Saturday, February 1, 2014

In the old bookstore did not matter who it is easy to imagine a place like this and heaven too, lik

In the old bookstore did not matter who it is easy to imagine a place like this and heaven too, like, forever wander tolerance refined gentleman in front of a bookshelf, read the calfskin cover books; However, just an old bookstore I work experience, the deepest impression was: true scholar described as rare. The number of books we have considerable exception to that store, but good to know which of the book, which book bad customer has no more than one tenth, I'm really not sure. Ladies store was considered the most common customer united technologies to pick a birthday gift to our nephew, who is ignorant and does not know exactly what to buy the book should be good; followed by Eastern students to buy textbooks, just know that endless united technologies bargain; As for lovers of literature, then do not buy the first edition arty generation to much.
Most of our patrons are afraid to go to buy something united technologies does not recruit people to be see, but as long entered the bookstore, they became God. For example, someone dear old lady "would like to buy the book to see the patient" (this is especially the requirements of people could not find); and a dear old lady who said she saw a good 1897 book , ask if you can help her look, worse, she neither remember the title, author name yet do not remember who, but tell 讲了些什么 book, she remembers that book cover is red. This is nothing, there are two kinds of people is more annoying, like ghosts united technologies linger all day every one in the old bookstore, cute disgust. One is visited every day, sometimes several times a day to Yoriko exude an stale bread taste leather, pestering you to buy those worthless broken his book. Another person asked a large number of books aside, but never a trace of pay plans. We never store credit, but if the customer saw the book inconvenient to take a moment, we can save up to him, and later left to take the future only when necessary united technologies to close a little deposit. But the real book books come back and take customers to our store seems to hardly more than half. At first it made me quite puzzled: What is the reason they do it? They came in and asked if there some of the rare and expensive books, repeatedly asked us to promise to retain this book for them, after they disappeared in the doorway, never stepped into the threshold again. But finally I realized that most of these people is an absolute paranoia. They are apt to say in their own high-sounding words, concoct all sorts of bizarre story, that he did not have any money to go out is how not coincidentally, I'm sure most of these stories united technologies even they believed in myself. In a city like London, where there is always a lot of insanity can not be fully recognized by wandering united technologies in the streets, these people tend to be attracted to the bookstore, because the few bookstores can stay a long time but do not need to spend One place half dime. Later you will recognize such a person as long glance. Even if they can blow leather heaven, but it will always reveal some true features, enough to make one of them destitute and aimlessly aware. Treat such obvious paranoia, we usually put him in person designated to put together a book alone, he left it up instantly back on the shelf. I noticed that these people do not pay never attempt to put the book away, just book what they would meet - I guess, it can give them a really own money illusion.
And most of the old bookstore, we also store the goods and the sale of a variety of peripherals. For example, what used typewriters and stamps, of course, here that is used stamps. Collectors who are all indifferent demeanor, keep silent, which is a kind of strange people, although all ages are, but they are all men, apparently, united technologies women can not see these colorful little pieces of paper attached to the Philately united technologies fun at all of this in place. We also sell a sixpence divination booklet, the codification of those claiming to have predicted the earthquake in Japan. This booklet sealed envelope, I'd never seen in person to open, but people often bought this booklet we will report back how this thing is "efficacious." (Any one divination manual, as long as you can guess very attractive to the opposite united technologies sex, your greatest weakness is overly generous, etc., then do not ask, it really is enough "efficacious" in.) Children's books of our store business is very Well, most of which is at a discount of "slow-moving book." These stylish children's books, especially when they appear in front of you heaps when it was undoubtedly daunting. For me personally, I'd rather superimpose kids a Petronius Arbiter [Annotation 1] wrote the book, did not want to give him a "Peter Pan" [Annotation 2], but even Bali [ Annotation 3] better than those that follow suit later his dick, compared to his more manly, and more cocky. Every end of the year, Christmas cards and calendars Fed sold, we have ten days to do this too busy, although the sale of these things downright boring, but it really united technologies is a good year-end business. In my opinion, this wantonly exploit religious feelings of Christians who profit from the barbaric acts of cynicism, but added quite unsightly value. Back in June, each card firms to send out Christmas cards to sell directory. I still can not forget to write in which to talk about a few strokes on the invoice: "2 dozen baby Jesus with a rabbit."
We just opened the bookstore at the junction of two Tauern Hampstead and Camden Town Office [Annotation 4], customers often come to rent books on baronet, down to the bus conductor, everyday, what people have. Thus our books leasing probably read enough to fairly represent the overall level of London. It seems that this level also lackluster - and in our book rentals at the most sought after are who work? Neither Priestley or Hemingway, nor Walpole or Wodehouse, but Ai Seer M Lonsdale, followed Warwickshire. Di Ping, came in third place, is probably Jeffrey. Fano the [Annotation 5]. Lonsdale's only women will carefully read the novel, of course, but do not think her readers just hate to marry some old maid or a fat cigarette shop proprietress, in fact all kinds of these readers, young and old and older and so forth. If we say that men do not read novels that would be not always the case, but the men did not watch certain types of fiction. Overall, the so-called popular fiction, that is, those shoddy, uneven standards, Galsworthy style [Annotation 6] and sloppy strokes smells British works, it seems that are specifically written for women to read. Men are likely to see when the conversation became conspicuous in the capital of the novel, then there is a detective novel. Their appetite for detection of the story was scary. I remember there was a frequent visitor united technologies to our shop, there are more than a year's time, he was every week to see four to five detective novels, which he also is not seen at another bookstore. What surprised me most is the same novel he never read a second time. Obviously, all those junk texts he read (I specifically counted, he had seen a year-page spread of the book can be covered with nearly three-quarters acres) have been firmly imprinted in his mind up. He did not pay attention to who the title or the author is, but as long as essays which open book pages glance, he can tell you this book is that he is not already "seen."
On reading tastes, in the rent book, you can send people to see the true level, rather than pretending united technologies they are out of that thing and it will make you deeply shocked: the original British united technologies "classical" united technologies novelist who has completely fallen out of favor . You do not need to Dickens, Thackeray, Jane. Austen, Trollope works of these people put the book rental counter [Annotation 7], even if it put the rent does not go out. People Piaojian these nineteenth-century writings would say, "wow, this book is good old!" Then they go to skip this next book. But Dickens was always selling book is quite good, as Shakespeare's books are always very easy to sell the same. Dickens belongs to the people "have always wanted to read," one of the kind of writer, about his book, most people know are listening to, which is inverted and the "Bible" quite a resemblance. They know Bill. Sussex is Jiangyangdadao, McCaw also know that Mr. Cobb has thanked the top, but this is from someone else's mouth to listen to [Annotation 8]; It's like they know that Moses sleeping in a basket of rushes was found, also that Moses saw God's "back", this is someone to listen to his mouth, like [Annotation 9]. A very clear trend is American fiction is increasingly being left out. In addition, two or three years between the short story readers less and less, which makes publishers pins and needles. Some customers to rent books always let us help him choose books to read, but almost all the emphasis on "Do not give me a short story," or "I'm not interested in any small" rent a constant in our book store German is such an opening is two words. united technologies If you ask them why, maybe some people will tell you this: every time a small group of people know the story of the horse must be a lot of trouble, they look like little longer length novels, because as long as seen at the beginning of a chapter, then do not bother to go back figure out who is who. I would think that this phenomenon can not be wholly blame readers, authors own reasons, I am afraid some more. Most contemporary short story, whether it is the United Kingdom united technologies or the United States, have no vitality and literary value at all, far less than most of the novel over the same period. Really deserve to be called a short story fiction is always popular, Take D H Lawrence [Annotation 10], his short stories and his novel on the same very good reputation.
Find a good stall, raise the right amount of money, any educated person can rely on to get a bookseller although modest but steady income, enough to feed their families. This business is not difficult to use, but want to engage in "rare" books, then traded another matter, if you happen to have some understanding on books, then you will have to start from a unique advantage. (Most are on the books bookstore owner knew nothing about. Easily find photos Book Review newspaper united technologies advertisements to see their collection of old books, you know what level these people and I can not guarantee that you will be able to find Boswell's hit " relative competitive decline recorded "[Annotation 11] such outrageous ads, but you can certainly come to find T S Eliot's" The Mill "on the Floss [Annotation 12] this level.) This line also Sven much golf break the death situation does not appear Assembly. Large companies can never be like a small grocery united technologies store or individual strife milkman strife as those who operate small independent bookstore. But to open a bookstore, united technologies then work for a long time - I just do part time in the store, but our boss was busy for ten hours per day, not including the acquisition of books, he regularly went out of time - this is not what a healthy life way. Generally, when the winter cold bookstores terrible, because if the room is too warm, then windows will frost, but the bookstore is to rely on the window to attract business. And books are more filthy than any of the current invention, more accumulation of dust, blowfly always liked to fly at the end of the book of life.
But the real reason I do not like to engage in this line bookstore is my experience has taught me this bookselling lost love of books. In order to sell books business have to say something against their lies, naturally over time those books Heart disgust, worse had them moved around easily cleaned united technologies dust. There was a time I love books - I love when reading the books in the hands caress the pages have that feeling faint literary hit, of course, I'm united technologies talking about at least five years or even more ancient books. No more than one shilling village flower auction buy this book made me a lot of fun things. These bump as you have picked a strange scholarly books, and varied, all-inclusive, you can find here obscure eighteenth-century works of poets, outdated gazetteer, fragmented novel has long been forgotten , and bound volumes united technologies of the 1860s, Ms. magazine. As Xinshou turn to spend time reading, for example, when you are lying in the bathtub, or no effort united technologies to get tired at night you go to bed, when they have nothing to do or ten minutes before lunch, nothing more than double the "Girl newspaper" Archive united technologies of the more appropriate. But things hit me since I entered the bookstore will no longer buy books. When the flood of books in front of you, a few of the five thousand, more than a million copies, the book becomes somewhat annoying and even disgusting person. Now I only occasionally buy a book, but it is only in this book I want to read but they can not borrow united technologies under the circumstances, and I would never spend money on the books. Those charming fragrance emitted by the vicissitudes of the page is no longer attracted to me. In my mind, they have been linked together tightly and those paranoid and dead flies.
Annotation 1: Original Writing Petrenius Arbiter, should the Department of the Roman writer Petronius. Albitre (Gaius Petronius Arbiter) of a clerical error, that Petronius united technologies Arbiter. Perry's noble birth, date of birth unknown, died in AD 66, a former local governor and the consuls united technologies and other staff. According to Tacitus' Annals "records, Perry's expertise in childhood pleasures, words and deeds elegant style, which was the Roman emperor Nero, known as" arbiters of taste "that not wear anything if it's not recognized charm or elegance. Generally considered long satirical novel "Sadi Li Kong" (Satyri) united technologies is Perry's work.
Annotation 2: "Peter Pan: The boy will not grow up" (Peter Pan: The Boy Who Wouldn "t Grow Up, 190 4).. Was a Scottish author James Matthew Bali's most famous plays; otherwise a" Peter Pan and Wendy "(Peter Pan and Wendy) was his 1911 novel of the novel its title. Both works are about Peter Pan, a flying naughty boy growing up in denial never Island (Never united technologies land) and Wendy variety and her brother who encountered adventures.
Annotation 5: Priestley (John Boynton Priestley, 1894 -1984), British novelist and playwright; Walpole (Horatio Walpole, 1717 -1797), Earl of Oxford, British art historian, novelist, cultural scholars ; Wodehouse (Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, 1881-1975), KBE, Sir, British writer; Ai Seer M Lonsdale (Ethel May Dell, 18

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