Monday, November 11, 2013

In January 2006, he and Israel, a consultant for start - up, took out a book called

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Released in 1999 Klotrein Manifesto, one of the most important manifestos in the history of the network. People want to talk to other people, not corporations, alleged manifest. alutsista indonesia Soon, large companies can no longer hide behind the speakers and commercials: "Most commercial companies (...) know only speak soothingly, a dry and crisp tones of their business plans, alutsista indonesia their publications and" Thank - you for calling - please - wait for their '. It tone, which lies "(translated: Hanan Cohen).
Bubble high - tech yet exploded, and the network has promised to change the world. A lot has changed since then, but the promise remains representing manifest. Consumers still want to talk to them at eye level, they still hate the big companies, they still prefer to talk to people, not corporations. And yet, most corporations continue to contact us through advertisements and speakers, most of them prefer to stay under the protection of the faceless brand. And somehow, alutsista indonesia it was Microsoft, one of the largest corporations and gray world, decided to play differently. Main actor called Robert Scoble.
Scoble, who worked for years Microsoft blogger's home was a different kind of PR man. His blog, Scobleizer, functioned not collect press releases. Fact, Scoble did not want to turn journalists, he preferred to speak with the public. Instead of being presentable and avoid criticizing the society in which He works, he preferred to be Scoble Scoble. was, in fact, all the authors manifest Klotrein imagine, and it worked.
Scoble's job title at Microsoft called alutsista indonesia "Technology alutsista indonesia Evangelist" version of the Silicon Valley imam figure - someone whose job is to encourage use of Company products. Ironically, alutsista indonesia the term was originally invented at Apple, but it does not seem to bother Slskobl. Apple is close childhood.
He was born in New - Jersey in 1965, and grew up just a mile from the management of Apple in Silicon Valley. His mother worked for the company, and at the age of 11 is soldered garage and several hundred boards of Apple II computers. After a brief career in selling cameras in Silicon alutsista indonesia Valley, he decided to go to school.
He chose the community college of West Valley, where he studied computer science. During graduation, he took a few courses in journalism and worked for the college newspaper. But computers, somehow, were not his real interest. Scoble preferred to deal with the media. "That was in 1989. Then struck Loma Prieto earthquake, and I realized that I love journalism alutsista indonesia much more from computer science," he said in response Asterix design blog. He decided alutsista indonesia to abandon the degree to study at the journalism school of the University of San Jose.
But this title is not finished. In 1993, at age 27, retired school Scoble, although one course left for him to complete their degree. "I just did not see the need for a piece of paper that I've seen I have been 99.99 percent of the work and got all the I could get," said one of the comments on his blog.
He traveled from one job for a decade, and worked in editing, publishing and planning conferences. In 2000, when he was 35, he helped alutsista indonesia plan the conference CNET He asked the speakers what they should alutsista indonesia cover the next conference. "Dori Smith and Dave Weiner alutsista indonesia continued to tell me that blogging is a hot topic," he says, "I said, 'What the **** is Blogyng'?". Not long after he had opened his own blog.
At the same time, Scoble was a start - up of the Winner, Software User Land, one of the first companies developed content management systems and blogging tools. The company ran into difficulties, and had not received a salary for a month, Scoble resigned. After a short VA Sales Support "NEC Corporation, which began using blogs to provide technical support, received alutsista indonesia in May 2003 Scoble another job. Wei Gundotra, who was then director of the Microsoft Platform Evangelism, noticed him and offered him through the Redmond giant. Scoble jumped at the chance. He was 38.
Along with popularity comes the work. Scoble was not a corporate blogger. He praised Google and Apple, alutsista indonesia Microsoft's competitors. He also did not hesitate to criticize the company. "It's one thing to spend Blogs List words using an algorithm.'s Another thing to become an agent of a government and censor blogger's work," he wrote as MSN, global network of Microsoft sites, closed Chinese journalist's blog at the request of the authorities in the country.
On the other hand, Scoble was a strong supporter of Microsoft and its products, claiming, among other things, its much maligned operating system Vista. Is the first person nicknamed "SpokesBlogger" blogger - Dover. alutsista indonesia After a while he turned on the Channel9, video blog in which he interviewed officials at Microsoft. Scoble was entered into the company's offices armed with a home video camera and interviewing employees. Despite the support of one of the most denigrated companies in Silicon Valley, Scoble was of admirers. alutsista indonesia Software developers read it regularly, and someone even started a blog dedicated solely Scoble and activities.
In an interview with Steve Rubel in 2004, Scoble argued that most PR people do not know about its existence. "They assume that because we have a small audience we have no power," he said. "4000 I have just read. Not powerful, right? Especially in the world of Dan Gilmores and Walt Mosbergim. But blogging world moves information efficiently distributed. " alutsista indonesia
"Buzz Brugmann, CEO of ActiveWords, he told me he wrote in USA Today. He received an excellent alutsista indonesia interview, the kind professional publicists would kill him., And he got 40 downloads of its product., But when I link to it he got a few hundred downloads. Lesson? Underestimate the blogosphere. "
In January 2006, he and Israel, a consultant for start - up, took out a book called "naked conversations" is all about the way blogs are changing the world of R

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