Friday, February 28, 2014

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NASA got two telescopes Pentagon stronger than "Hubble" |
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NASA, which is more than satisfied by the gift, says currently working on some minor changes to the telescopes can be used to study dark matter, which is currently the top priority of the National Academy of Sciences.
Telescope fifth moon discovered around Pluto
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Meanwhile, in our Kingdom Valentine

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Other objectives are to look for key data on the earliest stages of the formation of supermassive b

An ambitious new project using the Hubble Space Telescope will allow astronomers to peer deep into the universe in five directions to document the early history of a star, galaxy formation and evolution. pratt and whitney The telescope Hubble Multi-Cycle Treasury program will image more than 250,000 pratt and whitney distant galaxies, to provide the first comprehensive view of the structure and assembly of galaxies over the first third of cosmic time. "This is an attempt pratt and whitney to make the best use of Hubble while it is at the top of their capabilities, providing major legacy data sets for the age of the heavenly bodies," said Sandra Faber, project leader at the University of California, Santa Cruz .
Other objectives are to look for key data on the earliest stages of the formation of supermassive black holes and find distant supernovae, which are important for understanding dark energy and the accelerating expansion of the universe.
These efforts rely on the powerful infrared camera on the Hubble Space Telescope and Wide Field Camera 3 and the advanced telekop cameras for Surveys (ACS). The proposal, which collects a large international team of collaborators were awarded a record 902 orbits of observing cosmic time as one of three major projects chosen for the Hubble Multi-Cycle Treasury Program. Track time, a total of about three and a half months will be deployed over the next two to three years.
Faber and her colleagues first data expected to be available by the end of the year. Data from this project will be available to the entire astronomy community with no proprietary period for Faber team to conduct its analysis. The likely result will be a race among teams of scientists to Mr. and announced the first results of OJ and aa new trove of data. Faber said the project will provide data on how rich you Mr. and keep astronomers busy for years to come. "We're very excited, not only for 900 orbits, but also about what this new camera can do. This is simply amazing pratt and whitney what he sees," Faber said. "This project is the largest event in my career, the culmination of three decades of working with large telescopes to study the evolution of the Galaxy s."
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

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According to experts at NASA, the diameter of the satellite designated as S/2004 N 1 is only about 19 kilometers, making it the smallest moon of Neptune. Because of the modest size of the satellite, astronomers for a long time could not detect even the Voyager jas 39 gripen 2 space mission, which was conducted in 1989 near Neptune, but revealed the smallest natural satellite of the planet.
Contractor at the California Institute SETI, Mark Showalter, in early July accidentally discovered satellite S/2004 jas 39 gripen N 1 in the study of one of the rings of Neptune photos taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. Showalter decided "pure whim" to study the area far beyond the ring. He found that of 150 telescopic recordings made between 2004 and 2009, there was a white spot, which later proved to be a new moon of Neptune.
The satellite S/2004 N 1 is known fourteenth moon of Neptune. Its orbit is at a distance of more than 100 thousand kilometers jas 39 gripen of the planet between the orbits of moons Larissa and Proteus. The complete tour around jas 39 gripen the planet, the moon makes for 23 hours.
The largest moon of Neptune was discovered in 1846 by Briton William Lasel. Planet jas 39 gripen with a diameter of about 2,700 kilometers is a unique example in the solar system - namely Triton revolves around Neptune's orbit in reverse of its rotation. Triton, along with the moons of Jupiter - Io and Europe, as well as the moons of Saturn - Titan and Enceladus, show signs of volcanic activity.
The group of astrophysicists led Sasvati Hier-Madzhumderiz University in the U.S. State of Maryland, perform tests whether there is an ocean of liquid hydrocarbons or ammonia ice surface under the Triton.
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Astronomers using NASA telescope - Hubble found evidence that a planet is formed at a distance of 12 billion miles from its parent star, which is equal to two-time distance from the Sun to Pluto.
The formation of the planet away from its star is contrary to the conventional nasa website theory for the formation of planets. Planets usually form ten million years of dust, rocks and gases, but it is only sluchuvuva near the parent star.
Planet begins to form when the debris cloud of rocks and gases will make whirling around a star. Certain parts begin to cool and coalesce, nasa website which first create small rocks, which then turn into large planets.
This new discovery increases the number of opportunities in planetary systems in the Milky Way. It is believed that the formation of the planets are more than ten million years. Planet 12 billion miles away from its star should be established at a distance which is 200 times larger than Jupiter, which is away from the sun 800 million miles. nasa website Science 2013-06-17
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Monday, February 24, 2014

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

News TARGET 50 - KOUZON WAT VIDEO: New Trailer for the 4th season of Game of Thrones [VIDEO] The ca

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News TARGET 50 - KOUZON WAT VIDEO: New Trailer for the 4th season of Game of Thrones [VIDEO] The camera falls to the plane - not to believe that he fully recorded video will change in 1 minute [VIDEO] lazy Balotelli [VIDEO] topiko kritis Best goals of the week 18 Impressive topiko kritis 3D tattoos, which will get them to look again VIDEO: Operation Hunter injured by bear (Ohrid) [disturbing] From March pensions will be increased by 600 denars New recruitment fairs - New opportunities choice of job offers
This is a new discovery, because the fact that planets form far from their star is contrary to the conventional theory for the formation of planets. Planets usually form over a period of tens of millions of years of dust, rocks and gases, but it happens near the parent star like the Sun is here.
The planet begins to form when a cloud of debris consists of rock and gases makes swirl around the star. Parts are starting to cool and stick to each other, so that initially form small objects, but some become great and planets.
If you ever believed that the formation of a planet need tens of millions of years, this revelation change things. The planet about 12 billion kilometers from its star should form a 200 times more than Jupiter, which is 800 million kilometers away from the Sun.
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

The cloud of dust and gas designated as IRAS 20324 +4057 is located 4,500 light years from Earth in

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News TARGET 50 - KOUZON WAT VIDEO: New Trailer for the 4th season of Game of Thrones [VIDEO] The camera falls to the plane - not to believe that he fully recorded video will change how long does it take to get to the moon in 1 minute [VIDEO] lazy Balotelli [VIDEO] Best goals of the week 18 Impressive 3D tattoos, which will get them to look again VIDEO: Operation Hunter injured by bear (Ohrid) [disturbing] From March pensions will be increased by 600 denars New recruitment fairs - New opportunities choice of job offers
Hubble Space Telescope recorded a cloud of interstellar gas and dust in the form of polnoglavec, which hides the star grows, but strong radiation from the nearby star cluster can not allow her to this protodzvezda to "grow up," writes the website that publishes news the telescope.
The cloud of dust and gas designated as IRAS 20324 +4057 is located 4,500 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. Its elongated shape is due to the strong ultraviolet radiation from a nearby, how long does it take to get to the moon 15 light years, a group of hot stars.
This group of stars known as index Cygnus OB2, contains about 65 stars of spectral type O (the hottest and brightest in the spectral classification) and about 500 stars klasata B (slightly less bright). Their total mass exceeds how long does it take to get to the moon the mass of the Sun for more than 30 thousand times.
Protodzvezdata center "polnoglavecot" is currently still growing, absorbing accelerator and cosmic dust in their environment, and in the future can become a star whose mass would be greater than ten times solar. However, the radiation of the stars of Cygnus OB2 group could "swell" the cloud and not allowed to get protodzvezdata table.
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Friday, February 21, 2014

NASA launched a telescope space center houston to observe the Sun (VIDEO)

Scientists make new telescope, 10 times more accurate than Hubble (PHOTO + VIDEO) |
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So far only one has been made possible by the seven large mirrors on giant Magellan telescope. Each mirror has 8 feet in diameter, weighs 20 tons and required a year to izlakira, reports the LA Times.
"We expect to be able to observe and to do spectrographic studies of the first stars formed after the Big Bang," says vice president of the nonprofit organization that coordinates the project. "You can observe the earliest galaxies, and stars were created, and to answer the question when they appeared black holes?"
If everything goes as planned, giant Magellan telescope in 2022 will be installed in the Atacama desert in Chile. If it sounds like a long time waiting for better photos from space, space center houston here's good news: the current space center houston Magellan space center houston Telescope has just been updated to be twice as precise Hubble. Astronomers have used new optical system, called Maga (MagAO), space center houston to make a photograph of two stars that have been thought to be one.
"More than 20 years imagine Theta 1 Ori C and can never directly see that it is actually two stars," said a scientist from the University of Arizona, for He CBS News. "But as soon as the system included Maga, nice saw it two stars away just 0.032 seconds space center houston angled."
NASA launched a telescope space center houston to observe the Sun (VIDEO)
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NEWS STATISTICS Men Superleague (+ archive) Ukrainian team Eurocup Take Cup Championship League Championship Women UPBL Ukraine Team Cup European Cups (archive) UEFA, World Cup, Olympics VYUBL (archive) CALENDAR Men Superleague Ukrainian team Eurocup Championship Women Championship Team Ukraine European Cups BLOGS New Story Games Monsters Banking League League Mykolaiv Odessa Basketball League Basketball League Championship League Sumy Zaporizhia Lviv Championship sunitha williams Championship Championship Cherkasy Chernihiv region streetball tournaments Cup Championship Korban Kiev NEWSMAKER FAQ
2 UAH. aaaaay
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In Kharkov Amateur Basketball League games have been 5 rounds. Results of the fifth week of the championship Season 3.0: Division VA Leljuk sunitha williams works. OLDI - BC BARS 58:70 (14:13, 16:18, 7:15, 21:24) OLDI: Veretyuk - 13; Sitnic - 11; Kojin - 10; Tregubenko - 8; Mechik-7; Shapoval - 4; Tanzer - 4; Sychev E. - 1 BC BARS: Zozulya - 26; Simon - 16; Kutitsky - 9; Zelinsky - 5; Demenkov - 5; Kiev - 5; Polyakov - 4 Novoselovka - Puffin 54:105 (8:26; sunitha williams 10:25, 13:22, 23:32) Novoselovka: Andruschenko - 18; Kozlitin - 12; Cherenkov - 9; Repnin - 9; Fedorov - Thunderbird 6: Mochalov - 22; Zlobin - 17; Cooper - 14; Pluzhnikov - 14 ; Zavgorodniy - 14; Mosul - 6; Pokolodny - 6; Khomenko - 6; Chikalov - 4; Sobolev - 2 ACS - BC Record 61:86 (11:23, sunitha williams 8:21, 23:19, 19:23) sunitha williams ACS: Dyachenko - 19; Pies - 13; Sharapov - 9; Brechko - 6; Melashich V. - 5; Vodolazhsky - 5; Melashich I. - 4 BC Record: Rodenko - 33; Chepelev - 17; Lime - 14; Kucherenko - 9; Shcherbakov - 6; Bliznichenko - 4; Bagmet - 2; Dovzhikov - 1 Turtles - BKW Kharkiv 70:58 (20:10, 18:15, 15:14, 17:19) Turtles: Kardakov - 14; Salo - 6; Barchenkov - 9; Johansson - 8; Kamenev - 8; Zemin - 6; Nesterenko sunitha williams - 4; Karpilyansky - 4; Pavlenko - 2; Lazurenko - 2; Tronenko - 1 BKV Kharkov Solop - 12; Gavrilchenko - 12; Marchenko - 11; Hrapov - 9; Budyak - 2; Sobko - 1 SlamDunk - OldSchool 82:67 (31:12; 18:20; 18:13; 15:22) SlamDunk: Petrenko - 30; Huy - 13; Kravchuk - 11; Zhygadlo - 9 ; Serenko - 8; Nedviga - 8; Verkhola - 3 OldSchool: Melanie - 30, King - 20; Ushakov sunitha williams - 11; Tatarintzev - 4; Tomko - 2 Kirovec - BC LIONS 57:62 (18:23; 9:5; 15 18; 15:16) Kirovec: Polishchuk - 22; Korotetskiy - 12; Lemeshev - 9; Ganshin - 6; Semikoz - 4; Tchaikovsky - 4 BC LIONS: Krivenko sunitha williams - 23; Momot - 20; Voinov - 7; Narozhnyi sunitha williams - 5 ; Binko - 3; Albinus - 2; Dali - 2 Divisions them VZ Neumann. Arena 78 - Tornado 59:54 (17:12, 11:14, 13:19, 18:9) Arena 78: Shapovalenko - 22; Andreychuk - 10; Barabash - 8; Pereshivaylov - 8; Sinel'nikov - 6; Vasilets - 3 , Sagittarius - 2 Tornado: Grigorkiv - 15; Pushkar - 12; Hrinchenko - 11; Demenev - 7; Filimonov - 4; Buckiy - 3; Grishchenko - 2 Amphetamine - Ferrum 40: 65 (11-17, 10-19, 6 - 18, 13-11) Amphetamine: Popov - 16 Melanie - 6; Kabilov - 5; Makarov - 4; Bidanets - 3; Dubrovsky - 3; Vakulin - 2; Lazarus - 1 Ferrum: Ljashenko - 14; Kharchenko - 13; Tkachenko - 11; Sergeev - 9; Tsys - 6; Biryukov - 5; Veremei - 3; Godunov - 2; Hvits - 2 TNT - The road 67:81 (21-23; 8-15; 16-24; 22-19) TNT : Prize - 23; Makarenko - 12; Bolotov - 9; Andrienko - 6; Gordienko - 6; Khlystov - 4; Ratinov - 3; Batyna - 2; Rotar - 2 The road: Kozorezov - 18; Vladislav - 17; Zhukov - 13; Lyashenko - 12; Repyov - 7; Zakharenko - 6; Kozub - 6; Zlobin - Vanguard 2 - Group Health 70:65 (19-15, 19-16, 20-20, 12-14) Vanguard: Salahetdinov - 15; knocks sunitha williams - 14; Golovchenko - 13; Trojans - 8; Osnach - 7; Zahutsky - 5; Tishchenko - 4; Dubovik - 4 Group Health: Kapinos - 23; Kletskii - 10; Dzhehadze Rum. - 8; Kotlyar sunitha williams - 8; Dzhehadze Rus - 7; Zolotarev - 4; Coeur el-Din - 3; Khrunina - 2 Tampliers - Jokers sunitha williams 74:68 (29-17; 16-19; sunitha williams 12-17; 17-15) Tampliers: Stolnikov - 35; Falchenko - 16; Kazimirchuk - 15; Malyavka - 6; Trofimov - 2 Jokers: Albitsky - 14; Karachentsev - 11; Oleynik - 10; Gospodarev - 8; Narozhnyi - 8; Korotkov - 5; Lower - 5 and the good - 4; Shaparev - 3 TheCrazyGang &

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2 UAH. aaaaay

NEWS STATISTICS Men Superleague (+ archive) Ukrainian team Eurocup Take Cup Championship League Championship Women UPBL Ukraine Team Cup European Cups (archive) UEFA, World Cup, Olympics VYUBL (archive) CALENDAR Men Superleague Ukrainian iss pyaar ko team Eurocup Championship Women Championship Team Ukraine European Cups BLOGS New Story Games Monsters Banking League League Mykolaiv Odessa Basketball League Basketball League Championship League Sumy Zaporizhia Lviv Championship Championship Championship Cherkasy Chernihiv region streetball tournaments Cup Championship Korban Kiev NEWSMAKER FAQ
2 UAH. aaaaay
Weather in Dnepropetrovsk
In Kharkov Amateur Basketball League game held the fourth round. iss pyaar ko Results of the fourth week of the championship Season iss pyaar ko 3.0: Division VA Leljuk works. Puffin - Slam Dunk 64:62 (18:15; 11:17; 14:15; 21:15) iss pyaar ko Petrel: Pluzhnikov - 27; Pokolodny - 12; Zlobin - 10; Belov - 7; Mosul - 4; Cooper - 3; Mochalov - 1 Slam Dunk: Shorohov - 17; Verkhola iss pyaar ko - 14; Kravchuk - 14; Serenko - 5; Zhygadlo - 4; Nedviga - 3; Huy - 3; Petrenko iss pyaar ko - 2 BC Record - Turtles 91:37 (27:8, 19 8, 23:15, 22:6) BC Record: Rodenko - 30; Shcherbakov - 13; Sasin - 12; Chepelev - 11; Bagmet - 10; Lime - 5; Kucherenko - 5; Bliznichenko - 5 Turtles: Johannson - 10 , Gorbachev - 6; Karpilyansky - 4; Kamenev - 4; Salo - 4; Kardakov - 4; Lazurenko - 3; Zemin - 2 ACS - Novoselovka 78:62 (25:13, 20:16, 18:16, 15:17 ) ACS: Dyachenko - 26; Sharapov - 21; Vodolazhsky - 11; Brechko iss pyaar ko - 10; Kushnir - 6; Melashich I. - 4 Novoselovka: Andruschenko - 22; Pricks - 16; Kozlitin - 10; Repnin E. - 5; Repnin A . - 5; Fedorov - 4 Old School - OLDI 61:49 (18:18; 19:9; 12:13; 12:9) Old School: Melanie - 30; Oberemko - 19; Lyubensk - 6; Kislyak - 2; Sevastiyanov - 2 OLDI: Hyles - 11; Kojin - 8; Shapoval - 7; Tregubenko - 7; Tanzer - 5; Sitnic - 5; Mechik - 3; Sychov iss pyaar ko - 2; Chmeliev - BARS 1 BC - BC Lions 62:49 (8 11, 17:8, 15:13, 22:17) BC BARS: Zozulya - 29; Polyakov - 16; Zhukov - 4; Demenkov - 4; Zelinsky - 3; Kiev - 2; Chichimov - 2 BC Lions: Dali - 13; Momot - 13; Kaushik - 8; Kryvenko - 6; Voinov - 4; Narozhnyi - 3; Albinus - 2 BKV Kharkiv - Kirovec 52:54 (19:18, 19:21, 15:9, 28:12) 70 BKW Kharkov Solop - 17; Marchenko - 11; Gaytyna N. - 10; Sobko - 2; Petrov - 2 Kirovec: Krivich I. - 22; Korotetskiy - 12; Onishchenko - 7; Lemeshev - 6; Ganshin - 2; Tchaikovsky - 1; Vilvitsky - 1; Polishchuk - 1 Division them VZ Neumann. iss pyaar ko Tampliers - Tornado 69:36 (20:10; 12:8; 18:6; 19:12) Tampliers: Yurchenko - 23; Kazimirchuk - 9; Paspelov - 8; Pashkov - 7; Stolnikov - 7; Falchenko - 6; Trofimov - 5; Writing - 4 Tornado: Grigorkiv - 10; Pushkar - 6; Demenev - 5; Filimonov - 4; Grishchenko - 2 TNT - Jokers 44:43 (13:11; 9:9; 11:13; 11:10) TNT: Prize - 19; Andrienko - 8; Gordienko iss pyaar ko - 6; Rotar - 4; Batyna - 3; Rich - 2; Bolotov - 2 Jokers: Oleynik - 14; Korotkov - 7; Albitsky - 6; Karachentsev - 5; Narozhnyi - 5 and the good - 4, bottom - 2 Ferrum - Dream 65:54 (14:14, 16:13, 15:12, 20:15) Ferrum: Veremei - 14; Sergeev - 13; Ljashenko - 10; Kharchenko - 9; Tsys - 8; Godunov - 5; Chereshnev - 5; Long - 1 Dream: Sinicyn I. - 20; Grigoriev - 10; Savchenko iss pyaar ko - 10; Sinicyn V. - 4; Stepanenko - 3; Saakashvili - 2; Perepelkin - 2, Witkowski - 2; Kuriy - 1 Group Health - Record-2 (Youth 7) 78:65 (18:12, 19:25, 18:13, 23:15) Group Health: Kapinos - 42; Zolotarev - 9; Dzhehadze Rum. - 8; Kletskii - 6; Dzhehadze iss pyaar ko Rus - 6; Kotlyar - 5; Korachi - 2 Record 2: Gruzdyn - 22; Mironenko - 21; Gaytyna - 9; Vinnychenko - 6; Kartavtsev - 6; Kolodyazhni - 1 The road - Amphetamine 66 52 (15:11, 11:9, 24:14, 16:18) The road: Piedmont - 20; Kozub - 13; Zhukov - 12; Kozorezov - 12; Ljashenko - 5; Zlobin - 4 Amphetamine: Kabilov - 22; Lazarus - 8; Potapenko - 6; Magirin - 5; Dubrovsky - 4; Vakulin - 4; Kharchenko - 2; Makarov - 1 Vanguard - Arena 78 81:36 (18:9, 22:12, 27:12, 14:3 ) Vanguard: Salahetdinov - 23; Golovchenko iss pyaar ko - 15; Zahutsky - 10; Trojans - 10; Tishchenko - 6; knocks - 6;

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

NEWS STATISTICS Men Superleague (+ archive) Ukrainian no pasa nada team Eurocup Take Cup Championsh

NEWS STATISTICS Men Superleague (+ archive) Ukrainian no pasa nada team Eurocup Take Cup Championship League Championship Women UPBL Ukraine Team Cup European Cups (archive) UEFA, World Cup, Olympics VYUBL (archive) CALENDAR Men Superleague Ukrainian team Eurocup Championship Women Championship no pasa nada Team Ukraine European Cups BLOGS New Story Games Monsters Banking League League Mykolaiv Odessa no pasa nada Basketball League Basketball League Championship League no pasa nada Sumy Zaporizhia Lviv Championship Championship Championship Cherkasy Chernihiv region streetball tournaments Cup Championship Korban Kiev NEWSMAKER FAQ
2 UAH. aaaaay
Weather in Dnepropetrovsk
In Kharkov Amateur Basketball League games have been the 8th round :: Division VA Leljuk works. Puffin - BC BARS 61: 68 (21-17, 14-17, 17-12, 9-22) Puffin: Belov -14, -14 Cooper; Pokolodny -12, -12 Mosul; Mochalov -5; Khomenko -2; Chikalov -2 BC BARS: Zozulya -17, -15 Zhukov; Polyakov -14, -13 Simon; Kutitsky -4, -3 Zelinsky; Galevich -2 Turtles - Slam Dunk 71: 96 (15-28, 17-25, 18 -20, 21-23) Turtles: Manoilenko -15, -13 Kamenev; Karpilyansky -12, -10 Johansson; Tronenko -7; Salo -7; Barchenkov -5; Zemin -2 Slam Dunk: Shorohov -33, -18 Zhygadlo ; Kravchuk -16 -14 Petrenko; Verkhola -7; Serik -5; Huy -3 OKC - Old School 76: 79 (16-20, 19-11, 21-19, 20-29) ACS: Dyachenko -22; Sharapov -16 -9 Brechko; no pasa nada Vodolazhsky -8, -7 Pies; Melashich And -7; Melashich Vl-5; Kushnir -2 Old School: Kharchenko -27, -15 Oberemko; Kutitsky -14, -11 Lyubensk; King - 9; Sherbina -2, -1 Tatarintzev Novoselovka - Kirovec 71: 62 (17-15, 21-16, 11-13, 22-18) Novoselovka: Andruschenko - 31; Kozlitin - 18; Repnin E-9; Repnin A- 8; Zubkov - 5; Kirovec: no pasa nada Gilevich - 21; Lemeshev - 14; Tchaikovsky - 10; Ganshin - 6; Korotetskiy - 4; Grandchildren - 3; Zakrevskii - 2; Semikoz - Division 2 them VZ Neumann. Jokers - The road 58: 86 (13-17; 16-24; 14-20; 15-25) Jokers: Lower -13, -11 Albitsky; Narozhnyi -9; Karachentsev -8, -7 Oleinik; Dobroff -6; Gospodarev no pasa nada -4 The road Vladislav -31; Kozorezov -22; Ljashenko -12, -11 Zhukov; Kozub Group Health -10 - Dream 69: 63 (23-25, 14-13, 14-12, 18-13) Group Health: Kapinos -18; Kletskii -15, -13 Kotlyar; Zolotarev -12; Dzhehadze Rum-6; Dzhehadze P-2; Coeur-el-din no pasa nada -2, -1 Korachi Dream: Sinicyn IL-20; Bulich -14; Perepelkin - 13; Sinicyn Vyach-7; Stepanenko -5; Saakashvili -4 Tornado - Ferrum 28: 65 (8-15; 2-18; 9-18; 9-14) Tornado: Pushkar -10; Alexei -6, -5 Garmash ; Hrinchenko -5; Arthur -2 Ferrum: Ljashenko -17, -8 Godunov; Hvits -8, -7 Biryukov; Veremei -7; Kharchenko -6, -5 Sergeyev; Chereshnev -3, -2 Long; Tsys -2 Tampliers - The Crazy Gang 58: 54 (10-8; 22-20; 12-13; 14-13) Tampliers: Stolnikov - 17; Kozimirchuk - 12; Yurchenko - 10; Pospelov - 5; Falchenko - 4; Malyavka - 4; Pashkov - 4; Trofimov - 2;; The Crazy Gang: Zavgorodniy - 14; Sands - 13; Troyan - 8; Matohin - 10; Mogilets - 6; Shevchenko - 3 Record 2 (Dyussh7) - TNT 31: 53 (9-14 , 6-8, 6-18, 10-13) Record 2 (Dyussh7) Mironenko - 13; Vinnychenko - 7; Gaytyna - 4; Yampolsky - 4; Kolodyazhni no pasa nada - 2; Kharlamov no pasa nada - 1 TNT: Prize - 19; Gordienko - 10; Kozlov - 9; Andrienko - 7; Batyna - 4; Ratinov - 4; Vanguard - Amphetamine no pasa nada 75: 38 (12-7, 18-9, 22-14, 23-8) Vanguard: Salahetdinov -16 -16 knocks , Maxim -14; Tishchenko -9; Trojans -8; Pismenitsky -6, -6 Zahutsky Amphetamine Makarov -15, -14 Potapenko; Tchernushenko -5; Popov -2; Magirin -2 Arena 78 - Debertz 68: 69 (17 -18, 16-13, 10-11, no pasa nada 25-27) Arena 78: Andreychuk - 19; Pereshivaylo - 15; Shapovalenko no pasa nada - 11; Kazhan - 10; Vasilets - 8; Sinel'nikov - 5 Debertz: Zaparyan no pasa nada - 29; Karatsyuba - 17 ; Derevjanko - 16; Ilonevets no pasa nada - 5; Stepanov no pasa nada - Division 2 FM them Margulis no pasa nada Rapid - Old Stars 42: 53 (10-13; 11-10; 13-17; 8-13) Rapid: Kurasov -13; Shikin -10, -7 Levin; Luk'yanchenko -6, -4 Semenov; Kalashnyk -2 Old Stars: Lobunko -20, -10 Stepanenko; Litvinov -10; Kotlyar -5, -4 Ogier; no pasa nada Turcan -2; Small -2 The Crazy Gang-2 - The parcel 51: 44 (10-9; 10-12; 9-7; 22-16) The Crazy Gang-2: Fomenko -17, -12 Kolosov; Writing - 8; Polish no pasa nada -6; Clerks - 3; Malchenko -2; Borschev -2, -1 Lipatnikov The parcel: Olejnikov -18, -11 testes; Kaushik -6; Ravens no pasa nada -5, -4 Mazur Dragons no pasa nada - Grid Dynamics 43: 56 (6-15, 18-14; 12-10, 7-17) Dragons: Bezmenov -15, -13 Rudnev; Proskurin -5; Nuidra -4, -4 DMITRIEVSKY; Lions -2 Grid Dynamics: Kiev -19, -11 Zlatkin; Bondarenko -9; Goryachev - 8; Kotov -6; Zhdanov BraytGruv -3 - NIX Solutions 51: 56 (13-9, 8-5, 11-16, 19-26) BraytGruv: Sazonov -25; Bogatov -9, -8 Reshetnyak; Gorbov -5 ; Solovyov -4 NIX Solutions: Manoilenko -26, -15 Gryakov; Solodovnyk -8; Gorchenok -5; Kryvenko -2 Dragons - GlobalLogic 47: 63 (7-13, 18-13, 11-22, 11-15) Dragons : Ekimov Vl-10; Dmitrevsky no pasa nada - 9; Bezmenov - 8; Nuidra - 6; About

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Illuminati, Learned Elders sea of tranquility of Zion, Holy Roman Empire

The Illuminati, Learned Elders sea of tranquility of Zion, Holy Roman Empire & the NWO as well as The Simpsons Code. Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of falsehood, they also like to set hove evil. Say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we see. The Holy One of Israel sea of tranquility draw nigh and come, that we may know. [Race 518-19] Woe to those deep counsel of the LORD, and in the dark, and they say, Who sees us yet. Who knows we do. [Race 2915] Woe to the rebellious children ... to rely on the strength of Pharaoh ... cast in the shadow of Egypt. sea of tranquility [Race 301-2] Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help in ... Lord ... attack house of the evildoers, and against the help of them that work iniquity. [Race 311-2]
Subscribe to: Post a message (Atom) sea of tranquility
2014 (94) February (46) January (48) 2013 (1382) December (10) November (18) October (102) September (128) eight April (136) July (133) June (139) May (149) April (121) March (161) lost tomb of Alexander the Great aliens heritage? Robot press conference to replace the mainstream sea of tranquility media reporters? Huge sinkhole official "Code 2" alert "high-level underground" has lowered the entrance ramp to the approval of the Washington sea of tranquility State Department of Health's sea of tranquility first private leisure club marijuana a civil war and a litmus test - "You'll shoot American?" Video : With Putin's sea of tranquility command of the Black Sea after a large number of military exercises outside - American B-2 stealth bomber flying to South Korea after a massive landslide in Washington, several geologists have warned people in the earthquake torn edges of the Earth, claiming priority imminent! Confirmation: U.S. military has been working with aliens? 2013 euro crisis is just beginning, the advent of the global collapse in 3D printing firearms (documentary) almost sea of tranquility "everything is a lie" - the backbone of the TheTruther girl NwoSatire - reducing population sea of tranquility CCTV view: When the column bus crashed through the windshield China driver escaped death NASA photo: This is the angel on Mars? NATO helicopters in the Midwest over a large number of foreign military equipment, the Department of Homeland Security, Arizona train moving martial law! Canary Islands red alert and evacuate La Restinga - El Hierro volcano Iraqi children brutally U.S. chemical weapons sea of tranquility deformation sea of tranquility caused terrible (NSFW) missing from the deadly virus weapons lab in Texas! Video: Paris police used tear gas against anti-gay marriage protesters in Bangladesh Brahmanbaria tornado killed five hundred people injured Niansan Adelaide drag over the formation of the virus coming asteroids sea of tranquility circle the name of the emergency is DA2013 CL2!!!! !!!!! listen to this guy!!! pilots over Texas to capture the amazing UFO (British chain) Francis Pope urges all religions are one, and spoke like a dragon's difficult to explain to the Navajo Nation crack NASA photo: above the Earth like Python creatures sea of tranquility (British chain) papal coat of arms full of occult symbolism of Obama explained FEMA camps alarm code 3 - Louisiana sinkhole Australia tornado 'is awesome!!!! 'KGB aliens on Earth base map! Masonic FEMA trucks carrying the coffin! Microwave kill food, and finally kill you! Wi-Fi is dangerous (Wi-Fi side effects sea of tranquility of WLAN Wi-Fi wireless Internet electromagnetic radiation EMF) to fool the world's top-secret spy mission - Drag pilots spraying blood virus killed nearly hollow-face collision! Obama's executive order to switch the power to get what he wants to rush thousands of dead shrimp Chilean beach Justin Timberlake's new video Illuminati symbolism West turned a blind eye to their Syrian sea of tranquility terrorists use weapons of mass destruction, all evidence of the anti-flu Vaccines cause brain dysfunction and paralysis doctors warned us that we must stop feeding livestock antibiotics residents across South Jersey on Tuesday was the mysterious house shaking was astonished by NASA say "pray", when faced with the advent of the Earth Recent meteor attacks defenseless without the asteroid extinction level event for seven days! May be distant reconnaissance another solar system material flow Pope Francis and dirty war - on Michel Chossudovsky GRTV California sea of tranquility and Newcastle couple found sinkhole attack # 101 Fukushima nuclear power and ill dignitaries news blackout Nibiru X Planet Section in the yard Two sun updated March 18 must-see 371 sets - the gold standard remains the monopoly of gold will only work when the bill's sea of tranquility elite is not equal two monkeys to give Parliament sea of tranquility a fight: Ukraine MPs fight broke out between police sea of tranquility brutality: a license to kill? (NYPD police officers accused of killing Brooklyn teenager determined) alien creatures swim across the International sea of tranquility Space Station? Mark of the beast: the right hand scanner is Bossier Parish schools to implement sea of tranquility Obama's visit to Israel when Israel over the comet over the person's Road West, NM lizard low slot video (British chain) Hillary Clinton was placed under house arrest - the latest unconfirmed reports of life on Mars NASA - found a human skull NIBIRU lizard in the sun next to the display again! Zion Minutes Illuminati: Conspiracy against Israel new Pope Francis I is a high-level Jesuit fourth vow outsiders - to serve black pope conspiracy theories file 2013: HAARP mind around the world, weather control secret sea of tranquility documentary bright will be extra! North Korea warned American citizens to evacuate the border areas of St. Louis in 1953, without the knowledge sea of tranquility of the public to radioactive sea of tranquility substances sprayed editor for Reuters and anonymous CIA complicity suspended Blackwater secret relationship with the Catholic Jesuit Vatican Babylonian Secret History of the number of foreign - Police influx of Brooklyn, New York neighborhood The total military blockade sea of tranquility of the media do not want you to see this video of Mars Curiosity photo found in birds or strange creatures! North American TV and watch the faces of the poor aliens in pregnant mother's womb? The U.S. government is preparing to crash (rather than a good way) Video: World's largest telescope to see the birth of stars in the ALMA Pentagon created 13 offensive sea of tranquility teams for worldwide network attacks (British chain) Minister: More than four a female student in South Africa were HIV positive (British chain) and finally a new pope - Peite Lu Winslow Manus Pope Francis I, was that 'black pope'? Obama family sea of tranquility aliens bodyguard! McDonald's wheat row inside what stir Delusio Dragon: China's role in the New World Order 'no sea of tranquility longer has the Pope! 'Femen protest against same-sex marriage sea of tranquility Vatican hackers released nude Obama, Biden and Jay-Z's financial records for the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's sea of tranquility Mars rover Curiosity Rangers found the necessary conditions for Extraordinary Life! Cape Town, South Africa over the meteor explosion Alaska and Bermuda Triangle dark underground ancient pyramid sea of tranquility exposure - how to provide power to the Pentagon from the hollow Earth Nordic Giants and market manipulation on your profile edition for sale (British chain) real Fátima third Secrets released - May 13, 2013 to destroy Rome Pentagon Video - Flu vaccine sea of tranquility used to change human behavior confinement alien artifacts queer history ancient pyramids found in Antarctica? Video: China's Shanghai found in the drinking water supply of more than 3,000 dead pigs rivers (British chain) India Bihar outbreak of avian influenza, the study said bee venom can kill the AIDS virus in global temperatures to a maximum of four years (British chain) The sun calm before the storm? NASA warned 'unexpected things' happen' track heaven prophetic events like February 2013 alien files on the sun - Blue Planet Project - The first part of the United States - the edge of civil war is too difficult to imprisonment in the bank, while hacking activists and citizens are not 3/8/2013 - Oba-like event - the entire Georgia - into MS, AL, SC, NC and other states of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police armored truck - to prepare for the economic collapse? Martial law? New Life? Russian scientists found four kinds of bacteria sea of tranquility undetermined, but you do not know the existence of the most dangerous hacker new asteroid passing Earth 2013 ET North Korea this weekend to pre-emptive nuclear attack threat to the United States (English chain) sea of tranquility U.S. health officials warned to be alert to new The deadly virus (14 patients died 8) lizard people in the Arctic South Carolina State found extinct camel Lady Gaga admitted that Satan has a treaty great American gun ban _ Small Arms Treaty Organization (March 18 - 28, 2013) 3D printing Miracle: Lee Cronin (Ted): print your own drugs (British chain) Malaysia sea of tranquility aggression - Hundreds of terrorists landing beaches, the Western media silence on nuclear weapons, the United States issued a new warning to Iran huge methane release in Los Angeles sea of tranquility - Earthquake Threatened? Tectonic plates in the transfer! Animal Behavior: giant mosquito invasion preparations Central Florida - 20 times the size of the common bedbug March 22, 2013 Sakon WARNING!?! Must See! Australia Haarp ring leaked documents: U.S. military detention camp used in the volcanic dissidents who hold Russian Far East Kamchatka Peninsula rare outbreak | Plosky Tolbachik eruption sea of tranquility downloadable 3-D printing gun capable of firing 600 rounds Why giant day pit appeared throughout the United States? U.S. deep underground military bases (DUMB) honest truth ... Coca obesity ad Kaku -! Top-secret military war plans new world order nutritionist Great Comet c/2013 A1 alerts at October 19, 2014 crash of Mars! Locusts in Egypt opened 罗飞明 day there are new asteroid 2013 EC (British chain) Ice World: Satanism evidence record snow flooded cities around the world under the Florida sinkhole Vatican: the true facts of the elite depopulation program - insider elite Green San Francisco sinkhole continues to increase macro-stealth sea of tranquility stalking (TED conference) UFO-human sea of tranquility testing of military aircraft outside the Vatican's sea of tranquility secret UFO aliens plan to usher in a God Tom Horne / Red Ice Radio 'mind sea of tranquility meld' research DARPA led to the killer robot army anonymously expose secret U.S. bank powerful robot (big dog) controlled Florida sea of tranquility man was swallowed believed dead (British chain) U.S. space fleet has a fleet of eight cigar-shaped sea of tranquility UFO for sinkhole "Sun sea of tranquility Catcher" plan to protect the solar system, Dr. Richard Boylan former Panamanian ambassador described sea of tranquility the OAS, "Chavez died" with toy guns or fantasy action runs the magic of children - how does one get two one thousand ounces of free

Monday, February 17, 2014

Today is Valentine

[Digital News] "FSP Christmas free gift" offer to purchase RAIDER PSU duo Ji Song Walk 2200 Digital Press,
Today is Valentine's a esa Day, U.S. time, HTC released one very occasional "mood" in the official a esa Twitter: If you can think of heartbreak as easy to fix the screen (like). Pictured with a broken a esa screen phone, the background is a big heart-shaped. There is one detail in the last sentence, HTC gives a Time: February 18, that the details until this day. This means that HTC will launch on this day about ...
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According claudia obert to NASA reports, the answer claudia obert has not been opened for some reas

According claudia obert to NASA reports, the answer claudia obert has not been opened for some reason, a large increase in Northern Lights are often the first day after the arrival of spring. As the solar charged particles (solar wind) fast travel to Earth, the Earth's magnetic field in the event of the occurrence of ionization, and when energetic charged particles with Earth's atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen collision will release energy, showing the red, blue and green colored light, the sky suddenly appeared splendor. This strange phenomenon is the aurora.
"Spitzer" Space Telescope have been busy counting the number of young stars in the Milky Way, including claudia obert this NASA on March 10, 2010 photo released by small stars. These young stellar body (YSO) can reveal many mysteries about the galaxy. For example, "Spitzer" Space Telescope data processed YSO computer claudia obert models, claudia obert the results show that the galaxy claudia obert every year produce a sun-like star. According to human standards, "year one" of the birth rate has been quite amazing, according to NASA scientists, which in fact means that the galaxy has entered the "middle age."
In this published on March 7, 2010 photo, a crater on Mars satellite Phobos surface clearly visible. Photo by the European Space Agency's "Mars Express" probe carries high-definition stereoscopic camera photographed. "Mars Express" flight track every 5 months near Phobos once, it is to be launched aimed at collecting soil samples of Phobos "Phobos - Soil" (Phobos-Grunt) probe to find landing locations. According to the official website of the European Space Agency, the "Mars Express" is the only one capable of Phobos probe for close observation, so this detail so prominent photo is very unique.
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Sunday, February 16, 2014

NTDTV Video: NASA solar observation instrument began

NTDTV Video: NASA solar observation instrument began "hot" travel news _ sun _ [truth] 6 detector 27, United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) successfully transition layer of a solar Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS), into space. This instrument neil armstrong is used Pegasus rocket, which will put a telescope inserted neil armstrong between the solar surface neil armstrong and the outer atmosphere. Scientists hope to use it to discover how the sun is 6,000 degrees Celsius to produce high temperature of several million degrees. About NTDTV NTDTV Global Watch You Tube channel over the wall Paradise Valley Tribal Pink Lady blog world beautiful heart Chen prison population has experienced persecution of Falun Gong practitioners to talk about Charlie universe MP4 mobile version Freegate Taiwan gouache painting exhibition presents diverse beauty of the wall material paradise MP4 Freegate Police blocking July rally expected to stimulate more beautiful heart of the world situation in the streets of Hong Kong MP4 unbounded neil armstrong Egypt expressed concern nervous Obama Pretty neil armstrong in Pink MP4 Aibo TV British Prime Minister David Cameron visited Afghanistan Liangxiaowucai MP4 Freegate Mobile Museum of London the British neil armstrong royal family planning Centennial Products Fair colorful water world MP4 Freegate Obama does not bother to visit South Africa Nelson Mandela saw his family feijian dragon MP4 players have unbounded confidence to win the finals in Brazil also supported the protests Lake 4 5 Sea Abra TV MP4 European Parliament to commemorate the Baltic people peaceful pursuit of China director I soar MP4 Mobile Macao compatriots Freegate support free flow of information against the demolition of Pegasus Flying Sword Dragon MP4 Freegate station neil armstrong in Kaohsiung, Taiwan Butterfly Valley reproduction feijian fluttering butterflies swarm dragon MP4 unbounded Xinjiang and Tianfa Sheng bombing casualties unknown small damselflies MP4 Abra River car crash television cited police scuffle eight hours to contain thousands of Perak universe MP4 Freegate Mobile America Xihan see any common sense temperature heat wave prevent me flying MP4 Freegate Ray sentenced to 13 years of rich political neil armstrong opinion when asked double open 5 Lake 4 MP4 unbounded sea mainland to Hong Kong experts predict a serious shortage of money to any fluctuations in the afternoon I hover MP4 Aibo TV plus federal neil armstrong funding to build the anti-violence project women WonderWaterWorld MP4 mobile version Freegate attacks temperature cooling center for the Los Angeles summer Liangxiaowucai MP4 freedom Door EU will invest 6 billion to improve the youth employment problem Liangxiaowucai MP4 unbounded NBA preseason Taipei station rockets on the Pacers feijian Dragon TV MP4 Aibo Port Calls seventy-one people took to the streets to promote pan-ying resign beautiful heart of the world mobile phone MP4 Freegate abandon the war on the mainland version of Taiwan want to wave over the wall demolition Pegasus Taiwan heaven MP4 Freegate Obama might visit South Africa, former President Nelson Mandela visited neil armstrong Lake 4 5 MP4 unbounded sea of pounds denominated Samoa Aviation pushed oversized love seat East Fang Feiyu MP4 Bo TV Video Source: New Tang Dynasty TV Youtube: China News _ fresh news channel Youtube: NTDTV Global News Blog valley over the wall: the wall, eDonkey, comic books, newsletters, blogs Taiwan International Organ Transplant Network Care Association: You Tube a facebook 6 On 27 May, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) successfully transition layer of a solar Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS), into space. This instrument is used Pegasus rocket, which will put a telescope inserted between the solar surface and the outer atmosphere. Scientists hope to use it to discover how the sun is 6,000 degrees Celsius to produce high temperature of several million degrees. This detector will observe the sun interlayer, because the ultraviolet produced there, affecting the Earth's climate. Scientists also hope that the "hot" tasks can also help spacecraft designers, discover new ways to protect equipment and electronic components, so it does not because the sun's heat and flame failure. [NTDTV June 28, 2013 Reuters
Professor Mei: Contest track selection ingenuity Related Links: telescope launch solar thermal explosion puzzle solution outbreak Earth solar radiation a temporary radio blackouts solar corona atmosphere cited fear of a large outbreak of storms sun lowered spectacular "coronal rain" area much larger than the Earth's spectacular solar storm humans first entered the solar corona detector will operate Referrals: "Free China," exposing the persecution of students: can not wait for the question Free Chinese broadcast into college: to understand the real China Russian aristocracy: "Free China" touching "freedom China "Hiking HKUST show students: to recognize Communist China " Free China "in New York cited a sensation extended release week in New York mainstream media Focus" Free China " US-EU-China neil armstrong human rights issues outside the conventional finishing Free Chinese media reports NBC interview screened in New York protagonist Jennifer Austrian study will be free Chinese release (with theme song) solidarity with China's human rights Tutu called on to stop the persecution of such a beautiful dance music and interpretation of all so beautiful [Review News _ charm _ Missouri St. Louis _ U.S.] Auto Workers union fold Tennessee settling mass killer depot building unions fail [Video Comments neil armstrong _ United Auto Workers union] "Shen Yun" _ president: realized that the root of cultural values and human [Shen Yun Shen Yun _] _ Daegu, South Korea's chief operating officer: charm [Shen Yun performances unmatched global tour _ St. Louis], "Shen Yun" _ branch minister Dance Association: create concise visual gorgeous costume [Shen Yun] _ Daegu, South Korea, neil armstrong "Shen Yun" _ magazine consultant: Oriental culture from China [Shen Yun _ Daegu, South Korea]
February (317) January (524) December (393) November (669) October (688) September (827) August (661) July (579) June (637) May (609) April (573) March (691) February neil armstrong (653) January (724) December (615) November (560) October (618) September (247) August (147) July (199) June (169) May (104)
Photos: Zhejiang cattle anti demolitions private battle against the SWAT team for several hours [Video Comments neil armstrong _ China _ police violence against the demolitions] so beautiful dance music and everything is so beautiful interpretation [Review News _ charm _ St. Louis, neil armstrong Missouri, USA] _ Volkswagen Auto Workers union sink like a stone depot built in Tennessee unions fail [Video Comments _ United Auto Workers union] "Shen Yun" _ president: realized that the roots of cultural values and human [Shen Yun Shen Yun _] _ Daegu, South Korea's chief operating officer neil armstrong : [Shen Yun Shen Yun performances unmatched global tour _ St. Louis], "Shen Yun" _ branch minister neil armstrong Dance Association: create concise neil armstrong visual gorgeous costume [Shen Yun _ Daegu, South Korea]
Chongqing kinky administrative officer Ray Fu Fu Lei political corruption and public trial bail indecent video love the stock market crash of satellite TV receivers continent Yang Xiaoqing, Renmin University of constitutional rights falls down dead zhaopei Prince Wall Street Journal news forum China Sichuan ban ban ban Wen Wen China News Comments combating avian flu H6N1 Hu Chunhua Li Jiang CCDI corruption Smartphone innocence Sopranos Gan 多费尼纳达尔 Murray upset the U.S. economy between neil armstrong intelligence theft of state secrets hot dish interactive Hu Deping Wen television spots in U.S. home prices Zhu Heilongjiang Women's Prison Xiumin writer Zheng unitary afternoon four lawyers illegal business in Guangzhou vaccine vaccination of children with disabilities paralysis sequelae Nanfang Dushi Bao Jiang Hui petitioners labor camps Epoch elusive North Korean bosses hail monetary tightening fled China China Finance China 7 billion won loss of life and death books persecution of human rights Tibetans observe socialist Village word Yoshikoto three back nine self-help maintain peace and Communist China Falun Dafa is good death rates soaring housing market overheated housing market bubble Freddie Mac House Price Index and students went on strike to protest the father of Hunan firewall mainland money shortage HIBOR financial shocked financial turbulent neil armstrong political crisis CCP currency risk accumulation interbank lending bubble risks outbreak Chinese president to visit Latin American backyard fires burned repeatedly elections neil armstrong Abe, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe LDP election APP gaming network neil armstrong space probe spectroscopy sun Mander illegal immigration illegal neil armstrong immigration bill Saharan non-real events Gu Jiang Wang Lijun Haywood famous anti IVF three pro-reform movement of the human genome right apartheid Robben Island prison torrential rainstorm disasters current events comedy Zeng Hong Kong July Parade Chun-ying neil armstrong to step down Chinese Chinese Foreign Ministry report on human rights Violence cleared the National Human Rights Plan revision pan-democrats in Hong Kong July march intimidate democrats Article 23 CCP Politburo Standing Committee Yu system strong ethnic conflicts in the maintenance of stability in Xinjiang CCP grim conflict tensions high pressure world attention Rongsheng Shipbuilding layoffs shortage of funds French first lady singer neil armstrong Little French Songs China Daily Li Wen Ebdon tennis Tennis Open tennis neil armstrong tournament Wimbledon champion Muslim brother Zhao Ziyang, the CCP CCP officers Ya'an mudslides social movement scholars eight or nine orders twice shortage crisis Carla Bruni drunk Hong Kong's currency issue 43 million student protests spiritual defection rain parade today Click immigrants Deal tight security event monitoring seventy-five missing persons Ilham strategic materials storage of cotton corruption factor neil armstrong Mubarak Muslim Brotherhood constitutional theocracy ousted spurned perverse 777 San Francisco crash Incheon International Airport, San Francisco neil armstrong International Airport, San Francisco crash Wuhan rainstorm shootings Mursi supporters hope the British Muslim leaders champion Marco Polo Bridge Incident shek Epoch Epoch Group's Apple Daily Chinese anti-war veterans cage free trade Asiana airliner crew Hospital staff mutual neil armstrong profit shady bars US-3 organ donation organ transplant girl was sexually abused 10 years rebirth inspection teams moved tiger flies immigration official corruption in the CCP's mouthpiece grain storage troops to suppress the Politics and Law Committee of the SS system six hundred ten country demands the removal of Pi Germany secondary source of the town singers sing songs chased violence Golden Melody Awards 2013 King of the ten new Section ugly building Hao Yibo shock demolitions Store up charges Congressional proposals PC 281 PC sales Beidaihe meeting Duel Henry Tang Chief Executive election fund money CCP Jiang faction price integrity of the global financial panic withdrawal of foreign investment China Law elderly elderly emptied Chinese mourn Protection Act derailment distorted critical condition designations Guoqiang power struggle leap madhouse Moscow bus truck collided mainland rates seven real estate funds exposure reason Lang HPR organ trafficking chain selling model car Qi kidney trafficking默尔曼马丁 neil armstrong ethnic African self-defense self-defense shot gun control Dujiangyan landslides moral fall sports Asafa - Powell Tyson - Gaiyi Tang Hui Yang Dai steel case hit home runs Injured JPN practitioners seagulls fight father mouthpiece red Xi Jinping, neil armstrong Bo Xilai scandal case toward soft astronauts wash cartoon Despicable Me 2 2014 crash weight loss Falun Gong practitioners Bo Xilai? case thin case to test the water official rumor pseudo-democratic order of one-party dictatorship Office 610 naval joint exercise between China and Russia high voltage stability maintenance violence 7 5 exercises violence Putin served organic neil armstrong fruit trade Legislature Ukraine chipped ice cream fresh wits release neil armstrong Victims largest thinnest Z Ultra Waterproof neil armstrong and dustproof design Chenzhou City, Hunan Armed Police chased and killed vendors plus Deng Zheng snatching people's supervision Net sales numbers kinky official microblogging generation master Wong Kar-wai Detroit City Resources "Big Brother" real name 7.20 610 blood for foreign companies to drive the old school censorship regulations persecution of Falun Gong in the world's largest anti-virus Pandora's neil armstrong persecution of Falun Gong in South Korea illegally arrested 14 anniversary Glaxo Resources persecution Chongqing hitting 14-year fund-raising organ stealing and selling neil armstrong funeral memorial mass condemnation Tomokazu Miura Shankoubaihui phase of the ideal celebrity couple Deng Wang Pin 100 Peaks donate 80% of the Group's land and property media reports neil armstrong of railway accidents Hong Kong business executives fighting back Liangguo Bing Jiang corruption bribes fire fatal problem Queen Queen Elizabeth James Dream Team USA Basketball Dream thin case for trial case study Jiang Bo Li Zeng battles foreign visitors and the most expensive cost of living in the city already had a mute witness to recruit personnel consultant engineers paid shale gas industry employers corpse exhibition stand Taiwan neil armstrong Taiwanese suppliers plunder reflux Shanghai held a new record high temperature 40.6 social injustice street stabbing knives to injure the Chinese Society of kidnapping kidnapping sexual abuse rapes bloody fire Xi Jinping Epoch Meteorological corpse trafficking crimes trial hostage shootings Wu Hongfei rights Yuanchao nuclear weapons Daoda Mei 60th anniversary of the U.S. media corpse exhibition in Taiwan Nantou epidemic wave towers miracle Changsha international superstar Chow Yun Bo Guagua situation Casino Gamblers court Lenovo Columbia Law School Trojans bounce fee prescribed sleeping-child fee regulations Limin illegal organ transplant organ transplant law obligations Battle Management Corporal abuse subordinates neil armstrong who Chenyi Xun Chen Li Nianzu confinement corruption of U.S. economic growth to the people at Columbia University in Dallas Denver Calamity days with highs in the bit bucket heed public opinion neil armstrong right lawyer is trying to conquer the siege discredit Proposal skyscrapers diplomat Technical immigration system strikes consulate visa officer helping others rebuild the U.S. Navy SEALs marathon runner Marines 9 year old boy network burst red car sales human resources weekly sales figures laundering trial Bo Qian yung military injustice Zhu Tao Ching-ying neil armstrong arid hair overweight obese sugary drinks accident left witnesses perpetrators official second party media turbulence and stability in China worsen the plight of the sky Xi Li Party of China's steel city's neil armstrong tallest building quite conventional anti-CCP points

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Yellow GDP and Dongguan police chief was there free

Yellow GDP and Dongguan police chief was there free
2012 "doomsday" predictions NASA official website of the "rumor" (2012-01-02 22:48:16)
In the Mayan calendar created "Tzolkin", the Earth is now in the "Fifth Sun Ji" is the last one, "the Sun" played from 3113 BC to 2012 AD. Mayans considered 21 December 2012 will be the end of human civilization day. Since then, mankind will enter a new civilization with no relation to this civilization.
Read the comments reprint collections mtix like report after printing a> wonderful mtix funeral curse (Guangdong Cable (Taiwan Province) did not die with a willing early demise of)

If, in the world communist greed, greed is the world

Elon Musk 1971 年 6 月 28 was born in South Africa, Pretoria, be aerospace South Africa, who is the father, the mother be aerospace is Canadian. He taught himself be aerospace computer programming, to $ 500 at age 12 sold his first video game products. 17-year-old immigrant in Canada, is said to be in South Africa in order to avoid military service. After his Kingston, Canada's Queen's University study for two years, transferring to the University of Pennsylvania, received a bachelor's degree and two commercial physics.
Later, he was admitted to pursue a doctorate be aerospace in applied physics 斯丹福 college, but going to school only two days, he dropped out of school embarked on a pioneering journey. 1999, Compaq Computer Corporation acquired his brothers founded the software company Zip2, he has a 7% stake, profit $ 22 million. Since then, Elon Musk onto the fast track of success. In 1999, he founded a second company, Internet payment company, namely Paypal predecessor. Two years later, Paypal was acquired at a price of $ 1.5 billion eBay, he is the largest shareholder, with a 11.7% stake.
In 2006, his cousin Lyndon Rive, founder of SolarCity, be aerospace Elon Musk became chairman and largest shareholder. SolarCity has now become the nation's largest provider of solar systems. In the same year, Tesla electric car onto the road of success, the newly developed Roadster electric car was "Time" magazine's annual traffic invention awards.
Tesla after the listing of the Company in July 2010 for more than two years the share price are mediocre this year, along with the Model S sold, and its stock price soaring, shot up four times. Elon Musk holds shares in the listed 2800 Tesla stock, currently worth about $ 176 per share, this alone worth nearly $ 5 billion.
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Old accounted for an ordinary Hong Kong people, no Dad, no prestigious university degree, nor Mysterious File (Blue Blood), the early part of the life of society completely according to the established path to go: primary, secondary, university, work, study, review, improvement, crisis, speculation, frustration, no top, turn, business, north, south, sea, again. Goal in life is done Curator. View my complete profile very fire of an article. Companies recruit a large number be aerospace of fresh graduate of U Grad and younger. Average age of 25 years old. That new assistant, was after several interviews, I personally recruited a girl back. Prestigious university graduate, smart, lively personality. Privately I have to admit, I called her a very important reason, in addition to her outstanding performance in college ...
Due to a series of decisions and strategic blunders, Sony will position the boss sector ceded apple. Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai took over two years later, Sony is ready to start again leading the trend. Decline over the past decade into a technology giant, Sony has recently "bold but cautious manner" in games, television, mobile phones, home and other areas launched a series of new product or concept, indicating that the company be aerospace successfully embarked on a ...
If, in the world communist greed, greed is the world's second Link Taobao, the root cause is actually cost. Some of my friends did a 3, 4 years of e-commerce, but also could not understand "cost" which contains several. Just like you go to the East Gate of the goods, that the ex-factory price of 20 yuan to get a tell your hand, just to sell 40 million, and that they make a double. In fact today, if you are in "Lynx" shop ...
On the road to success, networking is more important than knowledge. Development of interpersonal be aerospace relationships should be your highest priority thing. Never Eat Alone book describes the communication rules of the 21st century. The book includes many practical tips to get you through relationships and developed. Keep the essence, the following is from the book summarizes the 106 skills. 1, to help others be aerospace succeed ...
The beginning of the year, Vientiane update, I wish you all get off the ground, good health! Well twisting drive to do a lot of money to wash the feet un un day, left over right to hold, less labor and more too! My Queen Rabbit feng shui masters Adolf Lu Soga ritual busy with my Air fleeting, only with himself from his own plate, the following is what I came out a comprehensive study, a hundred times worse than the cosmic laws of feng shui, really are Dide Well played! You will not ...
Man does, the most critical water source, Yikusitian, the beginning year of the horse, I must thank the people who helped, the text must be the first non-burning sir, no text always believed month opened a column than me, I you do not recognize Journal veterans, no chance to share traditional media toward new media recite the law, do not believe the newspaper group's business be aerospace leaders, there is no successful cases reported letter, I do not NowTV business, ...

Friday, February 14, 2014 [Ecumenical Reuters ISS Expedition 24 membe [Ecumenical Reuters ISS Expedition 24 members left for the three flew in space on the 16th. So far the construction xronos of the International Space Station and research activities has lasted 11 years, and its existence is on human survival and development and technological progress plays a pioneering role in the vanguard. According to the 11 Member States Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 16 -, The International Space Station is a long time in near-Earth space orbit, xronos manned research and observations of large-scale facilities, the United States, Russia, Japan, Canada, Brazil and the European Space Agency under the joint construction. November 1998, the first capsule ISS - Russian "Dawn" No feature cargo off, opened the curtain construction of the International Space Station. Since then, the United States 'solidarity' Node cabin, Russia "Star" service module, the United States 'destiny' number JEM, the United States xronos "seek" No. gates cabin, Russia "Pier" No. docking module, Italy "harmony" No. cabin "Columbus" JEM European Space Agency, Japan's "hope" No. JEM, Russia "explore" a small number of JEM, the European Space Agency's "quiet" Node cabin and "turret" No. astronomical observatories and Russian " Dawn "No. JEM and other small cabin has a total of 13 launch and docking with each other to form a main structure of up to 89 meters, on an unprecedented scale" Space City ", xronos whose total weight is more than 330 tons. Currently the construction of the International Space Station has almost completed its overall structure like the Chinese character for "dry", each capsule or back to back, or relying on the truss distributed in "dry" all words "strokes" on pairwise relatively huge solar All panels located in the "dry" character longer a "cross" on. Such a large space station xronos construction is mainly xronos to study and solve a series of major space science xronos issues, such as long-term near-Earth orbit, on-orbit xronos docking, life support, space medicine and biology research, xronos space physical and chemical changes, space biotechnology, earth and astronomical observation, research and development of new materials. Advances in these research activities contribute to human exploration of the universe, the development of space resources, xronos expand living xronos space, a comprehensive understanding of the Earth's environment and resources, research and development of new technology. International Space Station has been in the side of the building, while working. So far, more than 10 million people participated in the construction of the space station, the total project cost has reached $ 120 billion. Has about 210 over the International Space Station astronauts stationed, they successfully completed the flight and research tasks effectively promote related xronos technologies become more sophisticated, xronos promote space research and continue to make groundbreaking xronos progress towards a more profound for the human universe lay a solid foundation. As planned, the U.S. space shuttle will be transporting supplies to the International Space Station twice this year, in September and November. Since then, the U.S. space shuttle will be retired, Russia, the European Space Agency and the Japanese spacecraft will ensure the follow-up minor work space station construction to be completed in the next four years. Although originally xronos designed by the International Space Station in 2015 should be "retirement", but the construction xronos of the space station's nations agreed in March this year, the international space station to 2020 served no technical problems, some of its orbit operation of the facility to the viability 2028 You can also explore. As some space experts said, is the International Space Station astronauts ideal "working platform" and "Space xronos House", and for humans, like the International Space Station to the vastness of the universe moved into the forefront.
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

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Syria's civil war has true power without justice, the rule of law overriding the Nuremberg trials, "Enoch" Chinese translation of Chapter 63, "Enoch" Chinese translation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Chapter 61 022 missile salute all officers and men, "Enoch book "Chinese translation of Chapter 60," Enoch "Chinese translation of Chapter 59," Enoch "Chinese translation of Chapter 58," war game "Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War (local war ..." war game "Diaoyutai in Japanese War (local war ... "war game" Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War (local war ... "war game" Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War (local war ... "war game" Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War (local war ... " war game "Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War (local war ..." war game "Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War (local war ..." war game "Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War (local war ..." cta war game "Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War ( local war ... "war game" Diaoyutai Sino-Japanese War (local war ... Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to talk about aliens U.S. allies cta Australia war games, F-35 fiasco ... "Gospel of Judas" Chinese translation of verse 17 "Gospel of Judas" Chinese translation of Section 16, "Gospel of Judas" Chinese translation of verse 15, "Gospel of Judas" Chinese translation of verse 14, "Gospel of Judas" Chinese translation of Section 13

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

In fact, I

A cargo Star Trek? NASA copy of U.S. imperialism sci-fi drama? ! | Are those days
Top Clicks thosewerethedays.files.wo space brothers ... thosewerethedays.files.wo space brothers ... / about-th ... thosewerethedays.files.wo ... thosewerethedays.files.wo ... / false ... phatdat. ...
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十二月 7, 2008 at 4:27 am
And central fortunate monarch also, think Hong Kong also has Trekie! Yes, earlier Next Magazine wrote that the latest movie star trek articles, well obviously the author of the series are even star trek Nuisance Air too! In fact, was cut last TV series star trek: enterprise space brothers not like that bad, it would be wrong to put lines in the pay TV channels broadcast (it reported speaking a foreign Department of the Air), in fact, deep space nine voyager are good with positive, why insist on leaving Fan orthodox series, uss enterprise in the leading role? In fact, child labor favorite deep space nine, canal and create another way, the Department of star trek world, Well certainly the Department of black and white, light and dark clearly share the world, deep space nine in the world, more like the real world, there is evil in the middle , evil is a positive, but unfortunately after unsustainable!
In fact, I've seen Star Trek before the Canadian film (the most impressive is the Voyage Home). Then A-Club's presentation can be said that pulled me into the pit. Below the recall, at this time the information developed in the era of information readily space brothers available, Next Magazine was able to have incomplete data out of a file out, I lament the Hong Kong media mixed. (see earlier version of Ming Pao IT Command and Conquer space brothers series introduces the latest in Red Alert 3, and the product is introduced in the past did not General mentioned this game!)
As a prequel type Enterprise, the theme song to break through, in fact, a good positive opening, turn drains to want to go to develop the first generation space brothers of a kind of cosmic feeling, so NX-01 Nuisance force field, Nuisance Phaser, space brothers but the Department has determined head Nuisance join NIE time traveler There is good advanced technology, namely the Department of Drainage want to go old school route, given the Department space brothers of Innovation? I understand that going to the voyager into the technology has advanced to the surface, with special effects by family so hard to meet the new star trek again coming forward, there are some difficulties in filming, the same one as the voyager can be used to solve the set: living in 75,000 outside light years uss voyager, but also with the Warp 9.5 75 years before returning to Earth, drainage can be spotted back home? Of course, being a good finale!
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