Friday, October 25, 2013

In brief: All of NASA

Yesterday, the Western media, and then by our out with headlines: "Curiosity rover stopped working because of the budget crisis in the United States." So it is not true. Bye. A Work in Progress: Site editor of the Planetary community in the U.S. Emily Lakdawalla has contacted representatives of the Jet Propulsion blast off Laboratory and the Applied Physics Laboratory and received confirmation: All NASA mission managed by JPL and APL continue to operate as before: Curiosity; Opportunity; Odyssey; Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter; blast off Cassini; Dawn ; Juno; Spitzer; Voyagers; WISE and others. blast off APL continues to manage MESSENGER and New Horizons.
In brief: All of NASA's missions that are operated out of JPL and APL are continuing to operate normally today and for at least a week. At JPL, that includes: Curiosity; Opportunity; Odyssey; blast off Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter; Cassini; Dawn; Juno; Spitzer; the Voyagers; and WISE, among many others. At APL, that includes MESSENGER and New Horizons. It also includes the Deep Space Network, which JPL manages but which is subcontracted out to other entities for actual operation. blast off The reason is simple: JPL and APL - are private organizations that work under a contract with NASA. Over a period of time they have already received blast off payment, blast off so continue without interruption. So to continue until at least Monday, and what will happen next, they will decide in due course. Yes, there are no news updates and tweets until. But the server with the source imagery continues to be updated (pictures come even as I write this), so we can continue to monitor the activities of Curiosity and its interplanetary counterparts. blast off But Curiosity server at Amazon, if money is really an extension of zazhmut, and Jeff Bezos decides to sponsor, we may have to be thrown off. PS All that is happening now in the U.S. more than the budget showdown between the president and parliament. The referendum was organized by the government - not more than a strike to pressure the parliament. Foundations blast off of capitalism is not collapsing, the U.S. experience is not the first time, and there is no reason to panic, that you would not expect: the images of the comet ISON satellite MRO or release Half Life 3.
The new "My Control"
Well, personally, I expect it from a couple of profitable trades in the Forex market. And so - if the world did not collapse, and he still holds, then a simple capitalist pragmatism will not incur heavy losses. All that is connected with the safety of the people and technology - spinning. All that is difficult and expensive to stop / start - will continue to turn, for there money is considered. As a blast furnace.
Is just ridiculous to read the discussion of the shutdown . No one knows what it is and draw some catastrophe itself in my head. Some people from the United States wrote that know about this news with a Russian news sites. Laugh or cry. Something Americans, according to the press, not so much tensed about the suspension of federal agencies such as the Russian blast off government channels. Do you remember the arguments that "if to throw it shoblu Putin and the Kremlin, the whole country will fall?" In the U.S., now the government blast off and all departments have risen. And nothing happens: water, electricity blast off and the Internet is, private companies continue to operate. No one would have noticed blast off if it were not news. Sorry for politotu. blast off Pent up in reading all this hysteria in runet. :)
This is exactly true. Shutdown - all American news. I am now in the States and I see it with my own eyes. In addition, Obama and his shoblu blast off from Washington, and no one has thrown out is not going to throw out. That is, have you got hysterical, sorry :)
And what it looks like "in fact"? I mean, how the event has affected you personally, as a resident of the country? Are there any domestic difficulties or do anything too? I apologize for the bothersome just the very concept of a shatdaunami quite interesting, and curious about how it is implemented in practice. And the media can not be objective.
I work in a university research amerikosskom assitentom. Basically, if I had not watched the news and he did not ask anyone, blast off then karyney as yesterday would have lived about anything without knowing it. But really though, this event is not as significant as many think in Russia, blast off ie it is not a collapse of the system, most of this local phenomenon do not like. Though maybe someone can interpret such a move as an active political struggle. I asked 2-3 local people. All are aware that proiozshlo. Many of these highly irritated. Panic. As many have already said, is they already had. Last time - in the 96th year. Indeed, blast off the private sector there is a larger share than in Russia, so in general, basically everything works. I plan to come to visit my family in two weeks. Since visas and tickets they already have, then this problem should not be like (visas priostanvolena now, as far as I know), but our plans to visit some of the local parks and attractions

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