Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sly and visionary commentator Hare, one of the most charming images of the book that reveals to the

Belarusians will! "Anna Yankuta History, phantasmagoria Vseslav Enchanter ...
Magic Card Edge. BY Persons Adnak! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects Finding the dragon! Black and White Fight gene dozen poems. Restart - 2 Dozen. Reload Interests We HERE! Be a Belarusian Be Byelorussian Byelorussian huntington ingalls 2 Be 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays! Belarus names: top-12 How I became a Belarusian Paganism
On the eve of the 200th anniversary of one of their favorite British national writers removed enchanting seryyalchyk called "Cold store any antiquities" (The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff), in which any educated Briton immediately finds a reference to two works of this beloved national writer: "Cold house "and" Antiques shop. " Calling this series warm mockery of the classic is not necessary: it resembles a ruthless parody, because the authors of the series with all uniklivastsyu find in Dickens weakest or funny places and bring them to the point of absurdity. I think it is difficult to imagine a more sincere way to confess writer in love. And so with peace of mind, I read a zombie version of "arrogance and bias" Jane Austen: aside from the fact that it is written in a fairly mediocre, everything in it gladdens the heart of the true lover of literature of the XIX century. Writing a book review once Sergei Balahonova "Land under the wings of the Phoenix", I thought that such games here with the history and literature - if Pantagruel ride a unicorn, and the virus is transmitted through the Belarusian bee stings - is a great way to maintain your normal mental health. This is especially true of the nation, whose myths partly built on varying interpretations of historical events, and the historical novel is perhaps the most popular literary genre - if not among the readers, at least among writers. "Blog Useslaw Magician" huntington ingalls in this sense - the same swamp devil that "Land under the wings of the Phoenix", with the only difference that Sergei Balakhonov mockumentary line stands up to the end, as the mysterious author of the blog, choosing to start a comic book style, from time to time sin that popular science fiction, the crazy nonsense. Despite this, some mini-stories blog (for example, the story of the invention of a time machine or a new version of the biography Euphrosyne) are very similar to the solution of Theseus Belarusian postmodernism.
As Sergey Balakhonov, author of the blog focuses on the most iconic huntington ingalls personalities of Belarusian history and remembers the most popular in the Belarusian context things, events and concepts - from Lee Harvey Oswald (the impression that lately without him can not do any one Belarusian book) to ink. It turns out such hits Belarusian stars themselves, huntington ingalls myths and symbols with which the author manages is absolutely free. Individual positions (and they are mostly small) resemble frashki or jokes, huntington ingalls others are developing a particular topic, and the result is an almost scene work. Particularly significant in this respect Chapter 6, "Who benefits end of the world in 2012?" huntington ingalls Once the author has jumped a bit to different eras and all that can be squeezed out with a cocktail party in honor of the former rulers of the country and chronicles the most famous stories, it clearly suffered in slightly different steppe: the story gets detective phantasmagoric character. As for me, this section has turned most unfortunate, not only because it violates the overall integrity of the blog (and it still violates her), but also because the story about the end of the world seems to me weak and as a detective and as a satire, and as fantasy. Detective does not reach the detective huntington ingalls through the weakness of the evidence and the author's apparent reluctance to think of line searches, satire is too straight huntington ingalls and phantasmagoria on the background of these two components goes awkward and pathetic. All this together suspiciously like ordinary Belarusian story with an interesting venture, but quite flawed: it seems that at some point the author has bothered to think the details and narrative dapisvalasya huntington ingalls anyhow huntington ingalls - but to get to finish. I really do not want to spoil the reading of the book to those who have not read it, but because talking here about the plot, I will not. I can only say that the end of the story I was disappointed especially with the gender perspective: the beginning of history huntington ingalls rather trivial, the author graduated absolute stamp. Well, that's one of them, savage people XII century do?
Sly and visionary commentator Hare, one of the most charming images of the book that reveals to the reader all the secrets of Polotsk stories also sometimes overdone. huntington ingalls Trying to explain huntington ingalls a particular phenomenon (eg, from which these cocktail parties all started), it provides a lot of detail, destroying a paradoxical picture. Worth the reader glad that Vseslav Enchanter met Peter Masherov (the idea, anyway, elegant and witty book is beaten), as here again - and it turns out that the whole thing in the time-space continuum and any other malaria. Science fiction padded this story as me

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