Sunday, February 9, 2014

The predecessor of the International Space Station voz f17 program is NASA

International Space Station, is an international cooperation program consists of six space agencies jointly advance, the six institutions are: NASA (NASA), the Russian Federal Space Agency, voz f17 the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the Canadian Space Agency, Brazilian Space Agency, the European Space Agency (ESA member states of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Austria and Finland voz f17 did not participate in the International Space Station program, Greece and Luxembourg are added after the planned start of the European Space Agency. [1]) in addition China also expressed through the media but also the enthusiasm of participating in the scheme, especially look forward to cooperation with the Russian Federal Space Agency. [2] [3]
Initially responsible for transport between the ISS and the ground is that the shuttle, the Soyuz spacecraft and Progress cargo spacecraft. The International Space Station is currently still under construction, can carry up to three occupants, some experimental voz f17 facilities have also been put into use. So far on board the International Space Station astronauts to perform tasks from the United States voz f17 and Russia are aerospace program, in addition, there are astronauts from other countries visited the International Space Station, which also includes five space tourists. March 2009, NASA International Space Station site began live online real-time video, the station staff to sleep or work when Internet users worldwide can enjoy the station's live video across the network [4]. [Edit] Naming names now "International Space Station" (English: International Space Station, ISS; Russian Международная космическая станция, МКС) is the product of a compromise between the different names. International Space Station originally proposed name is "Space voz f17 Station Alpha (Alpha)", but was Russia's opposition, Russia hinted that such naming the ISS space station is the first in human history, but the fact that the Soviet Union and later Russia has successfully run over eight space station. Russia proposed space station named Atlanta (English: voz f17 Atlanta [citation needed]), voz f17 but this bill opposed by the United States, the United States considers the pronunciation and spelling of Atlanta voz f17 is too close to the legendary sunken continent "Atlantis", voz f17 which seems implies ominous sign, and Atlanta is also the name of a U.S. space shuttle and easy - Atlantis confused.
The predecessor of the International Space Station voz f17 program is NASA's Space Station Freedom program, this program is a component of the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative program in the 1980s. In December 1, 1987 NASA announced voz f17 that Boeing, General Electric Company, McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Company and Luo Dien propulsion company received orders to participate in the construction of the space station. During the George HW Bush administration, the Star Wars plan was shelved, the free space station also will come to a standstill, while in 1993 U.S. President Bill Clinton officially ended the Space Station Freedom program. After the end of the Cold War in the United States Vice President Al Gore to promote freedom reborn Space Station, voz f17 NASA began contacts with the Russian Federal Space Agency, to discuss cooperation to establish the concept of a space station.
International Space Station NASA budget far exceeded initial forecasts, its construction schedule to be later than scheduled, the main reason is that after the Columbia space shuttle crash incident voz f17 in early 2003, NASA grounded all shuttle . Shuttles grounded in two and a half years, the transport of people and goods entirely dependent on the space station, Russia's Soyuz spacecraft, space station on scientific research activities is also possible to be compressed. According to the schedule, the station's construction will resume in 2006 after the space shuttle to return to space, but in July 2005 after the space shuttle's STS-114 mission to complete discovery, because the shuttle liftoff insulation material in the process of off, NASA once again grounded all space shuttle, which makes the construction of the International Space Station voz f17 schedule delays again.
November 15, 2006, activity on the International Space Station on Earth for the first time in high-definition television broadcast, and play in New York's Times Square on the big screen TV. This is the first human to watch high-definition television pictures from space. Protagonists live show is the 14th expedition to the International Space Station commander-meter Lopez - Alegria, a cameraman with Air Engineering Station in Thomas voz f17 Reiter. This system, called the Space Video Gateway broadcast, live up to six times the normal definition analog video. [1]
January 31, 2007, the 14th expedition to the International Space Station's two American astronauts Lopez - Alegria voz f17 and Williams Sunit successful over seven hours of spacewalks. They will JEM Destiny a cooling voz f17 circuit from the temporary system permanent voz f17 access systems, circuit voz f17 wiring done some work to make the shuttle docking station can access and use the new solar panels to provide electricity to a reflector and shading The heat shield is discarded, and a heat sink recycling old solar panel. [5] February 4 EST 8:38, the two astronauts spacewalk again for about seven hours of spacewalks. They will JEM Destiny permanent access to another cooling loop system from the temporary system, an abandoned ammonia cooling equipment clean. [6] February 8, the two astronauts completed six hours and 40 minutes of the third spacewalk, the two large hood to remove voz f17 discarded outside the space station, cargo transport and install several attachments. [7] February 22, the International Space Station flight voz f17 engineer, Russian cosmonaut Mikhail voz f17 Tyurin and Lopez - Alegria once more than six hours of planned outer space walk to repair the space station docking a collapsible antenna failed to progress M-58 spacecraft on. [8]
The entire space station by numerous components: Component voyage carried voz f17 by the length of the assembly time (m) Diameter (m) Weight (kg) Zarya functional cargo 1 A / R Proton November 20, 1998 12.6 4.1 19,323 cabin unity Node 1 2A - STS-88 Endeavour December 4, 1998 5.49 4.57 11,612 Star service module 1R Proton July 12, the annual 2000 13.1 4.15 19,050 voz f17 Z1 truss 3A - STS-92 Discovery, October 11, 2000 years 4.9 4.2 8,755 P6 truss and solar panels 4A - STS-97 Endeavour November 30, 2000 73.2 10.7 15,824 Destiny JEM 5A - STS-98 Atlantis No. 7 February, 2001 8.53 4.27 14,515 external loading platform (ESP-1) LF 1 - STS-102 Atlantis Road March 13, 2001 4.9 3.65 2,676 Canadian arm 2 6A - STS-100 Endeavour voz f17 on April 19, 2001 17.6 0.35 4,899 years seeking No. airlock (airlock connection) 7A - STS-104 Atlantis on July 12, 2001 4 6,064 5.5 docking compartment - Pirs airlock 4R Progress September 14 , 2001 4.9 2.3 3,676 S0 truss 8A - STS-110 Atlantis on April 8, 2002 2 13.4 4.6 13,971 Canadian arm rails UF-2 - STS-111 Endeavour on June 5, 2002 years 5.7 2.9 1,450 S1 truss 9A - STS-112 Atlantis on October 7, 2002 13.7 4.6 14,124 P1 truss 11A - STS-113 Endeavour November 23, 2002 13.7 4.6 14003 extrinsic loading platform (ESP-2) LF1 - STS-114 Discovery on July 26, 2005 4.9 3.65 2,676 P3, P4 truss and solar panels 12A - STS-115 Atlantis on September 9, 2006 In 13.8 4.8 15,824 P5 truss 12A.1 - STS-116 Discovery on December 9, the annual 2006 3.4 4.6 1,864 S3, S4 truss and solar panels 13A - STS-117 Atlantis, No. 8 June annual 2007 13.7 5.0 16,183 S5 truss 13A.1 - STS-118 Endeavour on August 8, 2007 3.4 4.6 1,864 external loading platform (ESP-3) 13A.1 - STS-118 Endeavour August 8 , 2007 4.9 3.65 2,676 Harmony node cabin 10A - STS-120 Atlantis on October 23, 2007 7.2 4.4 14,288 the Columbus 1E - STS-122 Atlantis Road on February voz f17 11, 2008 6.9 4.5 19,300 first part Nozomi JEM [10] STS-123 Endeavour on March 11, 2008 [11] 3.9 4.4 4,200
ISS space station's supporters believe the criticism is shortsighted voz f17 and deceptive, supporters believe that spending huge money on manned space exploration also give every person on the planet bring tangible benefits. There are assessments that the international space station program voz f17 developed for commercial applications manned space related technologies, voz f17 will indirectly lead to the global economy, they bring income is seven times the initial voz f17 investment, there are some relatively conservative voz f17 estimate is considered that such gains only three times the initial investment. There are some staunch supporters believe that even the International Space Station is zero significance in science, its only play the role of promoting international cooperation, but also enough to make this program annals.
All permanent resident crew named "expedition N", "expedition N" is continuously increased after each expedition. Space tourists do not count as expedition members. Expedition crew launch date armband landing voz f17 date voyage voyage duration (days) Expedition voz f17 1 William Shepherd - American Yuri Gidzenko - Russian Sergei Krikalev - Russia October voz f17 31, 2000 07:52:47 UTC Soyuz TM-31 2001 年 3 月 21 日07:33:06 UTC STS-102 140.98 Expedition 2 Yuri Usachev voz f17 - Russia Susan Helms - American James Voss - United States March 5, 2001 11:42:09 UTC STS-102 2001 年 8 月 22 日 19:24:06 UTC STS-105 167.28 voz f17 Expedition 3 Frank L. Culbertson - American Vladimir N. Dezhurov - Russian Mikhail Tyurin - Russia August 10, 2001 21:10:15 UTC STS-105 2001 年 12 月 17 日 17:56:13 UTC STS-108 128.86 Expedition 4 Yury Onufrienko - Russia Dan Bursch - American Carl Walz - USA December 5, 2001 22:19:28 voz f17 UTC STS-108 2002 年 6 月 19 日 09:57:41 UTC STS-111 195.82 Expedition 5 Valery Korzun - Russian Sergei Treschev - Russia Peggy Whitson - USA June 5, 2002 21:22:49 UTC STS-111 2002 年 12 月 7 日 19:37:12 UTC STS-113 184.93 Expedition 6 Kenneth Bowersox - United States Nikolai Budarin - Russia Donald Pettit - USA November 24, 2002 00:49:47 UTC STS-113 2003 年 5 月 4 日 02:04:25 UTC Soyuz TMA-1 161.05 Expedition 7 Yuri Malenchenko - Russia Edward Lu - United States April 26, 2003 03:53:52 UTC Soyuz TMA-1 2003 年 10 月 28 日 02:40:20 UTC Soyuz TMA-2 184.93 Expedition 8 Michael Foale - American voz f17 Alexander Kaleri - Russia October voz f17 18, 2003 05 : 38:03 UTC Soyuz TMA-2 2004 年 4 月 30 日 00:11:15 UTC Soyuz TMA-3 194.77 Expedition 9 Gennady Padalka - Russia Michael Fincke - United States April 19, 2004 03:19:00 UTC Soyuz TMA -3 October 24 2004 00:32:00 UTC Soyuz TMA-4 185.66 10 expedition Chiao - American Salizhan Sharipov - Russian 2004 10

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