Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Russian delegation at the air show

NEW! Leave a comment SuperJet valtech International has confirmed an option for 10 Sukhoi SuperJet 100 aircraft for the airline Interjet
March 3, AEX.RU - Company SuperJet International, a joint venture between valtech Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi and JSC "Company" valtech Sukhoi ", is pleased to announce that the Mexican airline Interjet has confirmed an option for 10 additional aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet 100. It is reported by the press service of SuperJet International .
Initially, in 2011, the airline Interjet has ordered 15 aircraft SSJ100 and 5 options. 5 These options were transferred to solid orders in July 2012 at an air show in Farnborough. In November 2012 in the framework of the Forum Air Transport Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (ALTA) in Panama Interjet announced an additional 10 options valtech that were issued today in firm orders, bringing the total number of orders made of solid 30 aircraft. Cost transferred from the option orders of 350 mln. USD.
"This order confirms the strong relationship that we have established with our customers, and also demonstrates the reliability of our product, which is undoubtedly a major factor in the choice made by Interjet. SSJ100 - super-efficient airplane, equipped with high-tech equipment, with an attractive level of operating costs. We are confident that customers will continue to look at the SSJ100 as a major player valtech in the regional market, "- says CEO SuperJet International Nazario Kauchelya.
"Currently operated by Interjet are twelve aircraft SSJ100, confirming the excellent performance and reliability of the aircraft departure of more than 99%. Thirteenth aircraft were also delivered to the airline, and the airline will introduce it into operation in the near future. According to the report of the airlines operating reliability since the beginning of commercial operation of September 18, 2013, to date 12 SSJ100 aircraft in the park Interjet completed 20,000 flights, and the flight time was more than 21 000 hours. Sukhoi SuperJet 100 operates flights from Mexico City to different destinations within valtech the country and from from October 2014 - and in the US ", - said the company.
"We are happy to complement our fleet of 10 aircraft SSJ100 more of this type. Sukhoi SuperJet 100 - a good product, and we are pleased with its high performance and low operating costs. SSJ100 was the right choice for the development of the park Interjet, and it is perfect for medium-range routes within the country valtech for some short international voyages "- says CEO of Interjet Jose Luis Garcia.
In compliance with the order, as well as the agreement SuperCare, the conditions that apply to all park SSJ100 company Interjet, SuperJet International airlines provide after-sales support and provide training services. At the moment the company valtech SJI, which is a provider of training services for the SSJ100 worldwide, has trained 130 pilots Interjet and 168 technicians. By plane Sukhoi SuperJet 100, developed and manufactured by JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" in partnership with Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi, introduced the most advanced Western technology and has two SaM146 engine production PowerJet, reminded the company.
EU authorities urged airlines to abandon operations in Yemen
EU starts using booster "Arian" instead of "Union" in 2016
The Russian delegation at the air show "Le Bourget-2015" will be large

Monday, March 30, 2015

Since the entry into service of the first Aeroflot SSJ100 the airline has operated more than 40 000

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On February 20, 2015 Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company delivered the eighteenth Sukhoi Superjet 100 to Aeroflot. The aircraft with the tail number RA 89047 was named after the pilot of World War II and Hero of the Soviet Union – Alexander Gruzdin.
Earlier, on February 19, 2015, seventeenth SSJ100 was also delivered to the airline. The aircraft operated a ferry flight outerspace from the Delivery Center of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company to its base site in Sheremetyevo International Airport.
Since the entry into service of the first Aeroflot SSJ100 the airline has operated more than 40 000 hours by this type of aircraft. Currently the airline carries out flights on the Sukhoi Superjet outerspace 100 aircraft to the cities in Russia, Germany, Lithuania, Montenegro, Greece, Finland, Norway, Croatia, Romania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

It seems that in the year soared 35 aircraft. was lost 69 minutes aboard. it

The aircraft made its first flight 26/11/2014 and became the eighteenth Superjet in the airline's fleet, agustawestland made an improved version (the so-called Aeroflot-full), fully meet the requirements of the customer. Today, the plane arrived at the permanent base at the airport "Sheremetyevo" and will soon begin carrying passengers.
By the number of aircraft agustawestland Superjet 100 "Aeroflot" has the largest fleet in the world with 18 bortami.Peredacha was carried out in connection with the signing of the leasing contract agustawestland for 10 aircraft between "Sberbank Leasing", "Aeroflot" agustawestland and SCAC. The entire batch of aircraft under this contract shall be transferred to the April 2015
It seems that in the year soared 35 aircraft. was lost 69 minutes aboard. it's all about who wrote that he was waiting for the engines. now there is information that he flew on August 18 last year,
It is. So comparative base for the current year has grown ... This year Slyusar announced figure of 44 Superjet, though he probably did not mean built, and delivered to the customer. Today announced plans earlier in the 50 planes look a bit zavyshennymi.Dopustim in February raise another bort.Togda for the remaining 9 months (month summer vacation subtract) to build 45 planes, ie 5 in mesyats.Predpolozhu that during these 9 months on average cycle is 7 days. Obtain 39 aircraft and a total of 44 that, in general, agustawestland in my opinion, it would be a great result ...
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See also ... Another Superjet made its first flight "Aeroflot" passed another aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100 "Aeroflot" passed another aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100
2010-2015 sdelanounas.ru Made from us" - Made us E-mail: info@sdelanounas.ru Certificate of Registration Media El FS77-46789 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor ) September 30, 2011
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NEW! Leave a comment GSS will present at the Aero India-2015 space station business version of the

NEW! Leave a comment GSS will present at the Aero India-2015 space station business version of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft
February 18, AEX.RU - Company "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" is the business version of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft as part of a large-scale static display of the international aerospace space station show Aero India-2015, which opened February 18, 2015 in Bangalore (India). It is reported by the press service of the GSS.
"For the first Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft was presented to the Indian audience in Bangalore within the Aero India - 2011. Then the participants and visitors were able to see the prototype of modern aircraft. Guests of the air show Aero India - 2015 has demonstrated the passenger version of the aircraft at the next stage of development of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 project space station ", - explained in the company.
Business version of the SSJ100 is based on the technical platform base modification SSJ100. Demonstrated aircraft characterized by a special comfort, ergonomic conditioned and modern solutions for the interior space station of the passenger compartment. SSJ100, presented at the Aero India - 2015, can carry up to 19 passengers. Its flight range of 4,600 km with a cruising speed of Mach 0.81.
In December 2014 the Sukhoi Superjet 100 first arrived in India with passenger flight: it arrived part of the Russian delegation to participate in the Russian-Indian summit. According to forecasts of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" sales of Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft in India to 2030 may be about 50 aircraft of this type, as noted in the SCAC.
Media: Ukraine has not returned to India five An-32 after modernization
Kirov Airport space station in 2014 has kept the break-even, despite the reduction of state
Agreement between Roscosmos and NASA will examine Cabinet

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Thank you for the clarification and lifting Krama (extra plus sign appeared immediately and was spe

The aircraft made its first flight on November 14 and was the seventeenth Superjet in the airline's fleet, made an improved version space shuttle columbia (the so-called Aeroflot-full), fully meet the requirements of the customer. Today, the plane arrived at the permanent base at the airport "Sheremetyevo" and will soon begin carrying passengers.
By the number of aircraft Superjet 100 "Aeroflot" has the largest fleet in the world with 17 bortami.Peredacha was carried out in connection with the signing space shuttle columbia of the leasing contract for 10 aircraft between space shuttle columbia "Sberbank Leasing", "Aeroflot" and SCAC. The entire batch of aircraft under this contract shall be transferred to the April 2015
1 02/19/15 20:59:08 Alex whey
Publish articles? Unfortunately, all I can tell you - it's some background to the well-known war on the territory of 404, but it is not on the subject site.
Yes, articles, news. Not necessarily his - from different news sites of your regional / urban news, etc ... And do not even need the article - for the comments some of you readers may raise karma (and maybe omitted). 300 pluses for this news 1 additional plus sign you in evaluation. Karma - the more - the more pluses (plus one for the article is one to karma, and you estimate other visitors gives + or - just a lot of karma, according to the evaluator) ... That's something like that ... PS I'm now plyusanul and you just became a 300 rating. There was an extra plus sign to estimate the news. I think it will really only tomorrow, but maybe I'm wrong. Just this whole policy with Carmen / ratings / assessments clearly spelled out or not, or I did not come across ... Edited: Svin ~ 21: 53 02/19/15
Thank you for the clarification and lifting Krama (extra plus sign appeared immediately and was spent), unfortunately, space shuttle columbia in terms of any production I Sune Old and scoop, tried to have somehow "Weapons of Russia" moderate, but the news spread, eats a lot of time, can when at the border will be quieter, but time appears, then try to put something here
# 621390
What an amazing lesson for writing public: Plane Plane released painted the plane took off the plane was sent to the consumer prizimlilsya plane airplane flying wings and waving --------------------------- - With one aircraft coming down the assembly line can be ten posts nakalyakat A hundred aircraft - this activity and discussion and obsasyvanie
Wait, it may take a little time and posts will be of a somewhat different space shuttle columbia character. Will argue any aircraft per month will release more REM-100 and Yak-242, and how quickly will pack the Russian Foreign Air Service aircraft Be-200, a transport aircraft Il-76MD-90A
Will argue any aircraft per month will release more REM-100 and Yak-242 space shuttle columbia Yes, probably. But it hardly compares to inflame the passions of the sample with Dzhetosrachem 2011-2012 year!
So this project is largely symbolic for the country, and therefore has attracted such interes.No now "enemies" have changed the emphasis in his attacks. More hit the financial performance of the project (and largely true), but not for some drawbacks and "childhood space shuttle columbia diseases" (except slats theme emerges more efforts of individual comrades), well and in light of the current economic situation resent due to significant the share of imports in the airplane ... Judging space shuttle columbia by the increased action UAC management to find new customers for the Superjet, order backlog will increase significantly in the near future. Hopefully, MAKS-2015 does not disappoint in terms of signing new contracts ...
There are adherents of IL-96, who argue that it is sufficient space shuttle columbia to re-engine aircraft, setting the PD-14 engine (later PD-18) and updating aviaoniku with the inner "filling" of the aircraft, quickly increase the volume issue ...
I'm not adept and not an expert, but would also like to modernize the liner without space shuttle columbia designing a new-type modernized as IL-76, space shuttle columbia it has become more economical, lifting, etc.. d. there is any improvement. What's wrong decision? In addition, I want to say that Russia can not stop - that's actually produce Superjet, then Bude MS-21 is sure to be modernized IL-96, BUT! - It is not enough

Friday, March 27, 2015

Comments (3): Phil.K 12/01/2015 [13:18:42] # 1 Here is the real beztseller !!! NIC_TO cosecant 13/0

NEW! Leave a comment (3) GHS Thai Air Force will deliver two aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet 100 in the VIP-configuration cosecant
January 12, AEX.RU - Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov and members of the Cabinet of the Government of Thailand discussed the prospects for supply to Russian aircraft, the press service of Industry cosecant and Trade.
"Having won the tender for the delivery of two aircraft in the VIP-configuration for the Royal Thai Air Force, CJSC" Sukhoi Civil Aircraft "signed a contract for delivery of two aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet cosecant 100 in 2017. In the future, perhaps a third of the purchase of Thailand plane ", - stated in the Industry and Trade Ministry.
In addition, the company "Russian Helicopters" is also considering the possibility of promotion of Russian civil helicopters on the market of the Kingdom cosecant of Thailand. "Develop military-technical cooperation between the two countries. The Thai side is considerable interest in the Russian helicopters, including the well-established cosecant in this country military transport helicopters Mi-17. Royal Army Aviation already operates three Mi-17V-5, which are able to solve a wide range of tasks in complex natural and climatic conditions. In July 2014 a contract was signed for the purchase of two more units for the Royal Thai Army, "- noted in the Ministry cosecant of Industry.
Comments (3): Phil.K 12/01/2015 [13:18:42] # 1 Here is the real beztseller !!! NIC_TO cosecant 13/01/2015 [04:08:53] # 2 Bestseller - (Eng. Best seller) Phil.K 13/01/2015 [05:48:46] # 3 Russian company "Sukhoi" cosecant sells Thai military kits ( product kompleksirovaya) equipment "western producers" whose political system is in a phase of open containment (prevention) of the Russian state. "BestAbsurd" - would be more correct. Better presented to them (SSJ) to the park governmental unit that carries Mr. Francois Hollande and Mrs. Angela Merkel.
Topical issues of application of UAV autopilots will be discussed at the conference "Unmanned cosecant aircraft - 2015"
Work at the crash site 320 may take another two weeks

January 15, AEX.RU - Aeroflot and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC) have signed an agreement for the sup

NEW! Leave a comment (64) Aeroflot will acquire an additional 20 aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet 100
January 15, AEX.RU - Aeroflot and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC) have signed an agreement for the supply of 20 advanced Russian aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet 100 (SSJ100). Memorandum of Intent was signed today by General Director of JSC "Aeroflot" Vitaly Saveliev and Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Sukhoi" Mikhail Pogosyan, the press service of the GSS and Aeroflot.
Aircraft will be purchased in addition to the existing firm contract for the supply of 30 such machines. Thus, Russia's leading airline fleet by 2017 will consist of 50 aircraft of this type.
"Most stars bilkent of the SSJ100 aircraft will be delivered to Aeroflot in picking FULL , designed to carry 87 passengers in a comfortable two-class layout: 12 seats in business class and 75 - in economy stars bilkent class. The agreement opens a new stage of cooperation with Aeroflot United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), which includes the GSS. Provides long-term strategic plans for the correlation stars bilkent of the two companies that will give a powerful impetus to the development of Russian aircraft, "- stars bilkent said in a statement Aeroflot and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft.
"At the current stage of development of the program SSJ100 Aeroflot decision to increase its fleet to 50 aircraft - is not only a sign of trust of one of the key players in the new Russian air transportation market product, but also evidence of the operational efficiency of the liner. Aeroflot and Sukhoi stars bilkent did a great job on the introduction of SSJ100 into operation, and I am confident that the new aircraft will become an effective tool for the development of regional airline routes "- said the Chairman of the Board Mikhail Pogosyan, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft.
"I can safely say that today Aeroflot signed important for domestic aviation agreement to acquire once twenty aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet 100. As a result, the number of aircraft of domestic production in the park of our company reaches fifty, it can be considered a breakthrough event in the Russian civil aviation, - said General Director of JSC "Aeroflot" Vitaly stars bilkent Saveliev. - This transaction is fully responsible policy of import substitution, designated by President Putin. I want to reiterate that Aeroflot - a socially responsible company, and our plans are closely related to the challenges facing stars bilkent the entire country. We do not just provide support for the Russian aircraft industry. We do our very profitable investment in the future of the country. Aeroflot will allow the Russians to fly on Russian ships. "
At the beginning of 2015, Aeroflot operates 16 aircraft SSJ100. With these aircraft, he has the opportunity to realize one of the key strategies to build a global network of airline and strengthen the leadership in the domestic air transport market. SSJ100 aircraft are becoming an important part of Aeroflot's fleet, which is the youngest among the world's stars bilkent largest airlines in the world, operating more than 100 aircraft, as the company reported.
Comments (64): vlTepes 15/01/2015 [12:02:35] # 1 Why did not you wait one day to have a new boss started his career in a positive way? Alex Skyboy Expert A viation EX plorer 15/01/2015 [12:15:26] # 2 And now what's new floors in suburban stars bilkent 6 acres and cars? :) Sim139 15/01/2015 [12:27:05] # 3 What about the appeal gene director of Aeroflot to put part of the park on the concrete? - Ie all these 20 machines can be easily and do not move even - let it stand on concrete? Alex Skyboy Expert A viation EX plorer 15/01/2015 [12:43:35] # 4 The 20 still only on paper, I'm such a fleet of A4 will do in 10 minutes. ReD_mobile_BARON 15/01/2015 [12:49:25] # 5 I suspect that these 20 pogosyanodzhetov 6 will be "YuTeyrovskie." As an option. Victor stars bilkent N. 15/01/2015 [13:04:47] # 6 Duc Well it's just a "Memorandum of Understanding"! And he can be and forget, and to anyone it will be nothing. IvanIvanov 15.01.2015 [13:06:36] # 7 Great news! Alex Skyboy Expert A viation EX plorer 15/01/2015 [13:11:17] # 8 Savelyev handsome stars bilkent as these fishing rod inscribed with the policy of the party: "All anti-aircraft * ovno west." PS Poor Muscovite - Lesch, in London on SSJ with tears or joy? vlTepes 15/01/2015 [13:57:14] # 9 The good news is that, apparently, was attached to the already constructed YuTeyr and pledged to YuTeyra and Transaero side. Ie "Warehouse in Zhukovsky" will not grow, but also about

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Russian Embassy in London binds anti-Russian rhetoric British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond

Aircraft Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ-100) Business version made its first international flight from Moscow - New Delhi, the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia with reference to the head of Denis Manturova. 12.14.2014, 14:11
Head of Industry and Trade of Russia is in Delhi through participation in activities related to the official visit to India by Russian President Vladimir Putin. estec One of them was the presentation of a business version of the aircraft.
Topics of the day March 26, 2015, 20:37 Pilots suicide: And to Andreas Ljubica pilots smashed passenger liners because of personal problems March 26, 2015, 15:09 Marseille Prosecutor: Copilot Airbus A320 could deliberately destroy aircraft March 26, 2015, 18 18 Crash A320 Germanwings shown on the simulator March 26, 2015, 14:53 Vladimir Putin: Russia Against the planned actions during the elections in 2016 and 2018 March 25, 2015, 19:05 Do not tell me "goodbye" Igor Kolomoisky could return in Ukrainian politics in a new way
Employees airline Germanwings can not believe that the cause of the accident A320 airliner estec was their colleague. It is said in a statement.> 22:51 The collapse of a residential estec building in New York suffered up to 30 people
About 30 people were injured in the collapse estec of a residential estec building in New York's East Village. It is reported New York Post.> 22:36 autopilot crashed A320 has received a command to reduce up to 30 meters
Cruise liner A320, crashed in France, before the crash was switched to reduce to the minimum possible height of 30 metrov.Ob according to data service FlightRadar24, which allows you to follow the trajectory of the aircraft, according to RBC.> 22:28 Russian Embassy binds anti-Russian rhetoric chapter British Foreign Ministry with the imminent election
The Russian Embassy in London binds anti-Russian rhetoric British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond to the upcoming elections in the United Kingdom.> 22:17 In the British EasyJet aircraft cabins will now be located two crew members
British low-cost airline EasyJet introduces March 27 a new rule according to which in the cockpit must always be two members of the crew. Such innovation is associated with the collapse of the Airbus A320 budget airline Germanwings in the southeast of France.> 22:16 Advisor to Interior Minister: Peter Poroshenko suggested Dmytro Yarosh work in the Ministry of Defense
The leader of the "right sector" Dmytro Yarosh was offered a position at the Ministry of Defence. Told advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko on the Ukrainian "Channel Five."> estec 22:09 The bodies of two victims were found at the crash site of the aircraft An-2 in the Volyn region
The bodies of two dead were found at the crash site of the aircraft An-2 in the Volyn region. It is reported by the press service of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine in the Lviv railway.> 22:05 Witness: International Coalition resumed air strikes on military targets in Sana'a
Aviation international coalition resumed air strikes on military targets in the capital Sana'a, Yemen. Air defense forces fired back. This RIA Novosti reported with reference to the witness.> 22:00 British estec airline will review safety rules in connection with the crash of Airbus A320
The British Civil Aviation Authority ordered all airlines to review the country's security rules during the flight to the crash of the aircraft Airbus A320 in the south-east estec of France, which killed 150 people.> 21:59 The court allowed the publication of Prince Charles's letters addressed to the members of Parliament
Letters to the heir to the British throne Prince Charles to members of Parliament, in which he shared his thoughts on the political issues are likely to be published. estec This decision was made by the country's Supreme Court, rejecting the request estec of the Government to preserve the contents of the letters estec in secret.> 21:57 French business tolerate losses, criticized the policy of sanctions against Russia
In Paris, held a round table "Reliable business cooperation. estec Russia is conjecture. " On it representatives of the French business, public policy and criticized the sanctions policy of the European Union and the United States to Russia. According to them, the political decisions have become economic weapon by competitors when the place of French companies who are forced against their will to obey the requirements of the sanctions come representatives of American business, and France presents himself unreliable partner.> 21:47 Peter Poroshenko: Ukraine and Turkey agreed to a multibillion-dollar space program
Ukraine and Turkey have agreed on a multibillion-dollar space program. This was stated by the President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko at a briefing estec in Dnipropetrovsk.> 21:32 Bashar al-Assad: Syria and Ukraine West operates one scenario
Interfering in the affairs of Syria, the West operates under the same scenario as in Ukraine. Expressed confidence estec that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He gave an interview to Russian

India is proud to be armed with Su-30MKI

NEW! Leave a comment (1) Sukhoi SuperJet 100 airline "Gazpromavia" made an emergency landing at the airport "Roshchino"
January 12, AEX.RU - In the Tyumen region checked circumstances aviation incident with the aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet 100 airlines "Gazpromavia". It is reported by the press service of the Ural Investigation Department of Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
"January 10, 2015 in 16 hours and 45 minutes the aircraft fratricide Sukhoi SuperJet 100 airlines" Gazpromavia "flying" Tyumen - Novy Urengoy "after taking off from the airport" Roshchino "city of Tyumen committed return and landing. In this incident the investigation department fratricide of the Tyumen transport Ural Investigation Department of Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation conducted investigation verification, "- noted in the management.
According fratricide to preliminary data, the decision to return and landing made the commander of the aircraft after take-off because the alarm went off about the failure to clean the chassis. On board the aircraft were 86 passengers and 9 crew members.
Currently fratricide Ural Investigation Department of Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation inspected the scene, interviewed crew members to carry out other measures to establish the causes and circumstances of the incident. According to the results of the audit will be made a procedural decision.
Dutch experts found the remains of the Ukraine new passengers MN17
Marcus Val: reason to doubt the health of Airbus aircraft yet
India is proud to be armed with Su-30MKI

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Here are just a Superjet in Embraer and Bombardier competitors with modest capacity, while the MS-2

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January 31, 2015 Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" fighter jet foams began docking components hundredth of the account of the aircraft Sukhoi Superjet fighter jet foams 100. Start docking jubilee aircraft coincided with the tenth anniversary of the formation of Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (Kanafeh), fighter jet foams which was established February 1, 2005.
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Under the jubilee horn middle and tail section slowly docked in the "cigar" fuselage. Thereafter, the aircraft 11 must pass in two sections of assembly halls, at each of which it will stay 7 days.
Will set the framework luggage compartment floor, conducted the installation of passenger and service doors and tailgate, installed windows of the passenger compartment installed cable network, a protective coating on the fuselage and other works.
Then the assembly of the aircraft will continue in the final assembly fighter jet foams shop, where the set tail plane, the wings are joined to the fuselage, landing gear assembly is done, set the engines, check the efficiency of the aircraft and numerous other operations.
"The device is automatic fighter jet foams docking for the hundredth time spent operation as accurately fighter jet foams as possible and we went to the real production volumes, although in 2008, when the" Superjet "took to the skies for the first time, we can hardly imagine that once we will have three-digit serial numbers" - the director of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" Dmitry Bloschinsky (right).
It is expected that the construction of the Jubilee Sukhoi Superjet 100 with serial number 95100 runs in the second quarter of 2015. The main work is in two large hangars - in the assembly shop of the fuselage where the planes are moving as piped, and in the final assembly shop. Each operation is checked three times for each rivet workers are personally liable. fighter jet foams
After final polishing, ground and flight tests hundredth "Superjet" of Khabarovsk Krai travel to Ulyanovsk. There he will prepare to transport fighter jet foams passengers - the liner will be the interior, and it will be painted in the corporate colors of the airline. A final test will be held in Zhukovsky near Moscow, and then in the same plane will pass to the customer - "Aeroflot".
Now, before the Russian aviation fighter jet foams industry is worth an ambitious goal - to take 20-25 percent of the world market in the segment fighter jet foams of short-haul, medium-haul aircraft. All the odds are. As the president of the United Aircraft Corporation Yuri Slyusarev, it is planned to put another 44 aircraft. So orders Komsomol aircraft factory loaded at least a year.
Photos Videos fighter jet foams Demotivators Meme LOL
oh brothers, my tov.tam works and says that they have components on the aircraft fighter jet foams remained 2-4, and then what ????? their supplies of France and called it a couple of countries I do not remember, the essence of non-delivery "sanctions" working as it were gently transferred to ask Knapp (military build su, including fighter jet foams T-50) and the salaries there .... Well example 50t.r on 20-25t.r is to not lose frames
Interestingly, fotografersha.livejournal.com and expert, whose editor is Fadeev, a member of the Supreme Council of the party "United Russia". Looks like this is the last praises SSJ-100. For what "father" "Superjet" flew from his post http://expert.ru/2015/01/16/za-chto-otets-superdzheta-poletel-s-dolzhnosti/ Mainly because pet project Pogosyan SSJ-100 never went into production to 60 pieces as originally promised. New contracts do not, and are unlikely fighter jet foams to be. In the world of sales of this class of aircraft about 100 pieces, while the medium-MS-21 - hundreds of pieces. " According to Gusarova, it is unlikely to immediately go to merge with UAC Rostec, but some projects Slyusar fighter jet foams can unite because they are already working in conjunction. "We must make sure that they do not compete with each other. In the KLA initially included competing enterprises, which means that someone had to lose, - says Roman Gusarov. - In the end, won only SSJ-100, and for example, such interesting projects as the Su-134, IL-114, Pogosyan is not supported. Besides the MS-21 had to compete with the SSJ-100, funding allocated target program to bypass the UAC, although the aircraft maker company "Irkut" is a corporation. In Slusar do not have any preferences. Most likely, it will switch priorities unpromising SSJ-100 to a high demand in the world of MS-21. "
Here are just a Superjet in Embraer and Bombardier competitors with modest capacity, while the MS-21 and Boeing Airbas competitors - with great power and if get into the market of short-haul aircraft can even simply due to the fact that E and B can not cope with Zack

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Russia will do everything in its power for the final settlement of the situation with Iran

Topics of the day March 24, 2015, 18:11 Head of Germanwings, Thomas Winkelmann: It is necessary to avoid speculation on the issue of the crash March 24, 2015, 17:05 The crash of the aircraft Airbus A320 in the south of France - the chronology of events March 24, 2015, 16:25 An eyewitness described the crash of Airbus A320 in the south of France, March 24, 2015, 13:50 In the south of France crashed plane with 148 passengers on board March 24, 2015, 15:34 Media: Weather conditions in the area of the collapse of the Airbus A320 were perfect and could cause an accident
Russia will do everything in its power for the final settlement of the situation with Iran's nuclear program and lifting mercurius the sanctions against Tehran. This statement mercurius was made by Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin.> 5:39 Media: At the May holidays Russian tourists prefer local resorts
The most popular destinations for travel during the May holidays mercurius among the Russians began to Sochi, mercurius Kavminvody and Crimea. This is according to online purchases of airline mercurius tickets.> 5:30 Vladimir Komoedov: mercurius RF will not ask permission to place nuclear weapons in the Crimea mercurius
If there is a need for the deployment of nuclear weapons in the Crimea, then Russia will not be no one to ask permission mercurius to do so. This statement was made chairman mercurius of the State Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Komoedov.> 5:26 Media: Workers hazardous industries will be able to generate early retirement in the private fund
Employees mercurius have to be certified as hazardous industries, can by agreement with the employer to enter into a program of co-financing of state pensions and form it into a private pension fund. This follows from the Ministry of Labor of the new bill.> 5:07 Media: Damage in the case of GLONASS was a quarter billion
RF IC completed the criminal investigation into the scam in the construction of facilities GLONASS: during the investigation the number of defendants mercurius increased to five people, and the amount of damage increased to 250 million rubles.> 5:01 Media: Russian telecoms market Crimean master
A year after joining the Crimea to Russia Peninsula left many Ukrainian operators. Despite the fact that the region is the development of mobile communication, there remained the problem with a fixed connection. Russian companies began to explore the market of the republic.> 4:57 Media: The Prosecutor's Office and the TFR will check availability of Igor Kolomoisky shares in the Russian company Evraz
The Prosecutor's Office mercurius and the Investigative Committee of Russia will check whether mercurius the Ukrainian oligarch and former governor has Dnepropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoisky shareholder of the Russian mining and metallurgical company Evraz. Request with the relevant requirements of the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika and the head of TFR Alexander Bastrykin mercurius sent first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Valery Rashkin and deputy chairman of the Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations Sergei Obukhov.> 4:52 A copy of the Victory Banner install on the easternmost point of Russia
Participants of the annual sled dog race "Hope", which starts in Chukotka mercurius April 4, set on the easternmost point of the Russian Federation Cape Dezhnev copy of the Banner of Victory, vodruzhёnnogo 1 May 1945 over the Reichstag in Berlin. It is reported by the regional government.> 4:41 Media: State Corporation "Rostec" mercurius plans to acquire its own payment system
"Rostec" plans to buy a stake in Russian mercurius regional system of "Union Card". Captive payment system will allow "Rostec" reduce dependence on international players in terms of sanctions and to introduce their own preferential tariffs for salary projects of its subsidiaries.> 4:28 Peter Poroshenko signed a law reducing the quorum for a meeting of shareholders
President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko signed a law to reduce the quorum for a meeting of shareholders, regardless of the type of property. This was reported on the website of the Ukrainian president.> 4:23 Sergey Lavrov: Russian Federation supports the efforts of Colombia's internal conflict
Moscow supports the efforts of Bogota on the settlement of the internal conflict. This statement was made by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.> 4:16 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia: Bogota configured to substantially increase exports to the Russian Federation mercurius
Moscow and Bogota are discussing the possibility of increasing the export of Colombian goods to Russia. This was stated by Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin republic after talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.> 4:12 Expert: The basic version of the collapse of the Airbus A320 can be a technical failure
On the eve of March 24 Airbus mercurius A320 aircraft German airline Germanwings crashed in south-eastern France. On board the ship en route from Barcelona - Dusseldorf, were 150 people. They all died. President of the Spanish organization of the virtual air control Santiago Blanco told RT suggested that the cause of the crash could become a technical problem. This is indicated by the fact that the reduction was not sharp liner and lasted for 10 minutes

Monday, March 23, 2015

At the airport,

NEW! Leave a comment (12) In 2015, the GSS plans to deliver 44 aircraft to airlines Sukhoi SuperJet 100
February 26, AEX.RU - In 2015 JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" nasa videos (GSS) are planning to put 44 airlines aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet 100. The journalists said senior vice president of sales GSS Eugene Andrachnikov.
Comments (12): Maxvys 26/02/2015 [21:32:13] # 1 A 19 nezakontraktovannyh where? Under the fence? And in 2016 all under the fence? SAT 27/02/2015 [02:43:56] # 2100 aircraft ??? The result, in principle, not bad, but where are they? 16 at the "Aeroflot", 12 in "Interjet", nasa videos 2 for "Yakutia", 6 in "Gazpromavia" is 30 cars, well, plus test and stuff, another 10 machines. As a result, about 40, where the other 60? UWWW 27/02/2015 [09:36:27] # 3 "100 aircraft ??? The result, in principle, not bad, but where are they? 16 at the" Aeroflot ", at 12" Interjet ", 2 for" nasa videos Yakutia nasa videos ", 6 y "Gazpromavia" is 30 cars, well, plus test and stuff, nasa videos another 10 cars. As a result, nasa videos about 40, where the other 60? " Like where - on paper. UWWW 27/02/2015 [09:36:35] # 4 "100 aircraft ??? The result, in principle, not bad, but where are they? 16 at the" Aeroflot ", at 12" Interjet ", 2 for" Yakutia ", 6 y "Gazpromavia" is 30 cars, well, plus test and stuff, another 10 cars. As a result, about 40, where the other 60? " Like where - on paper. aviaprom-ys 27/02/2015 [11:44:18] # 5 SAT 27/02/2015 [02:43:56] # 2100 aircraft ??? The result, in principle, not bad, just where they __________________________ This statistic: http://russianplanes.net/planelist/Sukhoi/SuperJet-100 ie issued nasa videos - 77 (flies - 59, in storage - 16, lost 1). Does not reflect the fate of 17 boards ( 065, 072 et al.). (Note that the resource informal). But here's the message GSS: http://www.scac.ru/ru/mediacenter/assembly-of-the-100th-sukhoi-superjet-100-launched-01-02-2015/2015/ ie firstly, not 100 aircraft, and the serial number 95100, nasa videos and secondly, the 100th aircraft is not released, and is built (probably with the rest of the 23) crafty, but ... GRV Expert nasa videos A viation EX plorer 27 / 02/2015 [12:05:06] # 6 What a fun table. And where cars 95065, 95072, 95077, 95078, 95085, 95086, 95087, 95089? And what an interesting operator Sukhoi, which, according to the table, "flies" as much as 4 Superjet? In short, PR KLA remain true to yourself. Another inept stuffing false information. Anyone want to cheat? Such deysviya led to the fact that no one GSS no longer believes. You can not build a trusting nasa videos partnership with the market on a lie. Alex Skyboy Expert A viation EX plorer 27/02/2015 [12:17:20] # 7 already done, even with 77 pieces! Lm 27/02/2015 [14:04:03] # 8 Deliveries to the airline Ramensky Beton Airlines. Mihail_K 27.02.2015 [18:55:04] # 9 Lm 27/02/2015 [14:04:03] # 8 Deliveries to the airline Ramensky Beton Airlines. ====== Most Ramensky Beton-Metallom Airstops. Swans0ng 28/02/2015 [11:52:40] # 10 Two and a Half Operator. Aeroflot, Mexicans and Gazprom ... [+] See all comments (12)
"UTair" on the eve of the consideration of the bankruptcy case asks for urgent government guarantees
At the airport, "Ben-Gurion" suitcase Israeli woman flying nasa videos abroad, found a gun

March Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

NEW! Leave a comment (2) Eighteen aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet 100 passed Aeroflot
February 24, AEX.RU - February inta 20, 2015 Aeroflot transferred eighteenth Sukhoi SuperJet 100. The aircraft, tail number RA - 89047 is named after the pilot during World War II and Hero of the Soviet inta Union - Alexander Ivanovich Gruzdina, the press service of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (GHS).
"Previously, February 19, 2015, the airline was transferred to the seventeenth aircraft that flew from the Centre for the supply of JSC" Sukhoi Civil Aircraft "to the place-based airline Aeroflot at the international airport" Sheremetyevo ", the company noted.
Sukhoi SuperJet 100 aircraft delivered to the Russian inta national carrier in the two-class layout with 87 seats. According to the GSS, since the beginning of operation of the airline hijacking Sukhoi SuperJet 100 was more than 40 000 hours. Currently, the airline operates flights on Sukhoi SuperJet 100 on several dozen areas to cities in Russia, Germany, Lithuania, Montenegro, Greece, Finland, Norway, Croatia, Romania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine.
Comments inta (2): Alex Skyboy Expert A viation EX plorer 24/02/2015 [11:32:43] # 1 Why this type is not in the S7 and TCO? GRV Expert inta A viation EX plorer 25/02/2015 [21:59:38] # 2 Why this type must be in S7 and TCO? And to UTair claims have not? :))
"Transaero" and "UTair" recalled 19 permits for flights
At the airport "Lviv" may appear "open skies"
March Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Trade FEEDBACK ACCREDITATION PRESS SERVICES inta

Sunday, March 22, 2015

As of today, astronomy picture of the day several national aviation bodies have certified the SSJ100

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Russian experts visited several Indian companies astronomy picture of the day to explore the possibility of using their production capacities astronomy picture of the day to manufacture astronomy picture of the day the Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ100) passenger astronomy picture of the day aircraft, Yuri Slyusar, CEO of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), announced at a press conference during the Aero India-2015 Exhibition in Bangalore.
The Sukhoi Superjet-100 is Russia’s short-haul passenger airliner, designed to carry up to 98 passengers at a distance of approximately 4,400 kilometers. The aircraft made its first flight in May 2008, and started flying in commercial operations in 2011.
“We came to India to see what we could do within the country’s ‘Make in India’ program, in terms of the (SSJ100) project. Moreover, our experts have already visited several Indian companies for an audit of their technological capabilities, and they were pleasantly surprised by the levels they saw,” said Mr. Slyusar.
As of today, astronomy picture of the day several national aviation bodies have certified the SSJ100, including the IAC AR, EASA, Mexican, Lao and Indonesian authorities. The largest operator using these aircraft in Russia is the Aeroflot Company.
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Editor's choice Nebo-M: Radar which can see hypersonic targets It s time for BRICS to go on political overdrive GLONASS zero in on sites for joint projects in India Goodbye dollar? BRICS set to enhance trade in national currencies
The sale of the powerful S-400 surface-to-air missile systems to China not only marks another milestone in Russia-China relations, it is a remarkable astronomy picture of the day example of how a comparatively inexpensive weapon can make a trillion dollar project obsolescent before it even gets off the ground
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NEW! Leave a comment (15) Vladimir Putin: Backlog Sukhoi SuperJet 100 at HHS and Italian partners t

NEW! Leave a comment (15) Vladimir Putin: Backlog Sukhoi SuperJet 100 at HHS and Italian partners totaled 150 aircraft
March 6, AEX.RU - Russian President Vladimir Putin said that a joint portfolio of orders of the Russian Sukhoi SuperJet 100, the company "Dry" and its Italian partners of 150 aircraft. This writes Interfax.
"A good start investment cooperation in high-tech industries such as aeronautics, space, nuclear technology. Thus, the company" Dry "and their Italian partners jointly promote the international market Sukhoi SuperJet 100. To date, order book of 150 aircraft," - said Putin on Thursday after talks with Prime Minister of the Government of Italy Matteo Renzi.
Comments (15): Alex Skyboy Expert A viation EX plorer 06/03/2015 [18:35:14] launch # 1 Here it is - a real support for the Russian aircraft industry! alek-nega 06/03/2015 [20:00:59] # 2 seems to me Vladimir Vladimirovich does not know everything or not at all in the subject line! Cat Tomas 06/03/2015 [20:57:17] # 3 seems he did not report on ssj-100 since 2009. YumoNin 07.03.2015 launch [22:21:43] # 4 an article to him by GRV pripodnesti - about overconcentration of hypocrisy. Probably would have fallen launch into the sediment pripodnesёt But who? ... Hydroplane 08.03.2015 launch [12:27:46] # 5 Yes there in the chair as layers of defense lobbyists that no, even potentially negative posts, I myself will not hear a chorus of sang. Is that pop out from the crowd welcoming hand, for example, Roman G. and present guarantor sheets, closely written launch challenges the aviation industry. launch No ... more Taburetkin 08.03.2015 [13:08:42] # 6 Yes ... someone really believes that he knows nothing and does not know? This is the usual tale about good king and priest of evil boyars. SGS and helicopter screwdriver Tomilino, launch a product of the agreements at the top. Looking at these projects and the interest of the Russian Federation in the created value, we can say that this is how he understands the "development" of the aviation industry in the Russian Federation. Most likely launch selected item-forced, as a developed aviation industry does not need any political elite of the Russian Federation or its own population ... 03/09/2015 launch hydroplane [2:18:20] # 7 In fact of the tragedy of the situation that the guarantor only warrant or can deal around, and consultants on this issue are guided by their "reasons" of conscience and if one is not, and the end of it. After all, "cheat" in the ears of the guarantor can, by submitting the question to the desired angle, calling designers who do not want to change the subordination of every year, the Conservatives, launch and the waste and certified machine obsolete. But if something pops up in addition to "advisers", then it can play, but not a fact. Often, the alternatives were not considered and eliminated at a very preliminary launch stage. Taburetkin 03.09.2015 [12:49:46] launch # February 8 Hydroplane you again about the bad advisers and experts ... I am sure that he is free in the decision-making? It does not happen at all. Such as any politician in the United States did not support national launch business in general, and in particular aircraft skharchat 3 seconds. The reason for this is a long-established balance between the interests of the political elite (the executive and legislative power) + national business (corporations and their shareholders) + citizens (unions). This alliance defines political and economic course of the country, including outside the United States. launch As you can imagine anything like we have. EDR and controlled them to think of anything longer suitable, no unions, state corporations launch are already a appendage launch of foreign business. Thus he is not one to rely on, in case of conflict with the West in the economic field. The struggle for markets and resources without conflict is impossible. The conflict also result in an immediate negative consequences for population-level reduction zhizni.Eto in turn reduce the political power base. All full circle ... GRV Expert A viation EX plorer 09/03/2015 [19:26:15] # 9 YumoNin: an article to him by GRV pripodnesti launch - about overconcentration of hypocrisy. Yes ------------------------------------ long been presented and not only this. But he, like all of us, now a hostage situation. What do you want to at the international level, the President said that we obos ..... s? Now we have to do face brick and decide what to do a suitcase without a handle :( CENTAUR 09.03.2015 [19:50:02] # 10 Who can say today. MS-21 - a suitcase without a handle or not? I'm trying to understand at what point it becomes launch clear, and whether to stop the train was on the move? It seems that everything is determined launch by the initial startup phase of the project. Next - where to take out. [+] See all comments (15)
Investments in Center. Khrunichev in the next 10 years may consist

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Will the devaluation of the ruble?

Photo: Andre Oferta / Airliners.net Mexican company Interjet confirmed their intention to exercise its option to purchase an additional 10 short-haul passenger aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100. According to the press release the company SuperJet International, the executive director of Interjet Luis Garza said:
"We are pleased to add another nasa watch 10 aircraft to our current fleet of SSJ100. Superjet 100 - this is a very good product. We are pleased with its performance and reduce maintenance costs. SSJ100 nasa watch was the right choice for fleet replenishment Interjet, it is ideal for domestic flights average load, and for a number of international routes. " Mexican company Interjet is the first Western company that has signed a firm contract with Superjet International. Earlier Interjet already nasa watch ordered 20 SSJ-100. Along with the new total number of deliveries of Russian nasa watch aircraft in the fleet will reach 30 Interjet boards. Garza said that Interjet has already received 13 Airplanes. Deliveries of the remaining 17 units SSJ100 will be implemented during 2015 and 2016. SSJ-100 - short-haul aircraft, designed to carry up to 98 passengers at a distance of 4400 km. Promotion of the aircraft to foreign markets, as well as after-sales service company is engaged Superjet International - a joint venture owned by Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi (51%) and concern "Dry" nasa watch (49%).
"Transaero" transported passengers better prognosis nasa watch GAZ Group: exit from the crisis - only new product Medvedev ordered to issue 10 billion rubles. auto industry Airbus: the demand for military aircraft in Asia will grow
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Will the devaluation of the ruble?
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On the inte

Friday, March 20, 2015

The mission consists of three courses that include a 250-day period, including the first trip to Ma

Thursday, Persian date Khordad 13 1389 "Mrykh500", the six volunteers brave astronauts traveling to Mars simulation is today (xiii Khordad 1389) for 18 months, deprived of all privileges of life and relying pt fia on the planet for Survival and services supporting large chamber sealed Project "Mars500" (Mars 500) simulates the human journey to Mars.
Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 pt fia Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 Mars 500 March 500 Mars500 500 Mars500 Mars Rover 500 March 500 March 500
This company supports Khshygan Tourism and Ecotourism, produced and published. . www.akhshigan.co.ir. . Source: Mars500. Lonely Planet Mars 500 mission pt fia crew ready to travel to six brave volunteers, six men from Europe Union, the Russian Federation and China in the morning for a period of one year and a half in a sealed capsule is imprisoned, the expedition to the planet pt fia of knowledge for Red sufficiently increased.
They are scheduled for 520 days deprived of all privileges of life on Planet Earth is blue and services relying on equipment to support the survival and the capsule to simulate "Mars500" (500 of the planet) pt fia Bdynshkl to survive and to manned trip to Mars medical and psychiatric point of the simulation.
Only 520 days from today (xiii Khordad 1389) started. An Italian, a Frenchman, three Russians and a Chinese simulated capsule morning at six and a half doors "March 500" at the Moscow Research Institute, to his forever tied to the date, the name of the goodness of mankind Remember that. There is no doubt that our descendants will see the sunrise from the window of his home planet of Mars Martian horizon, the name of this brave man in six will learn a great mind.
Just like a real trip to Mars, the six candidates, only to be self-reliant equipment support survival capsule, they have no physical connection to the outside, pt fia and the only way to communicate with Earth. Send and receive e-mail or voice messages will be delayed by 40 minutes (20 minutes to go and 20 minutes to return) will take place. pt fia Doors simulated capsule "March 500" (Mrykh500) will be opened only if the mission is finished, or life is in danger, one of the volunteers. Day volunteer project "March pt fia 500" divided into three eight-hour period. Eight hours for sleep, eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation and leisure is considered.
Equipment simulated capsule "March 500" (Mars 500) which is located at IBMP in Moscow pt fia include the various parts of the moments of a real manned mission to the planet Mars will be included. The large 550-square-meter complex consists of 5 parts, each part of their mission simulation. The first three sections pt fia of the working environment inside the spacecraft for manned Mars astronauts voluntary restructuring that includes the operation, the rest of the clinic. Mars500 experiment in Moscow for the fourth part of the Mrykhnshyny will simulate the three astronauts to the health of its orbit to Mars. The fifth and final part of the simulator Mars astronauts pt fia will create the conditions for life on Mars.
All systems on a ship manned pt fia space simulation equipment "March 500" (Mrykh500) is embedded. Circulation of air, oxygen, water recycling, medical equipment, food and water for 520 days, and fire safety equipment and medical monitoring devices. Such a large fleet of equipment and accessories pt fia for the trip a year and a half to six astronauts to Mars and return them to Earth had been anticipated and there is a door that simulates a "March 500" not open at this time, candidates for all the supplies and equipment Listen with your morning pt fia into the capsule.
The mission consists of three courses that include a 250-day period, including the first trip to Mars, 30 days away array Mars rover landing on the surface and return to the module and finally a period of 240 days to return to Earth . Simulator Mrykhnshyn the fourth part of the "March of 500" pt fia (Mars 500) and includes simulator Mars astronauts will create the conditions for life on Mars, Mars in just a 30-day ground that the array will be used; and to accommodate up to three people.
After 250 days of testing in March 500 (Mars 500) and when the astronaut program! Mars is reached, the doors between the space shuttle simulator and Mrykhnshyn will open and the three of them walk the stage and then the simulator Mrykhnshyn Khvahndgzasht surface. The door is only three months later by the crew of the space shuttle will be opened. At this time, the means of communication between the astronauts! The two parts of the radio equipment in certain circumstances array of accommodation in the area.
One of the crew compartment simulator surface control center

Thursday, March 19, 2015

But why in the absence of major space agencies to develop a plan for manned fortifikationsverket mi

No doubt you have heard this sentence. Yes, Neil Alden Armstrong (who recently died at age 82 in a hospital in Columbus, United States of America, died, God bless his soul {}), including the July 20, 1969, at 20: 18 local time when the world in which millions they were the people to live and witness fortifikationsverket the first man stepped on the moon ...
As you are traveling to the moon with its own difficulties fortifikationsverket and Mhyralqvl not uncommon, in the not too distant future trip to Mars, and perhaps even the ordinary will be to a place where and perhaps even the residence term recreational conversion will. Start the ambitious aspirations of the same year made the billion-dollar projects are being planned. Such an advertisement was broadcast over the Internet with the title: "return journey to Mars !!!!!!" A lot of people around the world have volunteered for this trip risk and return, including approximately seventy Iranian people! More accurate to say that Iran has more than 70 people have e-mail and have declared their readiness to go to Mars. It is interesting to note that Italy has only 45 volunteers. German volunteers and 34 is less than the Iranians.
Very often, when you follow the news on space missions we ask ourselves why did man ever to sit on the surface of Mars. Space mission to Mars, although it is possible fortifikationsverket in the present circumstances and with the world economic crisis, and although it may seem wasteful, expensive fortifikationsverket and technical problems still exist to send and return controls astronauts fortifikationsverket to Mars, is hidden in the wish yogurt.
Unfortunately, reliable space agencies, there is no plan to send humans to Mars, but in June of 2012, strange news was released, this time a Dutch entrepreneur named "Bass Lnsdvrp" announced that it plans to start a private project that 4. The purpose of sending humans to Mars and beyond 2023 to establish fortifikationsverket a colony on the red planet by the year 2033 is 20 people.
Very often, when you follow the news on space missions fortifikationsverket we ask ourselves why did man ever to sit on the surface of Mars. Space mission fortifikationsverket to Mars, although fortifikationsverket it is possible in the present circumstances and with the world economic crisis, and although it may seem wasteful, expensive and technical problems still exist to send and return controls astronauts to Mars, is hidden in the wish yogurt.
Unfortunately, reliable space agencies, there is no plan to send humans fortifikationsverket to Mars, but in June of 2012, strange news was released, this time a Dutch entrepreneur named "Bass Lnsdvrp" announced that it plans to start a private project that 4. The purpose of sending humans to Mars and beyond 2023 to establish a colony on the red planet by the year 2033 is 20 people.
But why in the absence of major space agencies to develop a plan for manned fortifikationsverket missions to Mars have already failed, and the mission is a strange all the courage of the next 10 years practical know
One reason is that in this program, which is called Mars One, the astronauts who travel to Mars, never will be returned to Earth! This is probably the success of the project has increased. The technology is already there for a round trip to Mars or at least problems and costs for this work are immense.
Mr. "Buzz Aldrin", the second man landed on the moon and an advocate of space exploration fortifikationsverket never tired, says: "I believe that the first explorers of Mars should stay there forever. Just like the Europeans discovered America, a group small planetary explorers to Mars someday land, build a house there, live and eventually die there. "
But not so simple on the surface of the housing. First, because the atmosphere, or diluted 100 times thinner than Earth's magnetic field, and second, the planet is not enough to kill the influx fortifikationsverket of solar radiation safeguards. But Mars than any other option in the solar system, or as a place habitable world, we are able to offer you good.
Aldrin fortifikationsverket landed on the moon 40 years later, he would be disappointed because there are currently no plans to leave Earth orbit by human, understandable. Perhaps a pioneering effort to Mars could resolve this frustration, but if we succeed!
The goal of sending a manned mission to Mars was ever discussed. That is when you need to send? How to take this mission? fortifikationsverket Do not send a man is a good choice? Is it really worth it to spend money and time? But whether you like it or not, people always have to check out and is full of courage on earth.
How should it be done? Mars has been a lot of speculation about the next exploration and we are taking the first steps towards the ultimate fortifikationsverket goal of a child are manned mission. Phoenix Rover as a "scout mission" is named, is intended to help to plan the next move, the Orbiting spacecraft such as the Mars Pathfinder (pointing us in the name of the mission, because before sending troops First, a location must be correct). The circular orbit, a coherent Imager Spectrometer for Mars exploration, and its primary purpose remains minerals fortifikationsverket on Mars that might be able to ship landing pain Srnshy

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The moment you've been waiting for months and perhaps years arrived. jaxa Landing on Mars. 10:01 hour's jaxa local time Monday morning, jaxa "curiosity", the most advanced and most expensive robot exploring Mars is the planet. This is undoubtedly the beginning of a new era of space exploration and understanding of the planet Mars ...
To view the latest events and live recordings directly refer to the NASA website. (NASA: click here). Also in this article, video entry procedures and meetings curiosity rover is displayed. You can directly see the video on the website of astronomy, or if you use the Internet jaxa for low-speed, direct links to download the video you are. In the pictures below you can see the different stages of entry, the moment meeting the spacecraft, the Mars Rover landed and technical specifications are shown.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

2018: a probe proofs of technology and will launch a communications satellite Mrkh. Proofs of Techn

Three Iranians among hundreds of candidates return journey to Mars at 2: 12 pm Date 1393/11/29 Keywords: Astronomy Education
To narrow the list of candidates irreversible journey to the Red Planet, three Iranians among 100 finalists chosen project "Mars One" is ready to take its chance to try the four astronauts conquering Mars. To go
According to the BBC, a non-profit project aimed at building the Mars Mars One from 2011 has begun. To select the next inhabitants of Mars, more than two hundred thousand mirage 2000 people were registered at the end of the third qualifying round, the hundreds of countries around the world, it was announced yesterday. Bass Lnsdvrp CEO and founder of Mars One project that a significant reduction in the number of volunteers is essential to find the right people for the trip to Mars: "The world is willing to allow the Martian explorers of the modern world to take no short." In the% of Said people of Kandahar, an Iranian immigrant who lives in Auckland, New Zealand mirage 2000 New Zealand is the only one who is in the hundreds. Except Mr. Qandehari two other Iranians living in Iran, the goddess of light and true scholastic among hundreds are final. Of the hundred, then 40 and finally 24 students will be selected for the final journey to Mars. Every two years since 2025, a team of four will be sent to Mars. The Mars One project has announced a program to educate and train the astronauts will begin this year and will take until 2024. The first passengers in 2025. The project will reach Mars. Selected individuals will be sent to Mars in groups of four and each of the other four people to gather added to the lander began to take shape. The migrants to return to their land and should be prepared to live your whole life on Mars. These subjects will be taught for eight years and each year a few months in complete isolation from the world, what will happen placed to experience the same conditions. Two rovers residence before sending astronauts to Mars will be ready. The first group of astronauts in addition to research work, home and will prepare the conditions for the second group.
2015: Candidates are selected into the training of all-time. Selected groups of the first volunteers to begin the training mirage 2000 process. The training continues to launch 2024. Group's ability to cope with difficult living conditions in rural areas for a long time, the most important part of their training. They learn how to fix parts of the colony and Mars rover vehicle, medical training see and learn how to grow your own food in the colony. Each group a few months of each year of their training in a camp similar to the Mars colony going to be ready for missions to Mars. In the first simulation Camp, a similar region of Mars that it is relatively easy to access is selected. A training camp in a remote spot, such as the Arctic is created.
2018: a probe proofs of technology and will launch a communications satellite Mrkh. Proofs of Technology in May 2018 began a mission, this mission, some technologies that are important for a manned mission to prove. Also launched a communications satellite is placed mirage 2000 in orbit of Mars is stationary. Equatorial orbit satellites and orbital period equal to the Martian day, so always be on a fixed surface (similar to that used couriers ground and the TV commercial). The satellite, mirage 2000 telecommunications boarding possible throughout the week and can provide pictures, video and other information is transmitted from the surface 5) 2020: Mars rover vehicle and another hurled a communications satellite. A smart car and hurled a Ydkksh. Capsules can help Ydkksh landing vehicle to move the colony. On Mars, the Mars rover vehicle on patrol in the area selected in order to find the best place to establish a colony. The ideal location for the colony should be close enough to the Martian arctic soil has enough mirage 2000 water and so close to the equator, the use of solar panels is possible mirage 2000 and should be flat enough to construction Clooney easy. When the founding of colonies was determined, car Mars rover missions of time preparing mirage 2000 for the planet as well, which is a large solar panels on flat surfaces to be cleaned out. The latter will launch a communications satellite into orbit around the sun is up. These satellites orbit the earth will be similar, except that the L5 Lagrangian point 60 behind the Earth-Sun system is placed. The mobile satellite communications satellite to Mars, to connect the clock on all days of the week to make, even when the sun is between the two planets.
Two dwelling units, two units of life support systems and equipment and supplies two units in July 2022 will be launched to Mars. In February 2023 all units to the signal sent from the vehicle rovers as bacon Radio

NASA says that the shape of its effects on nursing mission control computer system and why we use t

According to published reports, utc aerospace systems the NASA Exploration Rover mission is celebrating its second year. On 5 August 2012 pm10: 30 (6 August, GMT5: 31) PDT unmanned spacecraft, landed at the mouth of Gill Bradbury perennial mission in search of areas that may or may not exist in the life Btshd start to work for three years and is now ready to continue this work.
The probe with nuclear power works first year was very busy. As the largest and most advanced rover ever known, and none have been as close as it flew in the garage was a million miles, spent Mars Rover in the first fish, was a test system, before the first pilot to cross the sands of Mars rules on their way to the mountain of the Sharpe case.
Mars Rover mission to find places where life may have existed there, especially in the areas indicated mineral and geological changes that can be made Tvsht water. In this search, the probe was very fortunate. After landing at Bradbury turned out to be very close to the bed of an ancient lake dried up in an area called the Yellowknife Bay. According to NASA, he said, may Dryachhmhl microbial life billions of years ago because it includes all the general requirements, water, chemicals, and a source of chemical energy is real.
Project scientist John Grvtzyngr of Kaltch says "before landing, expected to seek a lot more before responding to questions about living life, we all need. We were able to land very close to an ancient lake bed and we use a lot. Now we want to learn more about the environment from Mars and know where to go for it. "
Compared with the first year of many firsts, including the first drilling operations on Mars, first shoot lasers and UV scanning the first night was the second year on the planet Mars probe has been more common. However, the year has not been without incident. In February, Rover hill that was blocked in front Pyshrvysh removed in July in a series of rocky plateau Zabrysky rerouted in recent years was more worrying when NASA announced that the speed of the last of six aluminum wheels probe Projections move.
NASA says that the shape of its effects on nursing mission control computer system and why we use two computers in the probe in order to ensure that both the appropriate work.
In addition to science, it is the second year of surprises. Most of them lack the total methane was detected in the Martian atmosphere. Methane is a key indicator of biological activity is the chance for finding life on Mars today. Even worse, it means that there are no other sources of methane and created some hard questions.
In each study, the probe is paving the way to new areas of study, about 2 miles (3.2 km) from its current position is. The next stop on the rock called "Pahramp Hills" is about 1 mile away.
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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Introduction to Astronomy familiar with the terminology familiar with astronomy astronomy celestial

Orbiting Mars Reconnaissance adrift Reviewed by Momizat on Persian date Dey 06. After the success of the mission of the two rovers Spirit and Opportunity in collaboration with the doctor Firouz Naderi, manager of NASA's senior Jy.py.al completed, the planet's valuable adrift data access after the Spirit and Opportunity Mars mission cooperation doctor Firouz Naderi, manager of NASA's senior adrift Jy.py.al completed, the planet's valuable data access Rating: 0
After the success of the mission of the two rovers Spirit and Opportunity in collaboration with the doctor Firouz Naderi, manager of NASA's senior Jy.py.al adrift completed, the planet's valuable data available to us and to many questions were given On the other hand, by opening new horizons of this planet, we have little knowledge about the outstanding characteristics of the Red Planet, more to show off.
NASA's new mission as Am.r.av (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) that their work will start in a few months, one of the most significant steps taken by NASA to explore the Red Planet. This probe is A very detailed study of the planet Mars has been designed and valuable new data on the planet. The orbiter will send us more than seven months ago (Gvst2005) left Earth to Mars in less than a month (Mars2006) closer to your goal. When it gets close to Mars Orbiter (March 84, Mars2006) probe reducing engine to slow down and put it in the circuit (by the planet's gravity) on the Mars to work.
When the circular orbit of Mars is placed in the back, along with the critical engine for a short time (about 30 minutes) radio connection to the ground control center loses, adrift then the situation has returned to normal and a special circuit placed. The Mars Pathfinder mission Mac Kyzshn executive director of the unique features in addition to expanding our exploratory mission to the planet and a better understanding of the missions to see a much more accurate former conditions pretty Make the boutique Mars missions in the coming decades and also pave the way for sending humans to Mars. He went on to point out: It Orbiting Mars Science Lab at the location and most importantly a place to land and plays a vital role in human activity.
Orbiting Mars Reconnaissance with six research tool for exploring different parts of the planet (surface to the upper atmosphere) carries At these instruments, the telescope is very powerful and precise surface effects, adrift the ability to record adrift Mars Zoom to have a desk. Also in this mission, to explore how to search for liquid water, ice or steam can Pzyrd.hsasyt these tools were so that scientists are the possible effects this Ground water beneath the planet's search Knnd.lavh the foregoing, orbiting the planet from climate change and will check the temperature and weather.
The project manager adrift Jim Graf says the characteristics of the probe As mentioned above, in addition to expanding our knowledge of this planet, we can increase the speed and amount of data transmission (times adrift more likely to the mission of previous Ta10 ) noted. This antenna is very strong with a width of three meters (made of solar cells) takes place.
By examining the future of the planet and explore the very precise circular orbit, very useful information about changes occurred in the atmosphere and the surface structure and the factors and changes in the presence adrift of water in the past or present Vrd.shayd adrift will receive the most important part of this mission is the answer to the question of whether life existed on Mars in the past or not? Or the development of life on the planet will be possible?
The most prominent characteristics adrift of the circular adrift orbit can be noted that even after two years of completing his mission, as a relay for the exchange adrift of data from the probes on Mars continues its activities adrift Dhd.dr adrift end boutique I should add that the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which is extremely suitable for the Phoenix probe in late 2008 in the Arctic regions adrift of the planet's land, created. This to start your own The main mission of before Orbiting more have May six for inclusion in a given orbit (orbit very close to the surface) will follow.
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