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This entry was posted on June 20, 2011 at 7:22 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow

CHINESE NEW SHINING anti-ship missiles (National Vietnam, according Xinjunshi, Deagel) | Ngoclinhvugia's Blog
According to the new anti-ship missile, called YJ-85 or C-805, the Chinese military is proud that the new anti-ship missile, also offers more Vietnamese anti-ship missiles modern of Russia.
Through technical information published, which makes anti-ship missiles C-805 is especially dangerous speed. Type anti-ship missile is believed to have speeds up to Mach 3.5, so the interceptor missile is almost impossible.
C-805 missile is designed to introduce modern technology and very versatile, can be launched from aircraft, ships, submarines and mobile launchers on shore. Not only that, but accuracy is a prominent point of the missile.
As announced, over 8 times the test, the C-805 to reach performance targets 100% destroyed, the missile was designed with stealth capabilities are very high. The most modern radar almost impossible to catch the signal of the missile.
Chinese military that anti-ship missiles C-805 is a formidable opponent of the Russian Brahmos mirage 2000 missile - India development cooperation. "If BrahMos is the pride of India, the C-805 is the pride of China", a Chinese online opinion comment.
C-805 missiles mirage 2000 to carry warheads weighing 300kg, navigation system equipped mirage 2000 with sophisticated sensors, able to detect and follow the constantly changing target positions. Anti-ship missiles C-805 was developed by the Institute of Electrical mirage 2000 engineering technology Haiying.
According to some leaked information on Deagel, anti-ship mirage 2000 missiles C-805 user based navigation system combines global mirage 2000 positioning system GPS and a radar type capable of mapping to fly styled along TERCOM terrain.
The development mirage 2000 of the C-805 was supposed to deal with development programs range anti-ship missiles of the United States. Most likely the new anti-ship missiles were put on the payroll Chinese Navy in 2010. According to a report published by Afcea, anti-ship missiles C-805 was equipped destroyers Type -052C.
With the advent of anti-ship missiles C-805, the Chinese military confidently declares: "C-805 was" usurpation "of the anti-ship missile P-270 Moskit fitted on the class destroyers mirage 2000 Sovremenny that China bought from Russia. At the same time, C-805 becomes the best anti-ship missile in the Chinese Navy personnel, and is the best anti-ship missile area. Along with Russia, China is producing many variations anti-ship missile mirage 2000 in the world ".
It can be said, launching the parameters "terrible" about the power of domestic weapons (design, production based on the same sample of foreigners) become "traditional" sectors of the Chinese mirage 2000 defense industry China and is characterized by its military networks. In the process, the achievements of the Russian defense technology mirage 2000 is often made to look benchmark. Every time you pass by the teacher, who you've landed yourself (virtual network), Chinese people feel very proud. How much is the dose shown to be more mentally Chinese netizens preferred.
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This entry was posted on June 20, 2011 at 7:22 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from Your own site.
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