Tuesday, June 10, 2014

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The backdrop of the Philosophy of Xenophanes of Colophon is critical to the design of the gods fixed paradigmatic way by Homer and Hesiod, own traditional religion and Greek man in general. The anthropomorphic (human form) of Greek religion is a mistake and an absurdity that criticism of the philosopher wants to overcome. It makes no sense to believe that the gods and the divine have generally looks, fashion, feelings, tendencies fully equal to men, however noble they may be. "If oxen and horses and lions had hands or could paint and perform the works which men perform with hands, horses would paint pictures of gods like horses, oxen like the oxen, and the bodies of similar plasmariam су 35 gods the aspect су 35 that has each "" The Ethiopians say that the gods are black and have a flat nose, the Thracians say, rather, that have blue eyes and red hair. " Therefore, the gods do not have and can not have human likeness; is even less thinkable that have human customs and, above all, commit illegal and harmful actions, such as mythology says. Similarly, according to Xenophanes yet, it is impossible that the gods are born, it is born, also die. Also move or not move from one place to another, thereby always remaining property. "Always remain in the same place without moving at all, but if you assign the displacement, sometimes to a place, sometimes to another." GOD IS THE COSMO. "The су 35 universe is one, God, supreme among gods and men, neither figure nor by thinking like men." "Every integer sees, thinks су 35 every integer, every integer is listening." The physics of Xenophanes is similar to the Ionians as regards the principle of everything. In some fragments he admits to being the earth, in others, the earth and water the origin and end of all things. The importance of Xenophanes is due to inaugurate a way of thinking about the unit as a totality, as an illusion of movement and separation between the perceived and reflected. Your ideas will finish the Eleatic school, whose most famous exponent was Parmenides. By John Francis P. Cabral Brazil Contributor Graduate School of Philosophy at the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU Masters in Philosophy from the State University су 35 of Campinas - UNICAMP RESEARCHED AND POSTED, BY PROF. FÁBIO Motta (ARBITER OF CHESS). REFERENCES: http://www.brasilescola.com/filosofia/xenofanes.htm
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2012 (1) January (1) 2011 (40) June (2) May (3) March (35) 2010 (40) July (40) TEXT 39 - SCHOOL Jonica. TEXT 38 - CITY OF Colophon: GROUND CHRISTMAS ... Text0 37 phyla - PHILOSOPHER Xenophanes, at Colophon AND IM YOUR TEXT ... 37 - Xenophanes, PHILOSOPHER Presocratic. TEXT 36 - Xenophanes, at Colophon (BIO). TEXT 35 - CITY OF SAMOS: EARTH CHRISTMAS pitagor TEXT ... 34 - Pythagorean School. TEXT 33 - GREEK PHILOSOPHER Pythagoras. TEXT 32 - Pythagorean, GREEK PHILOSOPHER. TEXT 31 - COIN Pythagorean. TEXT 30 - Pythagorean. TEXT 29 - Pythagorean OF SAMOS. TEXT 28 - CITY OF MILETO - CURRENTLY LOCATED ... TEXT 27 - Anaximenes of Miletus, GREEK PHILOSOPHER. TEXT 26 - Anaximenes of Miletus. TEXT 25 - Anaximander су 35 of Miletus. TEXT 24 - MONISM. су 35 TEXT 23 - Philosopher Thales of Miletus. TEXT 22 - Thales of Miletus. TEXT 21 - THE PHILOSOPHER Presocratics. TEXT 20 - PHILOSOPHER Presocratics. TEXT 19 - DIVISION OF HISTORY OF GREEK PHILOSOPHY TEXT ... 18 - GREEK GENIUS. TEXT 17 - Greek dualism. TEXT 16 - SCHOOL Socratic. TEXT 15 - GREEK PHILOSOPHY. TEXT 14 - CONCEPT OF PHILOSOPHY. TEXT 13 - PHILOSOPHER by handfuls. TEXT 12 - BRAZILIAN ACADEMY OF PHILOSOPHY RECEIVES TEXT ... 11 - OBJECTIVES OF BRAZILIAN ACADEMY OF FIL ... TEXT 10 - BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF PHILOSOPHY. TEXT 9 - PROFILE OF PRESIDENT су 35 JOHN RICARDO MODER ... TEXT 8 - WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL ... TEXT ACADEMY 7 - BRAZILIAN ACADEMY OF PHILOSOPHY IS VIN ... TEXT 6 - SCIENCE су 35 MORE IMPORTANT. TEXT 5 - WHAT IS A WISE. TEXT 4 - THE PHILOSOPHER'S A KNOWLEDGEABLE. TEXT 3 - WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY? (VOLTAIRE SCHILLING) .... TEXT 2 - PURPOSE OF THIS BLOG - PHILOSOPHY, THE PURSUIT OF TEXT SABED ... 1 RELENTLESS.
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