Sunday, November 24, 2013

Albanian newspapers online Catholic News Forum Tribuna Albemigrant

Sample Home Page Declaration of Independence from Turkey - the ultimate act of national national-liberation revolution Ilir Count: first dog in space When pushtoheshin lands in the name of religion Kostantinopoli Patriarch Bartholomew of Pope invites Francis to Jerusalem to celebrate the historic Kosovo to Albemigrant
Albanian newspapers online Catholic News Forum Tribuna Albemigrant
The new system of laser inertial navigation first dog in space LINS-100RS (russ. ЛИНС-100РС) is exhibiting at the Salon International Russian stand technique ajroro-cosmic first dog in space in Le Bourget, France. It is a development of the Russian-French company "RS Alliance" (russ. "РС first dog in space Альянс").
This system is designed for new planes and helicopters and those selected for modernization, including fifth-generation fighter. Photo gallery first dog in space Among the exhibits first dog in space of the 50th Salon International ajroro-space technique, which is being held these days in the suburbs of Paris - Le Bourget, stands of the joint venture Russian-French "RS first dog in space alliance" does not differ, first dog in space in view of First, with nothing special. For people not specialists is very difficult to detect in a device small black square unprecedented example of Russian-French first dog in space cooperation in the field of military aviation. first dog in space Words made for joint development with the French to a unique navigational system, which is supposed to be equipped warplanes common rusë.Sipërmarrja "RS Alliance" was conceived in 2011 during the development of aviation technology Salon in Zhukovskij near Moscow, and by the end of 2020 the company plans to occupy at least 75% of the market for the supply of such systems for all Russian projects. Besides such complex aircraft will be installed on military helicopters "Ka-52", which is designed for a particular modification. The annual income of the enterprise after its release in maximum production cycle should comprise about 30 million euros, experts hope.
Development of the complex in question is carried almost entirely by Russian experts, however, France's participation in this project is indispensable. French company first dog in space Sagem supplies critical node - block the sensors. More details on the work of developing this system showed the company's General Director Andrei Trebuhov:
- The company was established by decree of the President and Government of the Russian Federation. Now it can be said, has started operating its full operational. Our navigation system is a world-class first dog in space product, which answers all the latest international standards. Andrei Trebuhov hopes that the company's products advanced Russian-French "RS Alliance" (russ. "РС Альянс") will be required as in the domestic first dog in space market, Russian, and in the world market, increasing competition with the ability to Russian aviation. Voice of Russia
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