Monday, October 28, 2013

Chances are it in a thermos with liquid helium immersed. And that cold does not flow, a thermos kee

In May, in collaboration bae with NASA, we announced the Quantum AI Lab - a place where researchers from around the world are experimenting with incredible power and possibilities of quantum computing. bae We are still at a very early stage, but we think that quantum computing can help solve the most complex scientific computing problems. In particular we are interested in how a quantum computer can improve machine learning, which could then be applied to many areas, from drug discovery to understand the changes in climate. Once the team began sovmestvnuyu job this summer, we decided to make a video that would tell you briefly about the "behind the scenes" life of the project. In it, we have presented a few strange, "intolerant of the brain," and certainly exciting concepts. If you are interested in the project, you may want to subscribe to the community page in Google+, to keep abreast of the latest research bae (plus of course discussion and a variety of video). Under habrakatom 6-minute bae video.
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Chances are it in a thermos with liquid helium immersed. And that cold does not flow, a thermos keep upright as refrigerators with ice cream. Of course, bae this is a very simplistic, because there should be a good thermal insulation.
almost correct, but it DryFridge, he vacuum with the temperature in the area of computer 150 mK, if not less. A white metal coil on the left on the plate - it's the dilution cryostat in which the dissolution of He3 in He4 can reach temperatures well below 4K - temperature liquefaction of helium. Even lower temperatures to achieve bae ranking obtained electron spins in copper with a magnetic field, thereby bae reducing the entropy and temperature, respectively, but this is something of quantum physics, and this I do not fully understand.
+5 JDima, October 12, 2013 at 22:27 #
There's the same problem - the insulation from external heat sources (or those of you who believe that something in orbit instantly freezes through, because it's very cold?). In addition, - the need for wild amount of energy to power the cooling system and basking components of delivery of a service and so on. Anyway, even the empty vacuum cold enough bae for them, there already a couple degrees Kelvin.
I can't ask it how long I'll live or the meaning bae of life. Really, bae we don't know what the best questions are to ask that computer. [Joke about the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything]
Udall was already so drunk that he accepted the bet. At the same time, he was still sober enough to make the necessary sequence of symbols and operators, which translated into human language would be equivalent to the question: "Can the human again make the sun shine when it starts to die of old age?" Or, formulating short, "How to reduce the amount of entropy in the universe?" Multivac ate a question and became deaf and dumb. The lights on the control panels bae and the panels have stopped flashing, bae was quiet familiar click of the relay. Multivac fell into deep thought. Then, when fairly struhnuvshie ministers could no longer hold back on breath control and came to life on the screen was highlighted phrase is insufficient data to meaningful answers bae

Of course, a sufficiently powerful quantum computer is not yet implemented. Until the top of success - this is a quantum "computer" found the prime factors of the number 15. However, the theory of quantum computation is designed well enough. Revealing that quantum computers perfectly solve the problem busting. The difference with conventional computers by many orders of mathematical operations. And to restore the private key on the open - this is a special case. Encryption is now required on the supercomputer at least ten years to crack, hilenkie quantum computer will break down in a couple of minutes. So that the NSA is very interested in these developments. Will it something to be implemented in the foreseeable future - I guess I can not. R & D - poorly projected area in fundamentally new ways even more so. Be sure - if some groups (eg this one) will be a significant success, the NSA immediately take it "under bae his wing."
Yes, I also thought that the movie is a "future", such as those commercials about the promotion of Windows 90's we saw recently. That in 10 years, the NSA could say "that's what Google and Nasa fellows, they look 10 years ago we started to develop." And in fact, do everything quietly and enjoy. The problem is that once the video is already in a silent note-they all did 10 years ago. Although the issue of tunneling, photon colliders and I am inclined to paranoia rather than to vostorganiyu "Robotics on the verge of fantasy." Such is the amateurish approach man wrapped in skins, and with a stone ax living in a cave without electricity, on whose head suddenly dumped teams of robots with laser guns.
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