Saturday, April 19, 2014

Minangkabau. In the Annals of the scattered Title: Minangkabau. In the Annals sigint of the scatter

Classroom Collection sigint at the Museum of Ancient Indonesian Education UNY | Indonesian Culture News - Home Tembi History and Culture of Indonesia
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Minangkabau. In the Annals of the scattered Title: Minangkabau. In the Annals sigint of the scattered Author: Ampera Salim, Zulkifli Publisher: Image Culture of Indonesia 2004 ...
To get past elementary school class collection MPI Museum UNY Yogyakarta it does so by grant, purchase, or replacement. Ancient seat table (or so-called bench) now there are 15 pieces. The bench was obtained from SD Pedes Sedayu Bantul many as 6 units, while the other 9 units derived from elementary lined Bantul.
Recording a trace atmosphere of education in the classroom on the 1960's certainly not an easy case. It is difficult now find classrooms are filled with simplicity, where the classrooms using old-fashioned desks and chairs, book using slates, pencil using grips, wooden slates, and many other accessories are also ancient.
For the majority of our society today, especially for the older generation, the classroom atmosphere will certainly stir old memories studied in the past, when the elementary school was named the People (SR). Not only among the older generation, the younger generation can be filled from it. They can reflect on how simple class atmosphere sigint in the past, so it certainly could be lighter for them to study even harder. Is not learning facility at this time is much more advanced and modern? sigint
It is not commonly found classroom atmosphere full of memories of the past. But as it turns Museum Education Indonesia (MPI), Yogyakarta State University sigint (UNY) has been able to bring such an atmosphere. With a collection that is still limited, old-fashioned elementary classroom atmosphere has been presented in the museum which is located in Colombo Street 1 Yogyakarta.
The visitors can see a collection of freely and observe it more closely. Even visitors can try slate and grip for writing. In addition, visitors sigint can also enjoy all the collections related to education sigint in Indonesia, including the ministers of education from the beginning of independence until today.
To get past elementary school class collection MPI Museum UNY Yogyakarta it does so by grant, purchase, or replacement. sigint Ancient seat table (or so-called bench) now there are 15 pieces. The bench was obtained from SD Pedes Sedayu Bantul many as 6 units, while the other 9 units derived from elementary lined Bantul. The hallmark of the ancient bench is a table and chair together. The collection was acquired MPI in 2014 UNY this.
In addition, MPI Museum this year also have gained an ancient blackboard used around the 1970s, the contribution of SMP 1 Yogyakarta. Other collections that have been obtained in the form of stool (2 pieces) of SMAN1 Yogyakarta, and some slates and grip.
MPI continues classrooms ancient hunting equipment, such as a flag pole, where the ink, slates, grips, ruler, compass, teacher desks, and others. So that someday, said Asnan, managers Museum MPI to Tembi, elementary classical chamber atmosphere of the past soon materialize.
more Children 19-04-14 Basmallah
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