Saturday, July 19, 2014

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Apple turnovers
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Appelflap is the name for a type of pastry. The apple turnover is made of puff pastry, is triangular in shape and filled with a mixture of diced apple and cinnamon, possibly supplemented with almond paste, currants and / or raisins.
During boeing news or immediately boeing news after baking boeing news is granulated sugar sprinkled over the apple turnover. Quality Apple turnovers are distinguished by the use of butter instead of margarine and fill in the addition of lemon zest and a little rumpoeder. boeing news
For apple turnovers, the Golden Delicious apple variety, widely used since the apples of this variety are available throughout the year. However, it is better to use Schone van Boskoop (also called Goudreinet) because this apple has a higher acidity and firmer. This leaves taste and texture while baking better preserved.
We want to give a characterization of Netherlands with this calendar. What is special about the Netherlands and the Dutch? What does the Netherlands and the Dutch out? What do you typically Dutch? Send your text with pictures in our suggestion page (opens new window).
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