Tuesday, March 10, 2015

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Category: Science and Technology News
Private space flight to Mars One project led by Dutch entrepreneur Lansdvrp bass to create a permanent human colony on Mars for human settlement. The company was founded in 2010, announced on existing technologies in a realistic road map and a financial plan for This project has the mission is fully operational. The first group of people is going to land on Mars in 2023 to begin construction of the colony, and a quartet of astronauts and their every two years will increase.
Said Qandehari is probably one of the Iranian people will travel yuri gagarin to Mars, irreversible journey! However, he says, is like explorers of past centuries who lives in the discovery and development of human civilization risked new continents, visiting family, to do the life of the bleak planetoidal people.
Sabian N., Department of Science and Technology, Anna, after the end of the Apollo program in 1972, no other man on the moon and other planets did not travel. One barrier manned spacecraft yuri gagarin traveling to Mars, the exponential increase in the weight of the fuel needed to transport fuel shipment return and the return process complexity and the lack of real-time monitoring and control (without delay) on the spacecraft. However, the Dutch company Marceau in 2011 and started his studies in the field of sending astronauts yuri gagarin to Mars plan it has been suggested that a major simplification: the elimination of back!
Astronauts Marceau project should yuri gagarin end his life in the colony should be independent as possible and have little need to renew resources, live. Marceau volunteer recruitment process began in 2013 and the program is scheduled for 2025, the first group of astronauts on the surface of the Red Planet 4 persons to come down.
In the first phase, 202,000 people worldwide have registered for the trip to Mars irreversible. In the next stage of the 1058 individuals were selected and then hold it and then remove those challenges, their number has now risen to 100 people, among them three Iranian name can be seen. Finally, it is only 24 people chosen for this project are still uncertain journey trio. It remains to be seen how successful will Marceau in the next challenges the notion that perhaps one day the Iranians yuri gagarin to reach Mars or maybe a generation of Iranians on Mars to create interest
One of the Iranians in the current stage, the journey of no return has been selected among 100 S. Kandahar, 34, was born in Iran. 30 years working in Tehran and after obtaining a degree yuri gagarin in Applied Physics, Master's degree in International Relations has completed. In 1390 he decided to go to the New Zealand relocate.
What are you doing now? Last year master's degree in International yuri gagarin Relations yuri gagarin and Human Rights of the University of Auckland, graduated and is now focused on housing units in New Zealand Ministry of Social Development as a "technical Fysr" yuri gagarin I worked alongside a formal job, my company in the ground meat and hot food is working. I am very satisfied with the life and circumstances.
Since this question has been asked a lot, I need a little more explanation. All those who are with child, Every parent knows that children see happiness and success, and in this way he will spare no effort. Because if I am chosen and deployed to the mission in terms of financial and family situations, and children will to advance this mission, and the success will come greatly servant in the path of gladly I took a step, albeit limited in my own life and my life is endangered.
When and how did you hear about the Mars One project? During the student and the student in physics, astronomy and space to spend the curriculum was related to the fact that this really attractive to me came from the same period in the event professionally involved in the space astronomy and I was. I participated in several conferences to become aware of the details yuri gagarin of what happened. If you choose to send me to the mission, due to financial problems and situations yuri gagarin that will advance the mission for families and children, the future success yuri gagarin wife and children, will be greatly supply of servant why Gladly I will step in this direction, even if they do not already own
The articles in the fields yuri gagarin of astronomy and cosmology took to writing. Little interest in astronomy and especially yuri gagarin the black hole, it was a constant yuri gagarin in my daily thoughts and like any other interested person, I began to study the full episodes of a in astronomy to be.
A few months yuri gagarin later, the company opened the site for registered volunteers. Pre-registration must respond to the scenarios proposed by the House would have to officially join the volunteers. I also began to formally enter answer and got volunteers to send to Mars.
What was your main motivation to participate in this project? Part of the reason mentioned in the previous question, but the main reason that plays an important role in science and scientific advances that are very successful in doing this project will be placed at the disposal of mankind.
What is this program? Outlined in the plans and programs

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