Friday, May 15, 2015

-Professor mig 27 Rama Lirak striker Bejko death has shocked Albanian society numb, while the polit

INTERVIEW / Shinasi Rama: the day is not far distant when it will be able to set themselves on fire or as Lirak Bejko | Journal Themes
-Professor mig 27 Rama Lirak striker Bejko death has shocked Albanian society numb, while the political class follows the tune of charges and acquittals. As America's Albanians have experienced this news?
Albanians living in the US have experienced this painfully tragic death. Tirana political leaders began using its techniques to blaming the other party, mig 27 but the crime was a crime to not pray. This is a crime by those who can not be forgotten. mig 27 No sea that washes out their criminal responsibility. When you are away from your country, everything that happens to multiple touches. There has been much reaction through media and in private conversations, and hatred for the ruling nobles of Tirana. Open cynicism of the ruling princes, but the arrogance of degeneration of the press and propaganda tools, the sale of the soul for a salary by officials, depravity and inability to confront evil are signs symptomatic of a society that is out hopeless, sees no solution and that attempts to survive as possible. In this context, self-sacrifice of Lirak Bejkos was a move that had to postpone all Albanians to reflect. His death was a critical moment, because mig 27 this was vetëflijua with full consciousness. However, no one is reflecting. Protests of a handful of political persecuted during the visit of US Secretary of State sank with violence, and journalists were with pink tie prime and not the protest of those people who wanted nothing more than their right and entered the police force in vans. Police violence was symptomatic of the criminal regime of Tirana. We experience this condition with more pain and ask people to wake up and act as quickly as possible. The day is not far off when there will be able either to set themselves on fire as Lirak Bejko.
Yes, definitely yes. In the Albanian state it is as critical mig 27 as the situation has little to surprise. Even self-sacrifice of Lirak Bejkos total stupifaction society and show how low we have fallen. This is no longer a society of free people, the hope and future opportunities. The state is captured mig 27 by the chiefs of Tirana, the rulers of the nobles are organized in clans, is criminalized society, political parties are thieves gang of nobles, the administration is stërkorruptuar, the economy is under the iron control of the oligarchy and the rate of delivery mig 27 of first of all evil society is incomparable. Albanian state is not a normal state. Even when there is something to remember, they do not spend a few hours and going up a little something that was not previously imaginable. This is a tragic situation and beyond normality. Therefore, the transition should be considered a failure, the nobles should be considered responsible for this failure, and the need to think about a new beginning, with different ideas, mig 27 and other people who want to serve the nation state.
Everywhere. Where there is no corruption? Here everything is corrupt. Administration, politics, the courts, business, health, education, tenders, mig 27 parties, media, civil society, the popular mentality, natural resources, everything is corrupt. The only area where there is no corruption is planetary research, but fortunately, we have not been able to start a rocket into space. If we started a racket, with these politicians who have, even what rocket will be corrupted. mig 27
Up to this point, chiefs managed mig 27 to maintain social mig 27 equilibrium allowing people to pursue their narrow objectives enrichment, survival mig 27 in all ways possible ways. The farmer who has become owner's land, which is made businessman thief, drug dealers who have made mansions, mig 27 doctors who have become millionaires by squeezed people speaking professors mig 27 teach at universities fantomatike baloney, tenders and projects mig 27 that are stolen by both hands, lack of legalization, remittances, informal economy, trafficking, smuggling, sale of white meat, the sale of children for organs, and the presence of a party's propaganda rampant violence has created a paralyzing condition. Those that until 1990 did not saturate stomach with bread, hate everything that stands in their way to riches. Tirana ruling princes is insatiable, who robbed the properties are greedy, and the younger generation is growing up with their moral void. But economic and political crisis, extreme polarization, moral failure and lack of values will be unaffordable incentives for people to put questions and doubt this experimental project princes.
The short answer is "No". The longer answer starts with a number of differences that are not done, simply because a

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