Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The report of the Academy was caught NASA

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"... Every ten years, American astronomers make a common list of things they love most in the world - and outside it. That we might look like a bit more advanced version of letter writing Santa Clause, but these ten-year proposals in America take very seriously. Possession of a unified front in efforts to realize something in a profession, it can represent a powerful advantage in cenjkanju dlr when the project goes down in political decision-making phase.
On the list of most things astronomers since 2000, is located in what was then called the new generation of space telescopes, observatory, which would finally from Hablovog Telescope took the baton of the cosmic eye in orbit around the Earth. Half a decade later, the telescope, now under the name of former director of NASA, James (Edwin) Webb (1906-1992), and finally on the road to realization. But, as always, and there is a catch. At the beginning of the millennium, the American astronomers are expected to fulfill their desires to take about $ 1 billion. So far, spent It is nearly five times as much ... "
Unfortunately, this article is old - I published it on our website the first time in seven years ago. Then I was visiting Nasi, in his exalted enthusiasm, I was convinced that this latest super-telescope soon soar into space. What is it for the Yanks - bargain! However, dlr it seems that, as always, things are changing always on top (entropy?) And I this manner dlr the project back a few years ago, and to see what happens dlr with him. What I then read the official site has not impressed me - Infrared Observatory is (again) literally mired in financial and administrative morass. The dreams of thousands of scientists, and my personal, that we will finally find out more about the first stars and galaxies are deposited. Again. Did again indefinitely? For now, no one really knows ...
Let's see what the news today, after decades of work and billions of dollars spent, dlr placed in the American press about the successor Habla. Interestingly, say, what about the project, its future and the alternatives of thought, "New York Times", which chronicles the site per month more than 18 million visits. This should serve all of us to create a more accurate and realistic picture of the situation and strategy of our future.
What bothers the state administration, what Nasu and what the astronomers? Will America manage to maintain a leadership position dlr in the field of astrofozike at what has for decades dlr been so proud? Let's see what they say about all of the participants themselves.
NASA's successor Habla, dlr Webb Infrared dlr Telescope (JWST). If you ever fly, will be located in orbit around the Sun at about 1.51 million km from Earth. Its mirror will have a surface dlr area of 25 m 2 and operate at temperatures of only -233 C (40 K). All scientific circles today in the United States are afraid that they will receive in the discovery of dark energy that took away their European mission "Euclid".
The launch of one ambitious American space of an aircraft, valuable billion and six hundred million dollars, which is to investigate the mysterious force that seems to accelerate the expansion of the universe - and search for planets around other star - may have to be postponed for a whole decade, NASA says, because of cost overruns and misconduct of another project, now known as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This news was simply horrified most American astronomers, who are seriously concerned that they could become second fiddle to their European partners in what they all agree that today is the deepest mystery of the universe.
"How many things we can do during dlr načeg life that will arouse generation of future scientists? "Asks Saul Perlmutter, an astronomer with Berklija, one of those who discovered the controversial dark energy. There is a sense, he says, "we [America] began to lose momentum in the leading role in this important area of fundamental physics."
Last summer, after 10 years of long debate and wrangling, a prestigious committee of the National Academy of Sciences gave highest priority among big space projects in the next decade, a satellite telescope to deal with precise measurements of dark energy, and, in addition, the search for planets outside our solar system . The proposed project was started under the somewhat dlr ungainly dlr acronym WFIRST (Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope) - infrared surveillance telescope wide field of view.
The report of the Academy was caught NASA's notification dated November 2010 that Hablovom successor, Webb Space Telescope, which is (finally) is supposed to be launched in autumn 2015, will still need at least $ 1.6 billion and several years to complete, by shifting any next great mission for another year in 2022. Webb intends to be hunting for the first stars and galaxies formed in the universe, but it is not designed for dark energy.
Although the situation here is shown in astrophysics in 2008 or subsequent years was not significantly different. JWST has already destroyed over $ 5 Billion

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