none other than Shepard's curiosity marte suborbital "űrugrása" with which America became the first asztronautájává. Then things seemed unnecessary risk. At the same time acknowledged curiosity marte Shepard unmatched ability that upheld the election: Roosa and Mitchell were included. As a precaution, have stayed the same, but not refused it. It

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