Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The picture shows the squirrel lady on our bench, it means that she

It is a delight day sitting here on the couch, because I never know when someone stopping by: D Squirrel darts around here, usually in once a day, sometimes two, sometimes not. I feed as well as I can, and are desperate for more sunflower seeds ... It is namely sunflower seeds at the top of the wish list her (and the wing-clad friend mines).
The picture shows the squirrel lady on our bench, it means that she's in the door frame at the garden door, a few feet from the couch. Earlier this week we had a close encounter right there. I had seen her in the tree, and was about to sneak out some food as there was no goodies to grab when she had eaten his fill of fat carton. But then she came bouncing before I came so far so I put my head over heels down to not scare. And was rewarded with her flitting around half a meter from my face! Imagine that, a half meters from! I sat still as a mouse, european space agency but she noticed me enough she seemed a bit restless and beating was not satisfied. But direct frightened she was when at least not because she came back a few minutes later when I was well received by igjenn, and that was when I took these pictures :)
Turbo Lotte has announced a fun little competition, show off what you see from your seat (where european space agency you blog)! Well, now I do not sit on the chair, but the sofa, but it gets the go ;) The view from the sofa is brilliant if you have blinders on (and I just love to), it's just foringsplassen I see the squirrels and birds and the finest european space agency slyngsurfinaen. So when I participate with the first image, with the door open to the world, european space agency but firmly rooted in the comfortable couch. Also one day you might get to watch the rest of the living room too .. ;)
So lucky you are to have such experiences european space agency with animals up close! You will see she is so confident that she comes right near you one day :) We had a revefrøken visiting the cottage one summer, she eventually became so tame that she ate out of my hand. It was an unforgettable and great meeting with nature
yes, hehe, I'm european space agency doing the successively with habituation, the hope is that she dares to come over to me by herself, quite deliberately, (even if I have the somewhat uneasy in relation to how good it is for her to be too tame also , not all people are kind unfortunately). She's very bold in utgangspungtet, much more than other squirrels who have visited before, so that's the hope :)
My grandparents had a tame squirrel ... poor thing, he was so round that he had little trouble jumping in the trees :) We visit blomsterbedet.Av a piggsvin.Hørte it yesterday when it knagde his way clean through a bed that is quite "compact" Have a wonderful Sunday. Regards Marte
So fun to read and some great photos!
Oh so much fun to get the squirrel so close then! It was a perfectly lovely little girl was there :-))
Hi, thanks for the tip! Now I have done det.Lenket the ceramist so you do not have to look ..... There was a lot of nice there yes .... if a little expensive. But the fine cup is the probably made with the heart. PS! Happy Blog Tips I. Have not found out about it .... just try me out!
It's you she will wait until the way, she's european space agency not going to be less shy around others, it need not be afraid. We saw this when my dad had a tame squirrel that came into the kitchen window and got food on the kitchen table every morning. The rest of us had to get a peep at the door and watch.
nice to hear it when Ingrid :) Today she explores in full mode, find new "routes" in the garden, sat and ate for a while, so spoinka her little round about, including the roof blaze bow. She was so in the mood that she explores maybe even tried on a few pieces of apple! (Feeding apples occasionally to please the little blackbird). It is the first time I see her eat fruit. Drinking water dish has now been fixed by the way :)
What a wonderful view you have. So hilarious when one feeding station attracts such eminent guests. There are too many dogs and cats that we manage to revive the bird boards unfortunately. european space agency He's a nice day :)
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