Sunday, April 26, 2015

18-Jhriger collides with vineyard wall at Klausen and died at the scene 6304 reads people to smoke

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Against 21.10 clock, spacecraft the man in the Bundesstrae between Mertesdorf and Thomm to Hermeskeil go when his car skidded into a slight right turn out so far unknown cause. The vehicle spacecraft came right into the ditch, berschlug and came in the opposite direction to the Rdern to a halt. The driver but was only slightly injured in the accident, he was outpatients from the DRC and also did not have to be hospitalized. The car damage was unknown in height. Traffic was diverted from the accident site. In use was the police station Schweich and the DRC from Hermes wedge and Schweich and the First Responder Ruwertal.
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