Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The opening pointing this illustration symbolizes the beauty of literature - how to read a book a c

"If it please you the estylo, and methodo that follow, you will have patience, because I can not find your genius, but if you find some errors reading, (as may be the case that you find) get-tehey large obligation warn me if Delles so splicing sldcada them be more satisfied your taste "Bento Morganti - Nummismologia. Lisboa, 1737. Prologue in "The Who Read
Now spends another birthday this space conversations around books -. 5th - so, first and foremost, I want to thank all the support I have been given, sldcada either silently, finding the number of pages read daily, or more actively by the comments left here or the notes published sldcada in other spaces.
More than the number of followers that although they represent for me a motive of pride, I must mention all those who passed through here in search of a written information or a single lane for further consultation if you have ... achieved this was precisely my goal.
The opening pointing this illustration symbolizes the beauty of literature - how to read a book a child (in this case ... because it applies to any of us) imagine a world full of adventures.
In it we find some pamphlets that integrate a famous controversy that "did run much ink" by the time that came to light many and varied publications - I mean the controversial "I and Clergy" involving Alexandre Herculano.
Its aim was to discover the roots of Portugal. "He regarded history as a mission." And finding the roots of his country was his. Needed to have an answer to the question: "Portugal is a viable country or not?"
The next goal was to "provide the Historiography of civic application. Had brilliant results," says Luís Amaral yet. Herculaneum was not looking for solutions to old problems of his time, prior knowledge to support their social and political intervention.
However, accessing the same information in a special way, was required, very long time to organize it and analyze it. And the question remains: How could create a "genius" work in so little time and allocates it for so many activities? Perhaps the fact that it is "deeply intelligent, lucid and very strict with himself" l he would guarantee an unusual discipline to devote so much passion, that was capable of revolutionizing.
Attacked from the pulpit, the historian is forced to defend his position sldcada in booklets that were celebrated by logical rigor of argument for his knowledge and the polemical force: 'Myself and Clergy' and 'Solemnia Verba' (1850).
In this space the texts and reference sldcada books arise not offset each other. I always try to give a sequence that better understand the context in which the work came to know each other a little better sldcada its author.
In this new catalog of books, periodicals and ephemera of a political nature (extreme dates for the lots shown are from 1 January 1822 to 26 April de 1974) we find two works that integrate this theme:
9 - RECREATION (FRANCISCO) - BATTLE OF THE HISTORY OF PORTUGAL sldcada OURIQUE OF A. HERCULANO. CONTRPOSIÇÃO historical-critical. Lisbon. In Typographia GM Martins. 1854 -. 6 1856 vol (67, 78, 79, 64, 55, 65 pp.). 20cm. B.
When Alexandre Herculano, in his "History of Portugal", removes the divine intervention (the appearance of Christ) of the Battle of Ourique, begins a new battle, this time, the clergy opposed Herculaneum and giving rise to a new war to be known as "I and Clergy."
It is in the context of this controversy, and in response to Herculaneum, which are given to print these six pamphlets sldcada by Father Francisco Recreation. On the quality and nature tells us Innocêncio Francisco da Silva, in his "Diccionario Bilbliográphico Portugueze": "Would you want to, for the honor of letters, and dignity of the auctor, which n'estes writings elle kept a more decorous sldcada term and not transviasse every step demonstrations of hatred and personal resentment against his contender. If you have saved a multitude of offensive epithetos, and avoided the inconvenience of mold that employed in assumptos calling for greater decency, and more leisurely and quiet discussion, could better support their cause, reinforcing the advantage with their arguments and evidence. Wrought in the way, far from convincing opponents, became inexcusable alé áquelles of his partiality, which in most dour properly assessed the risk of collocar the question under such unfavorable conditions. "
All copies are in perfect condition, with the exception of the fifth, sldcada which has a small flaw at the top of

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