Saturday, June 28, 2014

Opting APCs Turkish firms fell no accident in April 2010, the Ministry of Defence signed an agreeme

Home / Army / One of the victims of the war in Iraq became vostok europe an infantry fighting vehicle M-2 Bradley
Malaysia in talks with the Turkish company FNSS savunma sistemleri (FNSS Savunma Sistemleri) on the supply of six-wheel-drive armored combat vehicles PARS 6x6 for the UN force in Lebanon. So be procured six armored personnel carriers to ensure that the objectives of the Malaysian military contingent of the UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon.
Opting APCs Turkish firms fell no accident in April 2010, the Ministry of Defence signed an agreement with Malaysia's vostok europe state-owned enterprise DEFTECH contract worth about $ 2.4 billion for the purchase of 257 armored vehicles AV8 (PARS 8x8) in 12 different versions.
In February 2011 DEFTECH contracted cost of about $ 600 million for the supply with FNSS AV8 kits for assembly in Malaysia. The Agreement provides for a high degree of localization of production of armored vehicles in Malaysia. Total 2018 Malaysian army should get 257 AV8, of which 114 will be armored with a single tower production FNSS Sharpshooter with a 25-mm automatic vostok europe cannon ATK M242 Bushmaster, 54 BTR - with a double tower of the South African Development gDenel with 30-mm gun and ATGM Denel Ingwe 10 BTR - with remote-controlled turrets with 12.7 mm machine guns, 8 120mm self-propelled mortars, and other modifications.
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Iran submitted a copy of an American drone Sentinel RQ-170, produced by the corporation, which was shot down in 2011. Working copy of the drone must soon make a series of test flights, said at the Aerospace ...
Extremists seized government offices in the second largest city in Iraq - Mosul. Militants group "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (LIH) on the fourth vostok europe day of fighting broke the resistance of government troops and police ...
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