Wednesday, June 25, 2014

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Google, the drones are not enough incoming wallops island 180 satellites for internet access | Tech Fanpage
180 small satellites to connect the remaining two thirds of the planet. And 'this is the new project from Google that, not content with the acquisition of the drones Titan Aerospace, try to revive an old project of a few years in which it will invest a figure that could vary from 1 to 3 billion dollars.
About two months after the 'acquisition of drones Titan Aerospace, Google continues its march to eliminate wallops island the digital divide in developing wallops island countries, and to do so will invest an astronomical figure, which could range from one billion dollars to as much as three billion, depending on how he is structured the final network.
In reporting the news is the Wall Street Journal, which explains in detail the projects of the Mountain View giant 180 very small satellites that will orbit around the planet at altitudes lower than those of traditional satellites and - apparently - will join the drones and balloons in the battle to the digital divide.
"Internet connectivity significantly improves people's lives." - Said a Google wallops island spokesman in the WSJ - "Yet two-thirds of the world you do not yet have access."
The project is not new but has been postponed several times for technical and financial problems that seem to have been solved thanks to Greg Wyler, founder of O3b Networks, which recently entered into Google along with its chief financial officer and was immediately placed in head of the new team.
Work to extend the spread of the digitization process in a country not so far developed, undoubtedly leads to a considerable economic growth, increasing the GDP and jobs, and thus allowing a significant increase in productivity. A chain reaction that, from another wallops island point of view, also increase exponentially the userbase of the great technological platforms: this is perhaps one of the reasons that pushes the big tech companies, including wallops island Google and Facebook, groped at all costs to run for shelters as quickly as possible and eliminate the digital divide to connect the remaining two-thirds of the world: wallops island to connect the world and encourage the digitization of emerging countries will lead indirectly to a significant increase in the number of users that will connect to one of their platforms.
U.S. drone enters the home of a woman. It rekindles wallops island debate wallops island over U.S. policy in Iraq attack the terrorists with drones? Pakistan: U.S. Drones wallops island hit civilian homes in 6 of 10 cases
When smuggling beats Amazon: drones for cigarettes in russia The Russian authorities have intercepted an amateur drone used by a group of Lithuanian smugglers to transport the cigarettes in Russia. It is not an isolated case: this type of aircraft is increasingly being used by organized crime.
Google beats Facebook and won the drones Titan Aerospace Google beats time on Facebook and acquires Titan Aerospace: the startup specializing in drone was in the crosshairs of the social network since last March.
Facebook wants to Titan Aerospace: incoming anti-drones digital divide [VIDEO] Zuckerberg wants to try to bring all the low cost connectivity in areas not covered: wallops island the drones could soon take advantage wallops island of the Titan Aerospace, a specialized company that has created two models capable of flying non-stop for 5 years.
claudio Gagliardini
A few days ago he released the book by Salvatore Russo "Get Google Plus and conquer the Web," a nearly 400-page manual that explains step by step exactly what you need to know to make the best use Google Plus
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