Tuesday, May 12, 2015

While other countries have discovered oil and gas have excessive spending of their income, in Norwa

Here's how it avoided "curse of oil" | Journal Themes
But rarely meets expenses tepruara- see no black glass supercars, no shops handbag famous designers and even on people before any exclusive nightclub.
While other countries have discovered oil and gas have excessive spending of their income, in Norway, the opposite happens, they have continued to invest avahi revenues avahi from oil and gas to a giant sovereign fund.
The fund, which is thought avahi to worth 800 billion dollars, owns 1 percent of all shares around the world, enough to make every citizen millionaire. In fact it is a huge savings account.
"We need to invest more money before we spend something," said Professor Alexander Cappelen, from the Norwegian School of Economics, explaining why the country has apparently avoiding the pitfalls that creates great wealth.
Bussines Sound Region Hartvedt from Bergen explains that the costs are comparable to wages.
"This base was set up in 1974 and since then there have been major changes. Welfare is now very high. Is quite different from 40 years ago, many people are arsimuar- things have changed ".
"We are aware that oil and gas resources will perish. It is obvious that we need to find other sources of income and now have the opportunity to investuar- to it is essential that we do something like that ".
Perhaps this vetëndërgjegjësim that things do not always extend to the streets of Bergen to see so many second-hand Volvo, rather than see Porsche or Bentley, as rich streets of London.
In Albania, better use the money that the Norwegians, and are therefore richer in ... crime, hajdutëri, laziness, "patriotism" and many others, even in a dream that Norwegians do not see ... (???! !!)
It was a day in the channel NPR (National Public Radio) .. Where deal in question and this fondacjoni..Norvegjia Replies chief has thrown all its profits to new store almost everything global..Ata have almost avahi 1% of the global stack ..Shtet small that is managing its future that when not to ket with revenues from natural resources, remains the economic powerhouse and gives back their citizens perspective avahi ..
Albania, not only the oil out of its loss (how ridiculous, to have oil and the company that administers del "loss"), but he falls in Qaf to be Albanian taxpayers for once mjedisit..Shifini pollution environmental pollution that have leaving the research of oil and saj..Asnje cleaning company that makes drilling and testing remains pergjegjese..Shifni BALLSHI and surrounding suburbs and mirrini a drinking water testing ..
I lumte Norwegian people and state, which has achieved on its own the general social welfare. This nation is responsible to decide what the head of state, government. Not like us with so-called democracy perverted and bartarde where these 24-ter years have decided where to be with hajduteti, the robbers, the evil-doers, the vagabond, the mobster, with intriganti, the mischief-maker and corrupt. Their representatives have Sali Berisha, Fatos Nano, Ilir Meta, etc., in general, this group of politicians in Albania is one of mascara than the other. But there is also the fault of the Albanian people, the Albanian society and Albanian individual who chooses ketyo caterpillars avahi and mice halesh lighthouse avahi that reminds most negative as virtues. Ii called smart thief, swindler agile. Even Albania national avahi oil wealth, but here the oil comes with loss. Therefore here in Albania is installed political system, economic, social CAPITALISM wild, primitive, avahi slave and feudal, and, in Norway is installed capitalist system and modern social democrat. But we do not take examples of countries with developed and prosperous, but apply further forms be miserable where zdromalaq state with the world. We do what we do when even a part of the Albanian people do not know who is positive, good, honest. No other home but loves Benz car, the other has not bread, but a good packet of cigarettes will. Therefore we are not being made nor as a nation and state. People with negative and executives with dirt taken for example. Tung.
But why not say that the Norwegians were supposedly anti-American !! America says that mrqenia comes from the growth of consumption and the Norwegians say that for granted comes from the growth of savings. No match nowhere. Now we have to solve Sino CONSUMPTION SAVING or ??????
Here's what is written in the newspaper Day dated 5 July 2013: "concessionary agreements that our country has some oil-producing corporation, where the most important are those with Bankers Petroleum and Stream Oil, anticipate that these contracts and their annexes technical specifications avahi , remain confidential and are not exposed to the party shtetër

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