Monday, January 12, 2015

The widespread belief that the fetus is staying active in the womb is not true at all, but in fact

Where climate f 22 raptor change is actually happening on the planet? The answer to this question may seem very easy and is "the impact of climate change seems more pronounced at the poles of the planet, and boils down to this effect in the gradual melting of ice at both the northern and southern poles." But that answer is not required accuracy and therefore preferred Professor "Solomon" The answer to this question for further research Tria careful precision and this time the results were contrary to expectations ... perfectly!
Study of climate change over the 127 years since 1884 and until 2011, climatic maps of the planet, can be seen that the amount f 22 raptor of the increase in temperature varies f 22 raptor from place to place around the world, but that some areas did not show any rise in temperatures at all throughout this period. But the result is confirmed f 22 raptor by a study that maps confined to the tropical region between the orbits of Capricorn and Cancer is the most geographically f 22 raptor rise in temperature from anywhere else in the world and not at the poles as we thought! The tropics have shown increased f 22 raptor at a steady rate in the temperature by parts of the class over 127 years and is now a rise by 0.7 degrees Celsius by causing human activities to global warming, and in sharp contrast, we find the polar regions and areas up and down the tropical region showed more changes random times between high and low at other times then the consequences of global warming will not see there, but in the tropics where the increased temperature rise. And surprising really that greenhouse gas emissions f 22 raptor per person rate in a year in the United States more than 10-fold by Colombia, and more than 400 twice in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at a time when these two towns are located on the front lines of confrontation f 22 raptor with global warming Unlike usa! But what about the effect of the temperature rise in the region on crops, water, animals and humans? This is a question that is still waiting for the answer.
Since the beginning of creation is facing a pregnant mother and her unborn child several risks during childbirth, and over the centuries a lot of mothers and their babies who died during pregnancy f 22 raptor and during the process of the situation. In normal case members of the body in trace its fixed system does not deviate him, but during the pregnancy and birth of this system f 22 raptor breaks down completely and turn upside down. And The reasons for this imbalance that only the mother's body is not disposed of during pregnancy, but what is happening now is the interaction between two different two bodies, each carrying unique from the other genetic combination. And from the standpoint of evolutionary biology and adopted by the professor, "Hague", the body of the fetus is working to ensure that it is to be true and similarly working mother's body in order to ensure her to stay alive, but the work of both of them to be in the direction counter to the other and leads rise to a conflict among Alyatema to stay and then turn the fetus to act something of greed and does not care anything but winning food!
The widespread belief that the fetus is staying active in the womb is not true at all, but in fact it finds its way to the wall where the placenta Fabut certain materials to urge the blood vessels to expand and bring him more food-laden blood. And the inevitable result of childbirth process after the fetus out and remove the placenta, blood vessels remain open and pay more blood in the uterus so many mothers die due to Alnsep.o in a special case occurs for 6% of pregnant women called "poisoning pre-eclimsia pregnancy "pregnant mother f 22 raptor pressure rises dramatically and is believed f 22 raptor to be accidental, but not increased, f 22 raptor causing the fetus by greedy broadcast unknown substances in the bloodstream of the mother to raise her blood pressure! And is in turn leads to more blood flow through the placenta blaming the necessary nutrients. And already proven health research professor "Haig" theory, f 22 raptor the rise is not justified in the percentage of protein "sFlt1" found in the mother's blood, causing f 22 raptor high blood pressure and also predicted "Haig" completely, not the parent f 22 raptor protein source ... but rather the fetus!
How did the human governs whether moral or immoral? There is no straight answer to this question because it depends on the criteria which Taatabha in judgment on the acts: Will you control the actions of a person according to his intention, regardless of the result of his actions? Or do you control it based on the final result to be done regardless of the intention? And so it may actually seem so from your point of view and moral, but from the perspective of another person is immoral. And because of those provisions and must be grown somewhere in the brain, the d. Young filmed the brains of people under study while they were firing sentences on two of the acts: the first case is "manslaughter" and which did not have the actor intention to kill, but he finally had reason f 22 raptor for the death of the victim by mistake, while the second case it is " a deliberate attempt to kill "in f 22 raptor the sense that the actor had the intent to kill, but he did not succeed in achieving its intention.
Of course differed provisions replace the experience of people on these cases based on their perspective. If a person is judged f 22 raptor from the perspective of the actor held accountable f 22 raptor for his intention and do not result, recorded imaging device at these increased activity in a certain area of the brain known as the "right temporal lobe." The people who judge the actor based on the outcome of these do Vibdi weak activity in the right temporal lobe area when brain imaging. Because f 22 raptor the right temporal lobe seems to be playing an important role in the issue of governance based on the intentions of the people, it must be disabled and will change the way that the person to judge things, and Pal

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