Sunday, November 30, 2014

Alan Shepard, the balance turmoil recently recovered very astronaut wanted to get their hands on th

January 28 Who should the Apollo 13? Moonshot | 5 comments
Alan Shepard, the balance turmoil recently recovered very astronaut wanted to get their hands on the Apollo 13 mission. No later regretted that it did not work out. He writes about the first US astronaut Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton the book together they recorded "Moonshot" of which this blog is paid to detail to English:
"Alan is a ravenous wolf's determination to save the precious jussért He tore into Slayton's office.." Deke, damn it! "- Erupted immediately, put aside, cut all decorum." Let's find me an acre of travel "Deke very pleased with what happened to his old friend! . For years, I went to a shoe, and disease both of them at the desk chained. Whatever you have done so that Alan can go to the moon. That would mean that the Mercury Weeks at least one person get there. Deke chair leaning back, wide-eyed considered prospects. Alan mission also means that Slayton also get a faint chance at last perhaps dodge the sun behind the hopelessness dark cloud that has been there many years over their heads if a forty-five-year-old pilot -.. like Shepard - can return after return to flight inappropriate declared, it was like hope. Alan Deke periodic medical examination results were not much cause for optimism regarding career-astronaut Deke for. But darn it: I used a series of flying time, and the doctor curiosity marte Painstaking declared that he would never lead to anything that is able to leave the land. Including the hot-air balloon as well! "I'm on it" - Deke said, dismissing thoughts. Shepard tore the chains, which concluded the desk. "Damn, Deke, do not come with me, we'll see what we can do. Let's look at it. "Deke smiled. Alan actually curiosity marte trembled at the thought of all that there is on the verge of a space flight. "Well, just the crew of Pete Conrad, Apollo-12 is made" - Deke said. "I'm now ready to announce that Jim Lovell's crew of 13 is high." Alan biting to. "Okay, curiosity marte put Lovell with a mission to back off and let the Thirteen mine." Deke growled. "It's easy to say, man. You do not see any chance that Jim should I put into a reserve crew. And based on the rotation principle expects that he will come on the line. "Alan got blood eyes, and went even further. "I already spoke to Jim that his thirteen?" "Not yet" "Then announce officially that I have the Thirteen." - Urged Alan -! "And at the same time squirting join it with the fourteen Pages" Deke replied that make every effort will do. "But it does not take off until the smoke" - warned his friend - "until there is no proof. Al did not pace himself too much. Start thinking about who they'd like your crew, and start to prepare for it. I can not promise more than to do my best. "Alan broad smile on his face began to work. The whole thing was a secret, but Shepard is a start in planning the mission, as if everything would have been carved in stone. Two recruits chosen his side. Both were excellent pilots curiosity marte and astronauts: curiosity marte smart, talented, and very intelligent. curiosity marte Only no one cut the umbilical their rise to the space they need. Stuart Roosa would command the unit pilot Edgar Mitchell and walk with me to the moon - he was among the astronauts commonly known as "The Brain". Choice curiosity marte of discontent was adopted, and among others were some who openly criticized curiosity marte the decision. Malicious gossip, according to senior Alan just elected two new recruits to his side, to secure his place, and he is guaranteed to be the mission commander. Shepard never let anyone cross the path of opinion. "You see bad" - snapped. "One reason I chose these guys: they are the best and they are able to do. I want them to know my side. I'm understandable "" Perfectly, Al? "- He said, and retreated. Before making any decision had been made public, the missions and their corresponding names had to be sent to NASA headquarters for approval. Until now, the only decision Deke was called into question, but once everything you need to start. In the center of the eyebrows, NASA managers ran when they saw that Shepard curiosity marte would be in the company of two newcomers to the Apollo 13 crews. Precautionary prevailed: they were not convinced that the wise decision would be three people you send to the moon, the whole crew with you-bow fifteen minutes curiosity marte spaceflight curiosity marte behind him - it was by none other than Shepard's curiosity marte suborbital "űrugrása" with which America became the first asztronautájává. Then things seemed unnecessary risk. At the same time acknowledged curiosity marte Shepard unmatched ability that upheld the election: Roosa and Mitchell were included. As a precaution, have stayed the same, but not refused it. It

Saturday, November 29, 2014

February 05 Judgement Time Moonshot aboard the Apollo 13 | 1 comment

February 05 Judgement Time Moonshot aboard the Apollo 13 | 1 comment
The Apollo 13 windows were covered with water droplets, as if a storm had swept inside the spacecraft, astronauts and the chattering of only a few degrees of the cabin. He writes about the first US astronaut Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton the book together they recorded "Moonshot" of which this blog is paid to detail to English:
"Hayes calculated quickly, it will run out five hours before the start of the atmosphere entering the Thirteen cooling water. Apollo systems so overheated and shut down, just when it is most needed. Haise thoroughly described his ship. He said Lovell, the mission 151st run out of coolant hours. The crew knew that in the case of computers and navigation platforms overheating not survive the trip. Hayes has suddenly remembered that during the Apollo 11 mission to the moon ferry returning non-degree left slam to the moon, but the moon around left field, technika where Houston. The Penalty returning grades of transmitted telemetry data navigation system lasted nearly eight hours without cooling water, before the operation began to have slower response times. This offered solution for the last five hours before the Thirteen atmosphere force cooling water dilemma. On the assumption that the systems seven or eight hours to be able to operate without cooling, the crew knew that in the five hours of the Apollo-13 systems will not overheat and shut down. It will be dancing on thin ice, but survive it. For security, Lovell decided that the crew kiporciózza water dose: could drink a little technika more than half deciliter. Under normal circumstances, an astronaut in space does not feel thirst, and dehydration is a serious threat, but Lovell felt that bevállalható this risk to the trip home. But it was still far from the end of the tunnel. When too were the maneuver, technika and shut down the engine and escaped drowning, the astronauts found themselves facing another critical issue. Where sunlight for it, the external temperature of Apollo technika 13 to 120 degrees Celsius rise, while the opposite side of the ship, in the shade, the temperature dropped below minus 130 degrees Celsius. While one half of the Odyssey and the Aquarius almost technika caught technika fire from the heat, while the other side has been frozen, the astronauts will not melegíthették technika inside mentőhajójuk lack power. They were glad when the sun shone űrhajóikba, but there was more light than heat.
The air flows continuously from fans has grown with the loss of cabin humidity. The surrounding walls precipitated moisture: sweaty inside technika the casing, and increasing moisture technika content only further worsened the situation. The windows were covered with water droplets, as if a storm had swept through the interior of the ship. The temperature dropped steadily, the astronauts were chattering and the cabin is only a few degrees. Jack Swigertet particularly distressing for the damp cold: the feet were wet, as it failed to protect the boots for holdsétára, it was Lovell and Haise's as well. Astronauts telefonfükénél barely larger than the tiny capsules were unable to dress up szkafanderükbe. Teflonruhájuk become sweaty technika and was cold to the touch. It was an all-or warm underwear. The cold and damp, and the injured and helpless technika spaceship hours spent in kind to the crew, and felt incredibly lonely. The Küldetésirányításnál Deke Slayton, Alan Shepard and the rest of the team watched the growing concern Thirteen crew's state of mind. The three men had only short periods some sleep. It was evident from their voice and to say how exhausted: "These people are freaked out: Because the only cold food hungry commercialized water to sucking on hard, átfagytak, technika drench, organization and dry, and can not even be sure that did survive this journey "- Deke summed technika up the situation. "On top of that it is not even sleep. I have to get them to relax. If you do not rest, point to the atmosphere will step in bad shape, and will be managed in such a state of the spacecraft. In the meantime, there are still two days. "Jim Lovellnél better one disagreed with him. Lovell formed in space conditions described it as a "frozen pond were three men who cold as a frog." It is time to break the rules that required except in special cases to Houston Capcom just keep in touch with the crew. "There is no doubt that this is such an exceptional case," technika - said Deke gathered around the controllers. "I think they'll be home safe, but only if you are awake last critical hours of the mission. I have to go out. "Deke Capcom sat in his chair. "Hey, technika guys, I'm Deke" - began to say. "I just want you to know: we will bring you home. It suits the carbon blades. We think m

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Read and share our original manifesto. To get in touch with us and / or adhere to the MGSM, send an

Read and share our original manifesto. To get in touch with us and / or adhere to the MGSM, send an email to the address f22 raptor, indicating full name, occupation and / or place of work, and email address.
Movement Galician Mental Health The MGSM is a civic movement that aims to protect the mental health of the community and the defense of their public attention, to the serious deterioration that is suffering and the damage that is causing us the rights of the people. It consists of more than three hundred mental health professionals in public Galicia, professional administration of justice, citizens who share their Declaration, the trade unions f22 raptor (CIG Health, Health Federation of CCOO), Official College of Galicia Psychology, College of Educators Educators and Social f22 raptor Galicia, family organizations and users of mental health services f22 raptor (Fountain of the Virgin, breaking, ASDAN, Xaruma, NGO Solidarity Anonymous, Daedalus, Dawn) Judges for Democracy, Progressive Union of Prosecutors, the Galician Association of Forensic Medical Association professional drug addiction and other addictive behaviors, the Galician Association for the Defense of Public Health, the Galician Association of Family and Community Medicine, National Association of Mental f22 raptor Health Nursing, Bureau of Clinical Psychology Galician, Galician Association of Psychologists domestic f22 raptor residents Association of Clinical Psychologists of SERGE, Team Good Life. View my complete profile
Home Progressive Union of Prosecutors Official School of Psychology Galicia Judges for Democracy Association Fountain of the Virgin Association for Mental Health Association Xaruma breaking Solidarity Federation Anonymous CIG federation CCOO health and health sectors socio Galician Association Daedalus Help Children and Youth Conduct Disorders Association of Forensic Medical Galician Galician Association of Family and Community Medicine National Association of Mental Health Nursing Galician f22 raptor Association f22 raptor of Psychologists domestic residents Galician Bureau of Clinical f22 raptor Psychology Coordinator Anti-Privatisation Public Health College of Social f22 raptor educators Galicia Good Life SOS Active Inclusion Public Health
Public Square: Albert Arauxo - Big Mouth, political captive TVE Television news Galicia (7.43 min ') TVE Television news Galicia (minute 3'20' ') V Television News (minute 41'45' ') Sanitary Act: Declaration of Atocha calls for end to slump Infolibre mental health: Professionals reported negative impact of mental health policies Documentary "The Circle" (Ginko Productions) Audio act Potters Public: No health without mental health 20 minutes: Groups opposed sign measures against discrimination Public Square: Begoña Portela - Living with TMG, here and now Europa Press: firm opposition manifest discrimination against the mentally ill ABC: The MGSM strategic plan calls for a Public Square: The MGSM asked in Parliament priority for Mental Health Public Square: f22 raptor Paul Vaamonde - The health of galician Ten years later Public Square: The two years that put at risk the universal health care Health Report Galician f22 raptor Public Health SOS SOS Public Health Manifesto Manifesto Prometheus Radio El País - Cut 2,200 million f22 raptor in two years in social services Galicia Confidential - Call for resignation by Sergas charges private f22 raptor interests in Finland Open Dialogue, an alternative approach for the treatment of psychosis Public Square - Alberte Arauxo: Suicide Public Square f22 raptor - Paul Vaamonde: Inequality and Public Health Plaza - Paul Vaamonde: Fear of Ebola Public Square - Montse Recalde: The other sick La Voz de Galicia - Denounce 5 suicides in 3 years Link to film and post on "C'era una volta la città dei matti" Marco Tuco (2009) Public Health Documents Provided f22 raptor Civic Front Health Act - A breed professional support f22 raptor privatization La Voz de Galicia - Miguel Angel García Álvarez: Revictimization Public Square - Alberte Arauxo: "It tacit and nascosto" El País - Public Health SOS retaliation complaint against two optional Vigo Public Square - Health hidden Parliament closure of beds Public f22 raptor Square - Increase suicides Public Square - MGSM complaint economic criteria and non-clinical La Voz de Galicia - mental f22 raptor patient and family asking active role in assisting the public square - Paul Vaamonde: Privatizing health, backed by a professional caste Public Square - Alberte Arauxo: Close asylums claims that responsible public mental health to meet with a "lobby" privatization Doors open at pharmaceutical, also in mental health public square - Alberte Arauxo: A future penciled Atocha Declaration in Defense of Public Attention to Mental Health Plaza Public - Albert Arauxo: The seven games of the Director General Public Square - Users and professionals against the deterioration of patients Rap Mental Health Day Hospital Tel V

Friday, November 21, 2014

Hello Mary !!! I discovered your page through AWARDS blogs, I found it very interesting and very or

The Ministry of Education has just to show your draft education law. What we have before dsei a law is completely outdated, antipedagóxica, class, segregated and many more adjectives. The law as a whole is already being analyzed and criticized by many people, and I suppose that criticism will not stop growing. I share many of them, but for this blog I share that concern to the technological education.
In the XXI century dramatically reduces the technological training in the compulsory education and eliminated 4th ESO and Baccalaureate currently LOMCE 1ºESO - - 1ºESO Core Technologies Core Technologies dsei 2ºESO mandatory dsei mandatory 2ºESO - - Core Technologies 3ºESO mandatory 3ºESO Choose from "Design and Technology" and "Using ICT" 4 º ESO optional Core Technology 4 º ESO ICT applied Computer Sciences Core option can choose any path, oriented bachelor or FP does not appear in the technology oriented bachelor ways. I 1ºBach Technology Industrial Area of sport in the way science and engineering 1ºBach - - IT Elective IT Elective I 2ºBach Technology Industrial Area of sport in the way science and engineering 2ºBach - - Electrical Chair mode via the science and engineering - -
To do this can only be understood from the perspective of those who have a deep technological ignorance, that does not value the knowledge and culture of all the artificial environment around us, who despises the technical professions and who have little insight into the training needs of a society century.
To begin, the first course of ESO addresses the technological knowledge through a set of unconnected subjects of different name, when what should be done is to introduce technology from a global point of view, in which all subjects are interrelated. This is where students acquire a minimum technological culture to enable him to understand the artificial world, its features, processes and their impact in the advancement of society. It draws attention to "use" of ICT as a name for a chair, as if ICTs were used in, or with the intention of not addressing the mechanisms that make possible its existence and that allow us to understand its operation. All this seems like a total nonsense.
Remove the technology via 4th ESO-oriented Bachelor and Industrial Technology eliminate it as a modality for the students interested dsei in engineering dsei studies or higher cycles of FP branches of technology seems an aberration. This way you will not be able to offer guidance and preparation towards these studies, and will cause a reduction of the knowledge and skills necessary to address them to achieve success.
There is currently a "Method of Science and Technology", and LOMCE changed to "Method of Science". dsei They do not realize that removing technology scientific training also lost, reduced and limited to two chairs. Nowadays science and technology dsei go together, complement, and can not be understood without the other no.
In a crisis situation like the one we need to live more than ever people made, and if we want this country to be a competitive and technologically advanced despise education technology is the last thing you should do, it is a real suicide.
Hello Mary !!! I discovered your page through AWARDS blogs, I found it very interesting and very original..He seen your rating ... so has my vote and I hope they go up in the rankings and wish you success !!!
Do not! just stand there! The first thing to do is join the association of teachers of technology each region. In the network there tecnoprofes movement and some ideas and initiatives. You can to put you in contact with us there. In apetega have extraordinary assembly on Thursday at 19: 00h at IES Rosalia de Castro, in Compostela.
Professor of mathematics (and supposed "benefit" in terms of this schedule change) wanted to stop the comment that you have my support in your complaints. Indeed it is anachronistic to think about reducing / eliminating a fundamental issue in the twenty-first century education. The fact that remove the chair of Technology designed the itinerary to the bachelor comes convey that they have no idea what that stuff, besides reaffirming their ignorance and prejudice against the FP. My personal impression is that they did not know what to do with the time distribution after announcing that it would give more importance to the "core subjects", and eventually loaded the stuff that did not appear in the law Palasí Villar. So simple, and so sad. Many courage.
These people can not say that science eliminating power technology is the 4th

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Obviously, a high resolution image is more luminous and powerful, and more imitative magic, more cr

In defense of the poor image of Guitar nasha Woody Sunday, October 5th 2014 19:44 Steyerl Hito Hito Steyerl [1]: The poor image is a copy in motion. Has poor quality and a resolution substandard. At the time that accelerates deteriorates. It is the ghost of an image, a preview nasha [preview] comp [thumbnail], an errant idea, an itinerant image distributed for free, forced through slow digital connections, compressed, reproduced, ripped, remixed, copied and pasted into other distribution channels.
The poor image is a rag or a crack; an AVI or a JPEG, a lumpen proletarian in the class society of appearances, ranked and evaluated according to the resolution. nasha The poor picture was uploaded, downloaded, shared, reformatted and reassembled. Turn on accessibility to quality, value display in cult value, films into clips, contemplation into distraction. The image is released from the vaults of cinemas and archives and digital turra the uncertainty, at the expense of its own substance. nasha The poor image tends towards abstraction: it is a visual nasha idea in its own becoming.
The poor image is the illegitimate nasha daughter of the fifth generation of the original image. Its genealogy is dubious. Its filenames are deliberately misspelled. Often defying the heritage, culture and even national copyright. Transmitted as a bait, an add, a sign, or as a reminder of their old profile. MOFA promises of digital technology. It's not just that at all times is so degraded that it just seems a hurried scrawl, but even one comes to doubt if even you can call image. Only digital technology could produce such an image from a sloppy start.
The images are poor, "the hapless screen" of our day [2], the rubble of audiovisual production, the waste deposited at the edges of the digital economy. nasha Witness the violent dislocation, displacement and transfer of images-its acceleration and traffic by vicious circles of audiovisual capitalism. The images are carried by the poor around the world as goods or their effigies, as gifts or rewards. Spread threats of death or pleasure, conspiratorially theories or bootlegs, resistance or embrutecemento. nasha The images reveal the poor stranger, the obvious and incredible it is to say, if we are still able to decrypt it.
In the films of Woody Allen the main character is out of focus [3]. It is not a technical problem, but a kind of disease that is suffering: his image is permanently blurred. Since Allen's character is an actor, the issue is important: it is not able to find work. Its blur becomes a problem material. The approach identified by a class position, a position of privilege and comfort, while the fact of being out of focus diminishes the value of the same as picture.
The hierarchy of contemporary images, however, is not based solely on the sharpness, but also, and especially, in the resolution. nasha Just take a look at any store electronic items and this system, described by Harun Farocki in a notable 2007 interview, it becomes quickly evident [4]. In class society of the images, the film takes on the role of a flagship store. In these stores the high-end products nasha sold in a luxurious environment. Derivatives asequíbeis more of the same images circulate as DVD, on television broadcasts or online, as poor images.
Obviously, a high resolution image is more luminous and powerful, and more imitative magic, more creepy and seductive than poor. It is richer, so to speak. Now, even the consumer formats are fit, increasingly, to the tastes of filmmakers and aesthetes, who insisted on 35mm film. as a guarantee nasha of pristine visual. The insistence on analog film as the only means of relevant visual crossed the discourse on cinema, virtually regardless of their ideological inflection. Never mind that these luxurious economies of film production were (and still are) firmly anchored in systems of national culture, the study of capitalist production, the cult of genius -namely masculine and the original version, and often are, therefore, very conservative in its structure. nasha The resolution was fetishized as their supposed lack castration of the author. The cult of the support film dominated nasha even independent productions. The image rich established their own set of hierarchies, with new technologies offering nasha more and more opportunities to creatively degrading.
But to insist on images rich also had more serious consequences. The rapporteur of a recent conference on the test film clips refused to show a piece of Humphrey Jennings did not occur because the right conditions nasha to design the film. Although he had a DVD player and a video, both

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Today galician received in a class of very special physical and have built, according to the laws o

Today November 12, and every year at this time, We join organizations into space 2 that convened the Fourth Day of Science in galician. The students of Bachelor participated, along with many students from other educational establishments in a videoconference organized by the Coordinadora Galician Equipment Standardization and Language Promotion. At 1230 hours and over more than an hour followed the teacher's Jorge Mira Pérez, Doctor of Physics and Professor of Electromagnetics area of the department of Applied Physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), on 'How to measure sizes and distances Earth, Moon and Sun 'and could ask questions through a chat room on their own virtual video conferencing.
That same day, students into space 2 of Secondary Education carried out, following a presentation with instructions, a small helicopter in blue or white paper, reflect into space 2 on the scientific laws that made it possible for turning down.
Today, November 12, IES Rodeira joins the celebration of the Day of Science in galician. If you want galician language is a future into space 2 we can not give up to be the language into space 2 of science and technology. And that way you get into teaching. Why is learning in math or physics galician, technology, computer science or electronics; formulating, researching, into space 2 assembling circuits, learning to program or experimenting in the laboratory ... as we understand that our language does not limit us but enriches us and prepares us for dialogue with all cultures of the world.
Today galician received in a class of very special physical and have built, according to the laws of physics, a blue and white helicopter able to spin and fly slowly, overcoming the law of gravity. Advocate and a space for our language not only in the world of literary culture but also in science and technology.
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2014 (45) 06 (5) 05 (15) 04 (5) 03 (5) 02 (12) 01 (3) 2013 (45) 12 (4) 11 (7) International Day Against Gender Violence. A step forward to make CARBALLAL Leather U ... A STEP AHEAD AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE IN SEARCH OF VITAMINS A STEP AHEAD AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE A STEP AHEAD IN DEFENCE OF SCIENCE IN GALICIAN. PARTY magosto: a step forward in defense of the 10 N ... (10) 09 (3) 06 (3) 05 (6) 04 (3) 03 (2) 02 (5) 01 (2) 2012 (30) 12 (4) 11 (6) 10 (3) 09 (3) 06 (2) 05 (2) 04 (2) 03 (3) 02 (3) 01 (2) 2011 (33) 12 (4) 11 (4) 10 (2) 06 (11) 05 (2) 03 (4) 02 (2) 01 (4) 2010 (27) 12 (2) 11 (8) 06 (11) 04 (2) 03 (2) 02 (1) 01 (1) 2009 (24) 12 (2) 11 (2) 10 (4) 06 (1) 04 (2) 03 (11) 02 (2) 2008 (1) 12 (1)

BBVA also involved with large sums of money in syndicated loans

Finance nuclear missiles astrium with my savings? No thanks | GITS Galicia reliable Banca Etica (Galicia Galicia South and North)
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If anyone thinks that nuclear weapons are built in factories sneak mysterious, is simply seen many James Bond movies. In fact, the manufacturers of these weapons are some transnational giants of aerospace, electronics, astrium communications and information technology. astrium Companies that control the technology sector of defense and security, amounts billed millions and have a huge capacity to influence governments.
This industry manufactures nuclear weapons upon request of governments. At least seventeen commercial companies manufacture nuclear weapons. Ten have headquarters in the US, two in Britain and two in France. The rest is divided between Italy, the Netherlands and India. There are also manufacturers of nuclear weapons in Russia and China but have characteristics very different from western industries. astrium
Let's see what some of them do. McDermott International was part of the Manhattan Project, which developed the bombs that the US launched on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Today it has a contract for the operation and management of Los Alamos, where the center is developed nuclear weapons in the US. Babcock Marine, BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce (the manufacturer of luxury cars) were grouped in the Future Submarine project of nuclear submarines for the British navy, who have to carry nuclear astrium missiles. BAE Systems, EADS and Finmeccanica involved in a joint venture to build nuclear missiles ASMP-A to be installed on the French aircraft Rafale. EADS builds and maintains the M45 nuclear missile, used by the French navy. And also build the new M51 missile for the new French submarines. General Dynamics built nuclear submarine Ohio US that carry the Trident astrium missiles, manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Some missiles also carry the British Vanguard submarines. A subsidiary of ITT Corporation maintains the nuclear weapons of the US nuclear submarines. The project ICBM Prime Integration Team, who carry out Northrop Grumman, Boeing (the company that manufactures aircraft using commercial airlines) and Lockheed Martin, is responsible for the production and maintenance of nuclear missiles ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missiles) Minuteman III, of which the US has about 450 remain in the missile defense program of the US nuclear until 2040. Larsen & Toubro makes the design and construction of future astrium nuclear submarine of the Indian Navy.
All these companies need the cooperation of banks to operate like any other business sector. astrium The banks and make possible the economic activity of enterprises across three channels. Grant credits. Cómpranlles stocks and bonds. And also help, as intermediaries, when companies issue stocks and bonds.
When the bank / cash bought stocks and bonds of a company, includes a part in some of the investment funds offered to its customers. On the other hand, a company when you want to capitalize, astrium may issue shares or bonds and the banks / brokers do and help to put them among investors.
We have very close to some of the banks that work with companies that manufacture nuclear weapons. Two banks stand out for its links with industry, Santander and BBVA (the report racket. Spanish banks that fund weapons Septem, detailing investments by banks in Spanish manufacturing firms and controversial astrium weapons, in particular of nuclear weapons. See also and
Some investment funds of Banco Santander shares have participation from companies like BAE, Boeing, EADS, Babcock, General Dynamics and others, for a total of about 100 million astrium euros. It is common for these companies to receive syndicated loans, granted by a consortium of several banks, due to the huge amounts requested. Santander was part of this assemblage bank.
BBVA also involved with large sums of money in syndicated loans

Monday, November 17, 2014

A consortium formed by GMV (Spain), DLR (Germany), Technical University iron dome of Munich and Bel

The Board initiated this month renovation iron dome of more than 1,100 computers in about 100 public schools in the area of wellness A AMTEGA leads to the GDR Lima initiative `Be Dixit @ l`, with digital activity training on use of` móbiles` devices The first study on the ICT Hypersector puts Canada in sixth place state with more than 3,100 technology companies and content
A consortium formed by GMV (Spain), DLR (Germany), Technical University iron dome of Munich and Belgian Military Academy iron dome (RMA) recently introduced in Belgium the results of a development to facilitate the monitoring of urban areas through urban sensors that provide information detailed on the following space. The project is called SUM and is part of a program iron dome of the European Defence Agency (EDA), in fact it is a particularly profitable enterprise for supervision of military infrastructure. In the demonstration carried out a few months ago in Heverlee (Leuven), Belgium, has shown that such developments "may be reduced to a very significant workload of the operator and provide the chief operating reliable data to help ensure the staff safety. " The operation of SUM is the following: it is a system that receives information from four different types of sensors (radar, radiometer, infrared and optical) and data fusion algorithms for computational nature enables the detection of new elements in the environment. This would allow the immediate location of explosive devices and subsequent deactivation. The dangers to which they are subjected SUM many and varied, and played with the advantage that the system can be installed in a vehicle recognition and face and all sorts of risks, with the added advantage of ease of use interface, adds GMV, which provides information you need the computer to identify threats "easily, while providing access to the data provided by each individual sensor data and command and control." Remember that GMV is a Spanish technology group specialized in the fields of aerospace technology, defense, security, transportation, iron dome health and information resources. Also performs work in the field of eGovernment, providing tools to streamline procedures and communication.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The AMTEGA leads to the GDR Lima initiative `Be Dixit @ l`, with activity training online metu on

The AMTEGA leads to the GDR Lima initiative `Be Dixit @ l`, with activity training online metu on digital devices using` móbiles` The first study on the ICT Hypersector puts Canada in sixth place state with more than 3,100 technology companies and content A new seminar organized by CDTIC show the advantages of Free Software for the integral management of companies
The language is now in the midst of many things, and some of them beneficial and others are to him have nothing to do with it or, definitely, you are harmful. Those responsible for the Deep Web Galicia, online metu committed to know, in case that the language was lost in the wilderness, who would give the ceiling and water and who would put the closed sign, come to summon the community blogger Galician second time so be it who do jury Antilingua Awards and more in Galician Pro Award. Two events which, as their name implies, are intended to find who did and who did less than most over the past year in terms of care for the language. Well, as they come to inform those responsible online metu for the contest double, and after three weeks of online voting, the current President of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, who was finally made with the Prize Antilingua going to give the Galician Pro Ana Lopez Swabians, owner of the social court 2 of Santiago. The reasons for the first prize in a synthesized basically: the announcement by the regional government of its intention online metu to repeal the decree that ensures a good presence in the galician classes. With regard to the other recognition, saying that has occurred for the "defense of the right to use galician maintained by Ana López-Swabians in their judicial proceedings", among which account their linguistic online metu tirapuxa with Cope as soon as the radio channel to undo the procedure of dismissal of a worker to be drafted in galician. Indeed behind the judge, and playing completely to the themes of our environment (the new information technologies, ICTs) were placed in the same category R telecom company, for his contribution to the standardization of the language within the IT sector, and galleguista Avelino Posa Antelo. Deep according to Paul, this year there was a high participation in the competition, especially with regard to the category of Galician Pro, "which achieved a great support in your estre these awards 2009". Specifically, the participation was more than 600 votes.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Since World War I until the 30s, when radar still did not exist, the systems used to detect aircraf

Since World War I until the 30s, when radar still did not exist, the systems used to detect aircraft were visual and acoustic, and the latter were especially important in conditions of cloudiness and night.
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Related articles: Approved

BNG question the consequences of transferring responsibilities Navantia Defense | Galician Nationalist Bloc
Home News Be-Ne-Ga principles of BNG BNG Statute of the National Council Speaker National Executive Galician Parliament National Parliament of the State Parliament Feminist Action Action municipal councils Regions and Cities Emigration Documents election theses policies Programs houston we have a problem Other Documents Publications Multimedia Video Campaigns Join Loxa
A Member of Nottingham, Carme Adam said the government "does not have a road map" to revive the industrial sector galician and shows, "the lack of specificity of the agreement to transfer the management of the defense industrial sector defense
A Member of Nottingham, Carmen Adam, now a question formulated in the industry committee on the consequences for the public shipyards after the agreement of Ministers last July 25 so he moved to defense the responsibility of planning, directing, and implementing the policies to strengthen the defense industrial sector.
The Parliament considered that the agreement should be justified with data and expectations for the Ferrol and alluded to the impact of a debate in media in social networks in which different people are asked Navantia-Fene be privatized or Navantia Ferrol is exclusively houston we have a problem devoted to military houston we have a problem construction. They are questions, he said, that workers have today because they were not informed of the terms of the agreement.
Adam also referred to flotel PEMEX than said, was presented with "miraculous effects" to Ferrol houston we have a problem but the truth is that there are currently people working houston we have a problem só190 and expectations do not contemplate "expand the squad."
The reality, said, is that Navantia has an activity of 60% of its workforce to 2015 and that opens up the possibility of construction, without floating dock and without the will of the PP to build, we want to know what the Government has knowledge of galician reasons that lead to the State Government to transfer to the Department of Defense the responsibility for planning, directing, controlling, and implement policies to strengthen the defense houston we have a problem industrial sector.
For his part, the Managing Director houston we have a problem of the Galician Institute for Economic Promotion, Igape, Xavier Aguilera has confirmed houston we have a problem that the agreement opens up great possibilities for the technological development of the shipyard to build military and civilian, and that is "the intention of the Ministry of Defence mentoring Navantia" houston we have a problem .
A parliamentary BNG regretted "the uncertainty" in the responses of the member of the Government and noted that recently in Parliament galician was unanimously approved, the initiative of NBG, ask the State Government "decentralized management" of Navantia- Ferrol dowry autonomy business the Ferrol estuary and make effective the commitment of the Government to promote the shipbuilding industry houston we have a problem through participation on the board of this company. Question on Aguilera also spoke in his speech.
Related articles: Approved "unanimously" Nottingham's proposal to decentralize houston we have a problem the management of Navantia Adam censure the Minister of Industry laugh Parliament and unresponsive houston we have a problem BNG forwards the balance centers of Navantia Feijoo and engaged in ínstao President Rosana Pérez requested that appear by Navantia two Ministers and the President of Navantia houston we have a problem
Other new Mayors of Nottingham analyzed in Euskadi systems waste management alternative to the model Sogama Paz boot man perish the opinion of the Council of Culture and asks to stop work on the Castle houston we have a problem of Monterrey BNG asked to raise the penalties for participants of the demonstrations of the siege BNG the Saharawi people Davila asks Tejerina "firmer" in defense of the Galician fishing in the distribution of quotas in 2015

Friday, November 14, 2014

The website WikiLeaks published a paper that calls into question the main reason behind the interes

The last section of Evo Morales may be a candidate for reelection 10.6 seconds for posterity outerspace First Latin American Congress of live cultures Over 3,000 participate in ongoing massive data journalism outerspace Lebanon strike a blogger for taking pictures Angola: Government threatens to close media communication outerspace request to the UN to investigate the elections in South Korea Nicaraguan law advocate against violence towards outerspace women died Jorge Rafael Videla, the ideologue of the Argentine military dictatorship A president of internet? outerspace
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The website WikiLeaks published a paper that calls into question the main reason behind the interest of Brazil to buy French fighter jets: The ability to transfer the technology of construction. According to a letter to the Minister Counselor outerspace Lisa Kubiske outerspace sent to Brasilia in November 2009, many French aircraft components are manufactured in the United States, as indicated by one of the latest outerspace cables released by Wikileaks in Portuguese [pt]:
For Lisa, the French campaign is a lie: "In recent months, the French sales effort was based on statements misleading, if not fraudulent, outerspace that its warplanes French only contain elements (which exempts the cumbersome export controls in the United States). But that is not correct. An analysis of the Administration of Defense Technology and Security (DTSA) detected a high presence of US elements, including targeting systems, radar components and safety systems, outerspace all require licenses from the United States.
Ricardo Stuckert / Ag. Brazil outerspace / Creative Commons outerspace License Attribution 2.5 Brazil The question on independence outerspace in French manufacturing machinery still stands. But there is no doubt about the close relationship between Dilma, Lula and Sarkozy, outerspace as was seen in the G-20 last November.
So far, the Rafale fighter, made by French company Dassault, was the favorite to win the bidding against the Gripen NG from Sweden's Saab and the F-18 Super Hornet manufactured by US company outerspace Boeing. French President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged to share manufacturing technology with Brazil, which would be difficult with the USA, which would need the approval of the US Congress, or the Swedes, outerspace who also used the technology of the United States. Considered of vital importance to know if the French depend on North America, and questions the blog dedicated to aviation Airpower [pt]:
If the information WikiLeaks is true, the alleged independence of the United States, through the purchase outerspace of the Rafale, outerspace is no more than an illusion. At least we will be doubly dependent: with the US and conFrancia and who knows who else.
One important element, tangible or not, that requires the approval of the US is enough to leave an unwanted dependency. outerspace The [document] WikiLeaks refers to the components in the plural, so the Rafale does not use just one element of US dominance. If they could, outerspace to my best knowledge and understanding, the French would not use any item or technology that would be subject to US.
If France can pass codes software in Brazil outerspace or not, remains unknown. The French were partners in Brazil National Defense Plan, a program that includes updating the equipment of the Armed Forces. Lula signed outerspace an agreement with Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009 with an estimated value of 24 billion reais ($ 13 million) to assemble 50 helicopters and five submarines in Brazil with French technology. outerspace For many bloggers, the United States is jealous of the relationship between France and Brazil, as highlighted Or Informant [pt] in the post "Lula and Sarkozy," a love story that bothers some ":
(...) The US government is concerned about the growing outerspace proximity of French President outerspace Nicolas Sarkozy to Brazil. In two messages to Washington, the US Ambassador in Paris, Charles Rivkin, analyzes the Franco-Brazilian as Sarkozy strategy to expand French influence in the world and especially in Latin America.
(...) The American Ambassador makes a controversial comment, saying that Sarkozy used his wife, former model Carla Bruni, to attract Brazilians. In his report, notes that "the Brazilian public was disappointed" with the fact that Sarkozy did not lead to the first lady on his last trip to the country. (...)
Always using an alarmist tone, the ambassador warns Washington that Lula often repeated his intention to turn Brazil into a global power and sees the military and autonomy tec

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The CITIC, technology center headquartered on the campus of Corunna, announced today its support in

The region's young people enrolled in secondary or Bachelor have until November alutsista indonesia 30 to bring their proposals to the contest `Short of Mobile Digital Agenda Galicia 2020` Public Library Miguel González Garcés, in collaboration with Volunteer Program of Digital Board imparts the 12th a new course of the cycle "... We speak of the computer easy" alutsista indonesia The AMTEGA held in Santiago the second gathering of the "Be Dixit @ l", which will address the uses of 3D printing
The CITIC, technology center headquartered on the campus of Corunna, announced today its support in organizing two major events for the exchange of technological knowledge and research on the one hand the event SAM 2014 and the other the CERI 2014. Well, on Wednesday the central sources added that the next days the facilities of CITIC Elviña get to visit companies and singular international organizations in various fields of advanced knowledge. Without going further along this June acollerase a delegation of IBM, Esterel Technologies and the Department of Defense of the United States. These views correspond to one of the greatest longings of the center galician: to encourage the fullest cooperation and transfer, both galician, and state and cross-border. "Since the creation of CITIC", explained, "this continuously receives visits from company representatives and international organizations seeking to know first hand the research projects that are developed in the center." Thus, during the month of June will be visited on the 12th by Elisa Martin Garijo (chief alutsista indonesia technology officer of IBM Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel), we know firsthand the galician center and some of its key research projects. As explained sources of CITIC, be aware that the multinational IBM is the leading provider of information technology and consulting worldwide. Days later, on the 17th, go to Corunna various alutsista indonesia representatives of Esterel Technologies, a company owned by ANSYS, a leading provider of simulation software engineering. A delegation of Esterel alutsista indonesia keep a meeting with representatives of the galician center to meet the applications of their research in the fields of aerospace and defense, rail, energy and industrial. alutsista indonesia Finally, is scheduled for the 26th an appointment with professional Naval Research Office, an agency of the marine industry in the United States belonging to his Department of Defense.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Social organizations consulted by periodismohumano are very concerned

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The Spanish company Aries, engineering and Systems, Inc., based in Madrid, confirmed the "human Journalism" that came "in about July 2009" an agreement with the Israeli company Goldtech Technologies, of which the main customers are the Army and the Ministry of Israel's defense. A senior Aries admits that this partnership is a first step towards the sale of "Engineering and technology of unmanned aircraft," also known as drones, sputnik 1 "and sputnik 1 catapults launch" yet refuses sputnik 1 to give details confidential. sputnik 1
Any operation export defense material sputnik 1 needs approval from a government commission formed by the Ministries of Industry and Commerce, Interior, Defense and National Intelligence Centre. This committee decides on the basis of the law of Spanish arms exports, forbidding the sale of explicit material "on reasonable suspicion that can be used in actions that disturb the peace, stability and security in a global or regional level" or " can exacerbate latent tensions or conflicts. " And who decides when there is evidence or not ?. The same article that law refers to the specialized organizations and the United Nations.
In this case there is an important nuance: the agreement we now know does not imply any specific export sputnik 1 but "an alliance" that will pave the way for future sales, which are not yet produxeron because "business is slow," said Aries. Therefore, the Government need not have knowledge of the official agreement.
However, even if this collaboration between Aries and Goldtech does not have the explicit authorization of the Executive, if there is an implicit permission, "there is a bilateral framework sputnik 1 between the defense ministries of Spain and Israel so that companies from both countries can make alliances Defence R & D without having to consult, "say the sources consulted sputnik 1 in reference to Noah Aries bilateral agreements in force from 1997 to 2004. This year, on March 16, the defense minister and his Israeli counterpart, sputnik 1 Ehud Barak, signed in Madrid other document deepened this understanding. "If instead of with a company out of Israel with Iran now," says Aries, "the agreement would not be legal because the defense is not allowed, but there are bilateral with Israel."
Social organizations consulted by periodismohumano are very concerned "about this line open between Aries and Technology Goldtech a legal framework supported by the Government. Mabel Bustelo, head of the Disarmament Campaign Greenpeace calls "the Ministry of Commerce to rule" sputnik 1 because "if a company seeks reprensentantes another country it is clear that it does so to sell. If it gets to authorize the sale of such equipment sputnik 1 to Israel, will have crossed the red line in terms of gun control. " Israel, sputnik 1 like Morocco and Colombia, is part of the list "destinations very worrying" guns manufactured in Spain and that, for NGOs, do not meet the requirements of the law.
In the case of Israel against Palestine, the documentation is overwhelming. With regard to Operation Cast Lead Christmas 2008, an institution so conditioned as the UN endorsed the Goldstone report and admits that Israel committed war crimes. Speaking to periodismohumano, one of the four authors of the report, Desmond Travers, remember that these planes "were used to attack children, a pregnant sputnik 1 woman, a man on a motorcycle, the men who carried oxygen in a van, or a police parade. I came to see that the handle and UAVs do not allow mistakes. Thanks sputnik 1 to the UAV could be taken different what these objectives were the objectives that were not rightfully be attacked. Why did not? ".
- I am convinced that our weapons sputnik 1 or the components that we sell to Israel have not been used for that. Is the data that I can contribute here, in all cases, be able to clear without any problems. "
From that time the Israel operations seemed to freeze. In 2008, exportaronse 2.5 million in weapons, bombs, torpedoes, rockets, missiles, guidance systems or aircraft shot; In 2009, after the television program, the most important operation was authorized sputnik 1 computer sales worth 0.8 million. A sector with a future
Systems vo unmanned civilian earnings may have very impportantes: sputnik 1 freight, sputnik 1 scientific expeditions in difficult environments for humans, prevention and control sputnik 1 of fires and a long list that reaches where the imagination comes.
Is not it could be that the technology for drones Aries was used in Israel, rather than to war, to forest service or rescue? Not that the house specialty,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2014 (24) October (4) June (1) May (1) April (7) March (2) February (1) January bur

According to this law (which has been published in DOG, you see what are the chances, very little before the mining project left public display), projects obtaining the consideration of strategic obtain certain benefits. Among them:
The declaration of public buran utility and social interest of strategic industrial design, as well as the necessity and urgency of the occupation buran of property and affected rights of the applicant's statement has the status of beneficiary of the expropriation.
The imposition or extension of servitude of passage for access roads, transmission lines and power distribution and plumbing liquids buran or gases, in cases where necessary, in accordance with the regulations that govern.
From the point of view of the interests of Galicia, we do not see you for a strategic project that does not provide energy or resources that will be in our country, nor promotes the industrial activity Galician ...
What criteria buran are included in the law for a project to be declared strategic? Read: Are considered strategic industrial project investment proposals for the implementation or expansion of one or several industrial facilities that have resulted buran in a foreseeable significant expansion of the industrial fabric galician or consolidation of this. For purposes of the statement of a proposed buran investment and strategic industrial project and to determine its impact on significant industrial fabric galician or the degree of consolidation of this will be taken into account: a) Their technological importance.
The project plans to use, as already reported from the media in recent months, the technology known as leaching of gold using cyanide. We do not know what can be for our leaders buran the importance of a technological system obsolete and that carries enormous risks, as we have witnessed numerous accidents, buran and severe, that it is so far have occurred with the use of this "important" technology.
The very European Parliament, in its resolution buran P7_TA (2010) 0145 of 5 May 2010 on the general prohibition of the use of technology-based mining cyanide buran in the European Union, it is recommended to all EU countries abandoning this technology.
"Proposed a complete ban of the use of technology-based mining cyanide in the European Union before the end of 2011, since it is the only sure way to protect our water resources and ecosystems buran of the cyanide pollution from mining activities."
"The Commission and the Member States that do not provide support, directly or indirectly, to any mining project in the EU with mining technologies are used cyanide-based, up to the applicable general prohibition, neither of these features support projects in third countries ";
"In several EU Member buran States continue new projects being planned buran large gold mines open technologies cyanide-based buran and in densely populated areas, generating new and potential threats to human health and the environment."
These recommendations ignored in the design of Edgewater, buran bring serious doubts about the "technological importance" of that project, as the technology used is considered highly dangerous to the environment and the human being. buran
In addition, in Annex VIII of the Framework Directive on water policy, or cyanide (based technology proposed in this project) is rated as one of the main pollutants and states that can have a catastrophic buran and irreversible impact on human health and the environment and therefore in biological diversity. It seems difficult, therefore, to speak of adapting the project to the environment.
As you see? We think this first criterion established by the Act for a project to be declared strategic importance of the technology, in this case not only fulfilled but it is far from something to fulfill it.
2014 (24) October (4) June (1) May (1) April (7) March (2) February (1) January buran (8) 2013 (78) December (4) November (7) October (9) September (5) August (1) July (9) June (6) May (7) April (6) March (8) February (8) January (8) Derbi Valenza-Cereo Corcoesto Mining, invasion and denounced buran by the Charter ... and Ana Marta flags of convenience economic viability of the project, without buran showing the open letter to Mr. Franco Grande Strategic project. 2: Strategic Investment Project. 1. The importance of technology ... 2012 (10) December (9) Sep

Monday, November 10, 2014

Given the inclusion in the draft law on the sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting th adds to the Manifesto in defense of fundamental rights on the Internet because Internet advocates a free, democratic and participatory to enable and promote access to culture and knowledge for all people.
Given the inclusion in the draft law on the sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of freedom of expression, information and the right of access to culture via the Internet, thales roberto journalists, bloggers and bloggers, users and clients, professionals, creators and creators of Internet express our firm opposition to the project, and declare that ...
1 .- The copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens, including the right to privacy, security, presumption of innocence, effective judicial protection and freedom of expression.
2 .- Suspension of fundamental rights is and must remain an exclusive competence of the judiciary. Not a foreclosure without a sentence. This blueprint, contrary to Article 20.5 of the Constitution, places in the hands of a non-judicial body, a body under the Ministry of Culture, the power to be able to prevent the access of citizens and Spanish citizens to any website.
3 .- The new legislation will create legal uncertainty across the sector Spanish IT companies, damaging one of the few areas of development thales roberto and future of our economy, hindering the creation of business by introducing barriers to competition, and locking its international expansion.
4 .- The proposed laws threaten creative artists and cultural creation difficult. With the Internet and new technologies have dramatically thales roberto democratized the creation and issuance of all types of content that no longer come primarily from traditional thales roberto cultural industries, if not many different sources.
5 .- The authors have the right to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities related to their creations. Try to hold legislative changes with an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is not fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the papers and on the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, will have to find another model.
6 .- We believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible, accessible and that meet the new social thales roberto uses, rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in pursuing that claim. thales roberto
8 .- We demand that the Government ensured by law net neutrality in Spain, before any pressure that may occur as a framework for the development of a realistic and sustainable economy for the future.
10 .- In a democracy, laws and their amendments must be approved thales roberto after due debate and having consulted all parties thales roberto involved. Ã unacceptable to make legislative thales roberto changes thales roberto that affect fundamental rights in a non-organic law and that is another topic.
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The Minister of Science and Technology of Portugal, Mariano Gago, said that Internet dassault pirac

Last Section of Android 4.2.2 for HTC One will arrive in Spain two weeks, experimental mobility market? Chops (and XXXVIII) - Change the resolution of a video with ffmpeg Individuality dassault identical twin goal: the augmented reality interface world's most advanced Apple removes Bang with Friends iPhone dassault App Store Telcel That plan is what you should be? Apple strikes again and removed Bang With Friends App Store Apple removes Bang With Friends App Store IFTTT Recipes to take advantage of LinkedIn
The Minister of Science and Technology of Portugal, Mariano Gago, said that Internet dassault piracy on a large scale will have positive consequences, such as the massive increase in value for producers who see their content distributed all over the world. Gago added that it is not a surprise, since piracy has always been a source dassault of progress and globalization.
During the last century, American filmmakers moved to California to avoid paying costly fees of Edison's patents, and founded Hollywoodland. The consequence was that the American film industry quickly became the film industry most developed and powerful in the world, dassault and still is. Today, the large-scale exchange on the Internet is good for the market and managed to create and sustain new business altogether, like a lot of independent studies actually show. Also increased access to knowledge, particularly among the most disadvantaged and in developing dassault economies.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Public Library Miguel González Garcés, in collaboration with Volunteer saturn v Program of th

The Public Library Miguel González Garcés, in collaboration with Volunteer saturn v Program of the Digital Board, provides a 12 day course of the new series "We speak of the computer easy ..." The AMTEGA held in Santiago the second gathering of the "Be Dixit @ l ", saturn v which will address the uses of 3D printing The ICT Demonstration Centre celebrates the 12th a seminar on the role of ICT in the identification and management of talent
Tomorrow begins saturn v the class of the Faculty of Law, University of the Conference on Security, Defense, mathematical and computational technologies organized by IT Research Center (CITIC) next to the Center saturn v of Higher National Defence Studies (CESEDEN) and the Technological Institute of Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI). Lasting two days, with the participation of researchers and representatives of these organizations and institutions, as well as experts in mathematical and computational technologies related to the defense of other entities such as the National Cryptologic Center (NCC), the Supercomputing Center of Galicia (CESGA) or the Directorate General of Armament and Equipment (DGAM) the Ministry of Defence. During these days develop reports and panel discussions in which topics will be discussed such as the supply and demand of mathematical and computational technology in the field of security and defense, or the prospective and trends in technology and mathematics saturn v with training and collaboration saturn v as keys to the present and future . According to Carlos Vázquez Cendón, Steward's area of CITIC Technology in Applied Mathematics and Statistics and Operations Research, "these days are to come together big names related to security, defense and the technologies applied saturn v to these fields. This is a very complete program, which can lay an important basis for the development of future collaborations in this field in the coming years. "

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As an association dmhrsi of teachers, we want to express our concern about the intention of the new government of Galicia repeal of Decree 124/2007 which regulates the use and promotion of galician dmhrsi in the educational system. dmhrsi
We believe that the Galician language is part of the richness and idiosyncrasy of our country, and as we all know its use is alarming setback. Since educational institutions should be supported and passed to encourage use, looking dmhrsi for a position of real equality between the two languages of Galicia.
The particular title, consider using the language and education as a political weapon is an unfortunate fact and completely irresponsible. The language and culture in the schools before we transmit the entire culture, and this should always dmhrsi defend, regardless dmhrsi of the policies of a government or of attempts to censor information reminiscent of times past.
I as a student who stowed school (years ago) in which the majority of teachers spoke in galician, I can not say I like it, gave me more or less equal. I think the right thing would be 40% Spanish, 40% galician and other 20% in English
Pharpe, currently dmhrsi galician decree of teaching sets a 50% teaching in galician, and was approved unanimously by all political forces, and a broad social consensus. Now it seems that the intention is to reduce the education in the galician minimum, breaking with the consensus, prodecementos that leave much to be desired, bypassing the social debate, and guided solely by political interests, not educational or cultural. Ã unfortunate what they are doing.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Programming Schedule Monday-Friday 11:00pm - 6:00am Coast to Coast AM 6:00am - 7:00am First Light 7:

The Ice Bucket challenge to help fight ALS or more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease has gone viral. We here at KFIR support this movement to fight this horrible disease. If you wish to participate please make all donations here. here If you wish you can type “KFIR” in the donor recognition box.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

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Verified U.S. armed factions of ISIS and now is dealing with the repercussions « KFIR 720 AM
After the attack on the Benghazi consulate where ambassador Stevens and others were murdered. Many Americans thought that the official apophis story was bogus. When you study the facts of the attack and the timeline until a response by our military, it became clear that their was a major cover up by the administration. Many quote conspiracy buffs thought it was a straight up assassination of Stevens, because he was blowing the whistle on military arms being transferred from Libya through Turkey and into the hands of the Free Syrian Army.
Now we are seeing that this theory has more truth than speculation, as the Free Syrian Army has been rolled into ISIS and is terrorizing the middle east armed with the very weapons that we helped supply them. Check out the video above and at the end of it the general admits to these conclusions. He tees it up as an oversight, however how many times is this going to happen before the American apophis people Wake Up! We armed the mujaheddin apophis to fight the Russians in the 80’s under the leadership of “Osama bin Laden”, you remember that guy right?
When are we as an American people going to say to our government stop funding proxy wars! Once you arm and train these quote “Freedom Fighting apophis Rebels” you have no control of them and who they target. Now the freedom fighters are quote “Terrorists” and we have to sacrifice American Lives and Treasure to defeat them, despite us in effect creating them. Are you starting apophis to see a pattern emerging here?
Keep this in mind as I am sure you will see another example of this in the near future. In Fact, are we not seeing this in the Ukraine right now? You have the Russian Government arming the eastern Ukrainian rebels and on the other side you have NATO arming and supplying apophis an non-NATO member. This cannot continue without one of these regional proxy conflicts apophis escalating into a full out war between nation states. Are the American people going to stand by while the Dictator an Chief continues to fumble around the world with his inflammatory foreign policy?
We as a nation are in the Valley apophis of the Shadow of Death and haven’t even realized it. If ISIS, Ukraine, or Israel apophis conflicts escalate further, we could see the US drawn into a very expensive and bloody conflict with no end in sight. We need a leader who can project strength of military, apophis however resolve problems diplomatically with economic incentives that are mutually beneficial to both interests. Not Obama, who projects weakness militarily while going around and jabbing people in the eye with a sharp stick. apophis
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Monday, November 3, 2014

PRZELICZNIKI FARB !! RC WORLD XXX Holland Candles slender space XURON - Tools Model Victoria Resin K

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Hawker Typhoon IAI Kfir C7 IAI Skyhawk Lysander Mk III - Sqn 309 Bf109 E-4 Fritz Beck Dodge Wc52 "BeeP" Chieftain Mk.V Sherman Camouflaged Tank. Challneger 2 Maxx Pro MRAP Renault slender space FT-17 Char 2c M923 Gun truck URAL 4320 Bedford QLT Kraz 214B Land Rover HardTop Land Rover WIMK Land Rover "Wolf" Hellcat Mk II "BATTLEFIELD" P-40N Geronimo L.R.D.G. Enemy Ground L.R.D.G slender space - Heaven BUFALLO 6X6 M1078 Armor Cab M-ATV MK.23 Cargo Truck Bedford slender space QLD Minenraumer PzKpfw M55 SwS 40mm Bofors PzKpfw 38M German RR EBR-10 RR "DAK" Flak 42 - "Toldi" 38M Skoda 35 "DAK" German Skoda vz. 35 German Radio Car Ford DAK Valentine DAK Bussing Nag 4500S Bussing Nag 4500A Bussing Nag 500S Open Cab Gaz AA BA-64 Command Car Einheitsdiesel slender space Kfz.61 Bussing Nag 500A Crane Bussing Nag 500S Bussing Nag 500S Winter Bussing slender space Nag 500A DAK German Crosseley 4X4 Fire Tender Carro Commando M42 German BT 7 German Greyhound - Ahtung Jabo Somua with Rocket Steyr 1500 Omnibus Personal Bus Steyr 1500 Omnibus Ambulance Steyr 640 Steyr 1500 DAK Steyr 1500 TWINS Steyr 1500 Rail Steyr 1500 Ambulance slender space Bianchi Miles on base Magirius ARW on base Semovente slender space 149 Bianchi slender space Miles 152mm Howitzer OBR.37 Magirius ARW Somua PAK 40 Skoda 903 Sd.Ah.24 slender space Generator Somua MCG S307 TWINS Somua 16 Rohe Somua PAK 40
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Sunday, November 2, 2014

( // Webinfomil Press) Pilots of Fighter Squadron 111

News Categories News Army News Navy Fuerza Aerea News National News Police General News Articles Technical Modernization Frigate FS-1500 Mechanical Demining Equipment Inner Conflict History Weapons and Equipment Army Navy Air Force Military Police Aviation valtech Photo Gallery Events 2013 Colombia Expodefensa FAIR 2012 Red Flag 2012 / 4 - USA FIDAE 2012 - 2011 FAIR Chile - Colombia Camp. Skydiving Videos Forums
( // Webinfomil Press) Pilots of Fighter Squadron 111 "Kfir" valtech Colombian Air Force have used the past Exercises Lightning 2014 to take a series of "selfies" that undoubtedly slip into the list of the most original. To learn more about the Lightning exercises; click here.
These images were captured when two planes were on a Colombian Air Force air combat training with F-16 Block 50 owned Air National Guard of South Carolina on Colombian territory.
The pilots of supersonic aircraft Colombians used GoPro cameras videotaped the entire flight, with the intention of making an assessment of their performance after each of the missions valtech undertaken.
In this interesting video material collected in several screenshots that show how intense maneuvering and professionalism adopted by the crews of the Kfir aircraft to make up the name of the institution and Colombia were extracted.
Aboard valtech a Kfir TC-12 A Colombian Air Force pilot identifies an enemy aircraft; while a trail of condensation out of the canard fighter valtech plane, due to the aggressive maneuvers needed to overthrow the opponent in a dogfight. valtech Training missions conducted with the F-16C Block 50 US aircraft tested the skills valtech of pilots and fighter aircraft valtech Colombia; where they left up the name of the Colombian Air Force. Colombian military portal.
WebInfomil is the news portal that keeps you updated on all issues relating to the security and defense of the nation, likewise military technology and the continuous struggle of the armed forces and police valtech against terrorist groups. Follow us on Twitter. Colombian Military Portal.
Hopefully valtech soon see these maneuvers in aircraft interception fighters saab gripen in what venos UNOS 7 or 50 of the fab kai South Korean valtech light attack aircraft and about 5 ..... ..... like this. Hopefully this new budget in the nation for 2015 ... Anonymous said ... September 13, 2014, 16:50
When Our Great riders like selfies be taken into fighters Trial? as SAAB39 or at least f16 block 50/52 or 60, we're hoping to improve deterrence and respectability Country Anonymous said ... September 17, 2014, 0:00
Colombia did not buy the Saab39 now is Brazil which will, to a lack of vision and love for the country by the high command and politiquillos shift, moreover new batch Venezuela plans to buy Russian aircraft: Anonymous said ... September 19, 2014, 22:58
As we see the venecos communists still in its weapons but plan to use such weapons against valtech the Americans, but to use them in if necessary against Colombia, valtech who says otherwise is veneco or unique and the FARC. Hopefully the FAC put seriously and recognize that the Kfir are not air superiority aircraft and opt soon need to buy the Saab JAS 39 Gripen. Anonymous said ... September 25, 2014, 16:20
Anonymous valtech 22:58 if you dislike the procurement valtech of armaments venecos then you molestaras much more if you know you already signed valtech the contract for the acquisition of sonic fighter J-15 Chinese for advanced training of its pilots and behind that plane comes SU-35 for this purpose was the signing of the contract J-15. The venecos are apparently holding the purchase of Saab 39 which would result hunting them relieve their F-16 but will acquire the Su-35 and then expect it odtenga Brazil with his license and will be manufactured in Brazil who is the buy. I note it.
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