Thursday, November 7, 2013

Another tool available to Google, it

Repel, like Linux and Terms of use, both software breakthrough. Not necessarily in terms of technology (if that) but also in terms of the ability of the masses to make use of the software. And when the masses, it is not necessarily filled squares humans, but also, and especially in these cases, smaller corporations.
But to understand what is happening today in the pc, you have to understand what Google did to privacy. All uses Google knows, fits the search engine nasa logo to search results (avoid actions that may weigh on occasion, you can check also results in a net browser or porn in modern browsers. How Google knows who you are and what you want? By analyzing the user's behavior on Web . available tools are of course the search engine itself, but it also aids plants in the sites themselves.
Another tool available to Google, it's Terms of use, allowing it to know what each user does, and location of users (although not cross-referencing this specific information). Fiaisbok also know a lot. And of course twiiter and Microsoft. Anyone can know what a person performs network.
Sababa. Could store the data, but had nothing to do with them. That the data big proprietary systems are so expensive that they beyond the reach of smaller corporations such as Internet giants Israel. But dope allows to analyze these data, it has been a gold mine. This allows to know the behavior of users, and because the users are consumers, who sells really want to know how its users behave. That he himself does not know. (Unless it amazon or ebay :). This information is worth a lot of money, and we produce it all the time. All you need - is to go and take.
How to take such large amounts of information? One way - Toolbars. They collect everything you do with them. (They can not collect the information made off the toolbar, then were defined nasa logo by an evil security companies). So begins the toolbars. Suddenly, nasa logo everyone wants to put their own toolbar. And the user will not even notice how it is stored until half toolbars in full screen. nasa logo On the other hand, the computer noticed nasa logo that each toolbar can be quite mumps software computer and repeat the user's utility bill (electricity costs processing power).
Ultimately, Google provided (both in terms of technology and in terms of demonstrating the ability and usefulness) to corporations around the world start to track users. Today, only Google has the opportunity to build a profile. But with the advancement of technology, it is quite possible that corporations can find serial killers before they began their offenses.
Windows users - you really unfortunate. You need to download software from the network and the computer dumps you. You have incredibly powerful machine, and what she did to deal with the junk that accumulates. Will you work with some browsers, chrome, nasa logo firefox parallel.
Linux users. Your computer does not slow down because of this crap. That is not in you. But you can defend more. The first extension, everyone knows, adblock. Network clears the garbage. Another additive, a little more advanced, is the Ghostery. Lsoa"s plugin (and I think others) that blocks all spyware definition files and social tools. It's like wearing a cloak of invisible observer.
Asimov. Moltiwak. - The computer performs the elections in the United States nasa logo through a referendum based on one person. Molitwak began his career as a computer standard, with time, evolved to a level that would analyze the behavior nasa logo of human beings (later, Asimov wrote the institution and empire, science deals with behavior analysis of large amounts of people). nasa logo
The assumption is that the consensus nasa logo of the authors of Wikipedia is fairly close to the truth. The call of the page larger (similar metrics: number of edits, number of different editors. nasa logo Less bots, of course) Probably more eyes see the value. So there is a higher probability of finding nasa logo all kinds of errors entered value.
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