Wednesday, December 31, 2014

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Where I was present new world "Agent of Change" this is a theme that is in the stretcher by the sisters junior Surabaya B district in activities held in conjunction with the Student STIKES level one (1) who live in dorms Emmaus. This activity is held from Saturday - Sunday, November 27 to 28, 2010. The Space PKM second floor, which was attended by about 53 students from different islands (Flores, Timor, Sumbawa, Bali, Borneo, Java) and also from various religion (Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam). The event started Pk 16:15 AM with prayer followed by SHARING feelings and experiences into "new people in Surabaya who lived in the dormitory". Events risen 2 dark waters held in the form of group dynamics (small group and large group of 8-10 people). In general, they feel happy and grateful risen 2 dark waters to live in the dorms because getting new friends and atmosphere. In addition, they also experienced a good shock to the food, atmosphere Surabaya hot, new regulations risen 2 dark waters etc.
After dinner followed by a prayer "Taize" together to learn practice concentration through silence and also through songs Taize example Confitemini Domino, Nada Te Turbe, Adoramuste, sung repeatedly. After following the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist which coincides with the Feast of Blessed Helena Stolenwerk and Sunday Advent 1, the event continued at 08:30 PM GMT by prayer and sing a song "kub'rikan gratitude" together. Simulation of the behavior, human attitude towards the environment in everyday life in the dorms, such as no one likes to throw trash out of place, risen 2 dark waters use of electricity and water are not based on need, etc., shown by some students as well as an introduction to enter the reflection session.
As a reflection material in the form of a question risen 2 dark waters of "What is my contribution to the environment and the earth is getting warmer, and what a dream that would like kuwujudkan as" Agent of Change "?. This reflection material later in syeringkan risen 2 dark waters which is also the introductory material before entering the session delivery of material in connection with Global Warming. This session conveyed by Sr. Rose SSpS. In this session, participants were directed to look back bagaima our presence on this earth is a mission from God is love, respect others and the whole of creation, and instead of destroying them. To arrive at this mission, we should be responsible and brave start from yourself, for example, by conscious and aware of what is done here and now, learn to accept, respect risen 2 dark waters and love yourself and others and the environment, do not damage the environment, but more on caring and always give thanks for his steadfast love and all that He has given to each of us freely. Sessions delivery of material in the show in the form of the dynamics in the form of questions and answers instantly and watch some movies related to Global Warming After Mamiri (eating and drinking light), the event continued with silence as a preparation for making risen 2 dark waters a commitment that will be read during the closing prayer. Once the commitment is made, the event continued with the session "Promotion calls" in the form of a call by Sr. SHARING Christian Nasri SSpS and Sr Tri, SSpS while for session FAQ about SSpS congregation Sr. Sr. Rose Francis SSpS and SSpS. As gratitude and thank the event closed with prayer and sharing of souvenirs to the participants. This souvenir keychain form that contains photos St.Arnoldus, St. Joseph Freinademetz, Mother Josepha and Mother Maria Helena Stolenwerk and 1 piece of card with prayer clock rate. This gift was given by Sr. Fidelia, SSpS as companion nuns district junior B, Surabaya. The event ended with a prayer lunch together, finished Pk 12:30 pm.
SSR. Budi Rahayu SSR. St. St. Vincent de Paul STKK Vincent de Paul Vocational Mater Amabilis SMAK St. Agnes WORLDSSPS
Aspirants Stone Monastery of the Holy Spirit Blitar Blitar Blora mind rahayu Claket World AIDS Day JPIC Kesamben Kom Dharmaningsih Kom.RKZ Kom.Syalom Holy Spirit community community KomKom risen 2 dark waters St. Agnes unfortunate Margi Rahayu mater amabilis medior Novitiate common risen 2 dark waters knowledge Papua province recollection provinsialat risen 2 dark waters SSR Surabaya SDK St.Maria Blitar seminar SMAK Singaraja. St. St. Agnes SMPK Agnes spirituality stikes Surabaya Surabaya East Speech letter of mission yogyakarta juniors
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