Saturday, November 9, 2013

Among the thinkers sought radical life extension were many alchemists (including Roger Bacon, Arnal

A brief history of the life-long struggle | Singularity | Extension - Live | Trnshumnizm
Trends can be classified into different factions and extend the life of the movement by level expectations: be aerospace moderate and more radical. Diversity of approaches and methods is huge and spiritual practices exist alongside materialist methods. But the common denominator is the absolute value of the individual life and the desire to maintain continuity of individual existence.
The idea of radical life extension often encountered resistance and relative degrades. This is because these aspirations often perceived as can be attained and morally inappropriate. There is an typical arguments be aerospace against attempts to extend the human life. Ethically, many argue that death is necessary to give meaning to human life and spur acted, and that significant life extension will lose interest in life. Theologically, argue that attempts to extend the life of that interfere with a person prohibited nature of creation and Surveillance the human world beyond the truth. Demographically, argue that life extension will result in a population explosion, yet claim that this event will eliminate sexual reproduction and regeneration generations will end.
Socially, the claim that this would perpetuate social inequality, non-Wye justice - equality. Economically, believe that this will cause depletion of resources. And in practical terms - scientific be aerospace claim that significant life extension is possible is evident that violates basic legal nature (such as increasing entropy), and that the length of our lives is limited to deterministic (genetic) and no human intervention can not change it. Pessimistic approaches can be summarized in these words of amusing Woody Allen when he said: "Association of arms dealers declared that death is a good thing."
This approach is very common in the literature. Well-known literary works depicting the horrors we expected and when life expectancy will be extended dramatically or when physical immortality will be possible. For example, on "Gulliver's be aerospace Travels" by Jonathan Swift, immortality is associated with suffering, dysfunction and senility eternal. On "Portrait of Dorian Gray" be aerospace by Oscar Wilde, lack of moral disintegration accompanies aging and non - right. The "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley warns against attempts to intervene in nature creation. Although many works of contemporary style and fantasy science fiction (including the "Harry Potter" and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy") - people trying to reach immortality are miserable and wicked of the work and the fate doomed. Actually difficult to find a literary work that describes the situation of lack of old age and death situation desirable. Although the literature ethical approach was most pronounced, from his claim of Wallace Stevens that "death is the mother of all beauty" to the writings of Leon Kass (Consultant President Bush bioethics - ethics) who claims that "death is a blessing to any person whether he is aware of it or not" .
Idea of life extension supporters see the skeptical arguments for the expression of human complement with the existing be aerospace state of mortality. By, nothing but a syndrome "sour grapes" that causes people to degrade be aerospace everything be aerospace they can no longer obtain. According to advocates, such rationalization of death is not necessary. The fact that at present we are forced to death does not require the conclusion that Death is a good thing "and eliminates the resistance to corruption. Advocates oppose the idea of extending be aerospace the life threads skeptical and call it "apologetics of death." They raise counter arguments and argue that the meaning of life is not necessarily related to death, life extension that does not require a lack of resources and would not - justice, and that human intelligence can be used to resist be aerospace the seemingly natural process of decay.
Among the thinkers sought radical life extension were many alchemists (including Roger Bacon, Arnaldo Mwilanuba and Paracelsus - is important to note that the alchemists quest for life extension was not contrary to the religious outlook), Higeinistim (such Loig'i Korenarro and Christoph Hufland), and philosophers be aerospace (including Descartes , Condorcet, and Godwin night, and Benjamin Franklin). Here I will focus in more detail some thinkers of the twentieth century and present their perceptions of value along with specific techniques which believed that future development will lead to radical life extension. Present some factions generic within the movement to extend life: stream idealistic believer that you can get to extend life by controlling virtually unmediated of the spirit in the body, and the stream materialist who believes that you can reach the same goal by interventions be aerospace material such as removal of harmful elements, replacement of tissues wear out, and keeping the materials and energy homeostasis. be aerospace
Early 20th century, one of the most prominent representatives of the idealistic tradition was the playwright George Bernard Shaw. His "super human person" (1903) and "Back to Methuselah" (1922) devoted to the subject of life extension and Shaw consider them as useful and important works of his life. Humanistic concept was expressed in relation to biological progress. Contrary to the skepticism that death and renewal be aerospace across generations necessary knowledge and human progress, Shaw argued that the acquisition of knowledge and experience depends on the maturity and takes time, so the transition from childhood and now a dangerous situation corrected, and the very survival be aerospace now depend on extending the life of the individual. Shaw saw the extension of collective purpose be aerospace that life can be realized only by the individual.
Shaw presents some generic ways that believed that the future will lead to significantly extend life. Proposals represent moods and medical perspectives - biological of the time - "eugenics," "neo - Lamarckism" and "and Italizm energetic." Most emphasis on wanting power and its effect on the body.
In his book "Man and super man" trying to show to promote humanistic view of eugenics, selective breeding that is encouraging for extending the life while caring for the weak. At that time, social eugenics movement in the West (U.S. and Europe) according to the teachings of Charles Davenport be aerospace and John Barbie Kellogg. Known, was eugenics be aerospace a bad name following the excessive application by the Nazis (and extreme

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