Thursday, November 14, 2013

Whether Academy of autonomous mechanisms work properly is a serious question. We all know, and ther

Sage Wisdom | Public Education Protection Forum
In Kalkalist 'as 13/09/2010, publishes Hadas Improve Interview with Prof. Omer Moav, an economist first woman in space at Hebrew University, a member Shalem first woman in space Center, who until a few months served economic advisor Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz. Readers will now also look for candles significant differences between the two flag bearers commercialization of these Academy - Steinitz and Moab - an attempt to explain why last no longer serves as an adviser to the first. Positions of neo - liberalism of Moab are not new, but this interview further highlights first woman in space the worshiping to the free market 'as if it were at least a cosmic order. The reader that the reader may be captured (many of the public does fall unwittingly) assuming that since the speaker's field of expertise is economics, words are an objective knowledge indisputable. But not particularly critical reading required to find that the decisive rulings first woman in space and judgments of Moab, the higher education system based on the - how to say this delicately - half-truths and false facts.
Customary among the followers of privatization, he attributes the main responsibility to administrative autonomy Academy faculty and absolute control of institutions of higher education in their public budgets and Soch' mention some years higher first woman in space education institutions first woman in space are run by corporate model, the executive committees and Representation public ", and that in fact, the level of management control of the universities money owed from the government budget declined steadily during those years, as a result of suffocation Finance Budget thorns on them (and according Dmueb, does not exist!) and increasing first woman in space dependence first woman in space on external donations. But this is not enough - Moab also argues that universities decided on their own to increase first woman in space the number first woman in space of students and then complained that the investment per student is too low. Interesting. What about cutting the number first woman in space of standards lecturers Universities and its effect on the ratio of the number of student teachers? Cuts that would, in the opinion first woman in space Moab is too small and its solution - reducing the number of students., and so on and so on - would take too long to enumerate and analyze here all the baseless assertions but arrogance abounds petitions from this text.
Moab measures the academic community first woman in space activity one criterion, that of promoting the knowledge front (although that is uses ratings populist useless). He calls it "excellent," and the rest "sub - level". first woman in space But scientific knowledge is created in the academic community, not by individuals alone, however brilliant. Non-academic community supports, absorbs, interprets first woman in space and controls, glitterings at the forefront of knowledge first woman in space is not understood, not received, not accumulate, and eventually even criticism will not be developed further. Not everyone in this community are at the forefront of knowledge, but that does not mean that their work is "sub - level". This work is essential to promote the sciences and other standards for the quality and L"mtzweinoth. " Due to this blindness office academic community, Moab offers direct deposit by market mechanisms umbrella of "the economic Tamarotzm H"mtzweinim" at the forefront of knowledge, and the chapter, in fact, the academic community as a mechanism for autonomous professional. The real concern market "free" also will be swallowed such excellent - his eyes into the rule of corporations, they dictate the "Results" research, he probably does not tend to see. But this process has already many signs. The cartoon he draws the academic community first woman in space dominated by labor unions hides his eyes, and designed to obscure interests, are much stronger than those of workers first woman in space in control of scientific research and engage in favor of capital ties - Science.
Whether Academy of autonomous mechanisms work properly is a serious question. We all know, and there is no point in denying cases of inappropriate studies, promotions first woman in space problematic side of my back, I'll watch you, and so on. But the solution to this is to strengthen the academic autonomy to be able to mobilize professional first woman in space ethical manner, free and without fear, no external takeover, Corporate or Government, the mechanisms of these professional and academic community that maintains them. The academic first woman in space community and the professional ethics must be built and nurtured; disparagement first woman in space rude and threatening the kind that plays Moab are not the way to do so.
Iris, the facts do not bother you at all. You claim I am a neo-liberal first woman in space and therefore worships the free market, and hence the reader first woman in space your point but no inflammatory basis conclude I proposed higher education market solutions. What really said: "There is a market failure. Concern which learn only at the end of sentences or accounting is far-fetched. Opposite is true - the existing system all budgets go to law or accounting first woman in space because there is demand., But we want to be represented as other areas. This public interest , not something that the Minister of Education to decide on it. therefore need to look at models of the world where there is public councils that do the prioritization. " In plain English: Basic knowledge creation has a market failure and therefore should not be left to market forces. Holiday
Omer Moav's reaction: in terms of harsh comments I can not argue with Moab - No doubt this area is authority. The facts did not bother me - with quotations from the interview can establish a variety of positions. That's when advertisers Tkts which scatter like salt, a little bit of attitude, even if strict cut of context, reference can be found in all position. This new course will be happy if it turns out that the interview actually challenges the neo - liberal. But if the claim is not allowed to leave the creation of knowledge by market forces (and I have no idea how it sits, for example, with the statement that whoever chose to specialize in philosophy - to him complain when receive first woman in space lower wages than that chosen funding that philosophy is a profession as much in demand, but so be it) and, if not also be left to the Academy (or even confused the facts here) - by a person who has a deposit? The fact that the regulation was previously L"iharg any circumstances "in the eyes of N.

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