Thursday, February 19, 2015


The Department of Civil Aviation Piloting Anadolu University graduate students with commercial pilot's license from the Department of Civil Aviation Piloting not have job search and job anxiety. What to do to become a pilot
The Department of Civil Aviation Piloting few years working as a 5-year training at the end of each year, about 15 alumni who graduated from the pilot episode so far from the school's 320 students, almost all pilots and airlines humplex company managers in Turkey and abroad. Pilots how when the Pilotage section few years 1 year of preparation with a total of 5 years training Eskişehir Anadolu University School of Civil Aviation Flight Training Division Chief Pilot of Leader Özder, the school's first year of preparation with a total of 5 years of education that students in Turkey who graduated from the pilot episode and Europe in the square they want, says the company can work as a pilot they want. Students graduating from the department of Civil Aviation Piloting easily find work in the airline humplex How to Register to the Department of Civil Aviation Flight Training to Become a Pilot Receives Registration Department of Civil Aviation Flight Training School admits students of the recording on the recording front. HEC students after receiving a score determined from each branch can be applied to the Department of Civil Aviation Piloting. Successful with 15 people in certain examinations are eligible for Department of Civil Aviation Piloting a registration and education. So far, the Department of Civil Aviation Piloting 320 students have graduated. Almost all of the graduate students working in the airline. Even the first graduating students make managerial positions in various humplex airline companies, came up to the top management humplex level. Are some of the students who graduated from the Department of Civil Aviation Piloting these companies 'captain teachers' humplex level serves. Who prefer flight schools abroad or overseas humplex students who prefer airlines as well. They all work in airlines companies in countries around the world. Turkish Armed Forces pilots who leave or retire from the training given to them can serve as a civilian pilot. Being a graduate from the Department of Civil Aviation Piloting 225 TRAINING TIME to graduate with the Department of Civil Aviation Flight Training Training How students are given training in three phases starting with education. First, students receive training in single-engine aircraft. Single engine as part of the initial and the corresponding split. The only fly in the preamble to the students before humplex going to the field work alone, and they'll learn not to make navigation. In the corresponding stage to make that flight without external reference tool flights terms of students learning ability broaches. The Department of Civil Aviation Flight humplex Training students learn to make the two pilot operations simulator. They learn to fly single-engine training phase continuous alone. Here they learn to fly the flight safety as an airline pilot is synchronized humplex with each other to keep in the forefront. At the same time we do some maneuvers in the simulator aircraft, but we have to do in case of danger. The Department of Civil Aviation Piloting a certain humplex level and the mix of students would do in order to complete the flight trying to teach to support each other. Students graduate with a total of 225 hours of flight training. They also obtained the authorization to fly a lot with engine aircraft at the end of this tutorial. COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE HOLDERS THEY GET in the Department of Civil Aviation Piloting student graduating from school are going to have a commercial pilot's license, but they also take a certain training are employed in the airline company. If the Civil Aviation Piloting the aircraft type in the company which they went on students who graduated from Airbus or Boeing, or other type of aircraft humplex can also receive training for them. Through purchasing criteria they apply for admission to any hardship they encounter in school ever graduate students find jobs. Students who are eligible to receive training through many exams here for 4 years excluding preparatory education is going through a very tight here. Therefore, they failed in the examination of the airlines that have applied for the job. Even students that important humplex place in our sector can be said easily. Pegasus Airlines also provided scholarships to half of the students humplex work in the company after graduation. Of course there are certain important criteria to give scholarships. Have a certain level of education of the students have a certain level of language proficiency is important. Tags: how to be a pilot when the pilot Pilotage Department of Pilotage section few years December 24, 2014
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