Saturday, May 16, 2015

In 1990 the only people who knew what could be done with the Albanian us2 state, who had ideologica

Transition has failed
With "Tales of the Albanian transition" Shinasi Rama addresses a reader who has worked and suffered in the 22 years of transition, a gjithëlexuesi. The study is a frontal view, starting from the theoretical aspects, and with a language no less sharp than the issue under review, addresses the factors responsible for the failure of transition in Albania. In this conclusion comes Shinasi Rama, Clinical us2 Professor in the Department of Politics at New York University, USA. By introducing the use of the term first prof. Rama opens an original perspective that pushes the gate after gate, politics, economics, culture, and identifying with the responsibilities of failure, us2 even vagullitë, doubts, insecurities that has embedded this period rropatëse among Albanians of Albania's history of crises successive. Even those positive achievements have been a very expensive price. In these years it has not been established nor a political class nor the intellectual elite for the Machiavelli mandrake as they were generated by the parties are past. The transition is not the end of history but this is no consolation. Prof. Shinasi Rama gives synthetically in this interview for "Century" sets out the arguments of "Tales ..." (Prince, 2012, 500 pp.).
Albanian us2 society has a tremendous need to understand the situation in which we are: is this normal condition, abnormal, or temporary. The argument that the book raises is that the situation is completely abnormal, but the audience was shown open. One of the most beautiful things I experienced was that the actors of this transition, the members of the nobles, as I define nobles, agreed us2 with the findings and remedies set forth herein.
It is the transitional period during which presumably would put the foundation of building a society of the future which will provide the best possible thing for Albanians, in terms of personal happiness, welfare, us2 prosperity ...
Of course, a human being needs to honor and dignity and the transition period should be guaranteed. This does not mean that history is closed transition. Life continues, change structures because they are based on social relationships that are based on other interests evolve ever. But the foundation must be sound. To illustrate figuratively must say so: if the foundations of a house will were put mud, I could not to lift more than one floor; if the foundations were put stones will, then the house will be sustainable and habitable for humans. Even the transition should allow us to throw in the foundation of a good society thought of lying in the future.
Given the illustration of a house under construction, it is the responsibility of the architect and how people living there inside? For in this book you wear it all the responsibilities political class and the plunder almost liability will of the people.
In 1990 the only people who knew what could be done with the Albanian us2 state, who had ideological preparation, professional, technical, etc., To materialize a vision of the future of the Albanian us2 society, were the two-thousand people who were members of the Tirana princes, their part in the block, a block off, intellectuals, university professors, state officials, engineers, doctors, etc., that had occurred in western experiences. Albanian people in this phase of transition was totally unprepared for the future. He did not accept the system in which he lived but had no idea that what the system us2 will tomorrow unbearable. So the responsibility for the way that was made the only nobles. Mobilizing us2 people, political priorities, economic targets were set and the cultural and moral values that were promoted, in the interest of its project, which was not development project was user. The chiefs used this deep ignorance of society. The chiefs said, when it came to state and state to state collapse collapsed; when it came to morality said market economy will determine social values when it came to identity said liberalism us2 - everyone for himself. Even from these materialize suddenly a project that was tested us2 and that 22 years later we see that is so deadly to society.
Yes, but what we must understand is that people wrong because I do not know. When he sees the truth, then it supports people who offer the right solutions. In 1990 came the most paradoxical phenomenon in the East. Albanians had suffered so much that they followed a route known as sociological sciences Soteriology of the oppressed: they were identified with the values of a system that was against a system that was printed. So even though capitalism in its wild form, is a polarizing system, that does not offer many opportunities outside layer that controls the means of production, the citizens

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