Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The New York Times, the cartoon that much has been published about the activities of the Indian Spa

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The New York Times, the cartoon that much has been published about the activities of the Indian Space Haas, formally apologized. universidad federico santa maria Mars orbiter India (MOM) within a few days after Mavn NASA orbiter, Mars was in orbit, with the success of India as the first Asian country next to NASA, Europe Space Agency (ESA) and the former Soviet Union was successful were to send a probe to Mars.
India's success in this mission is reflected in the wide world and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Agreement for the development of America's space agency's Mars exploration, analysis and data transfer between the orbiter and MOM signed Mavn.
A cartoon farmer with frail Indian Hindi dress with a cow in the show room door at the top of the "elite club of space" in which two men dressed in formal written and reading newspaper on India's Mars mission, the cartoon along with an article titled "India's mission budget" was published.
The editor of The New York Times said the cartoon suggests that other modern technologies in the West and India have been able to do it with a little care, we see that the cost of this work Hindi Bdhd.albth, with a very 74 million less budget 671 million NASA Orbiter Mavn dollar and this place is interesting.
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