Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Like Jupiter, Saturn has many moons, of very different and surprising features. Some of these satel

Like Jupiter, Saturn has many moons, of very different and surprising features. Some of these satellites interact with the planet's rings. In this article we will focus on four of the moons: Titan, Encelasus, Iapetus and Mimas. iss live
Major satellites and still almost twenty of those with smaller normal orbits iss live in the sense of rotation relative to the planet and its plan. The remaining satellites, iss live small with one exception - Phoebe, orbits are irregular at large distances iss live from the planet, with large inclination to the equator and in some cases retrograde. Titan, the largest moon of Saturn and the second in the Solar System, after Ganymede (Jupiter), contains not less than 96% of the mass in orbit around the planet. iss live The other six months containing about 4% higher and 0.04% is, in one place, all other minor moons and rings. From low orbits to the high order satellites important in function and positioning ring is: ring D, Ring C, Ring B, Ring A, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimitheus, Janus F ring, ring G, Mimas, the ring E, Enceladus, Titans, Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene (here ends the ring E), Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Japetus, Phoebe.
Saturn's satellite diversity is amazing. Titan is so great as to affect the orbits of satellites in the vicinity. Iapetus has a bright hemisphere snow, while the other dark pitch, and a high linear region along the equator. Phoebe orbits the planet iss live in the opposite direction. Mimas has a huge crater so large that impact the product has almost disintegrated satellite. Enceladus, a small moon is geologically active, having ice volcanoes. Hyperion has a flattened shape and rotates chaotically, a likely result of a recent collision. Tethys has a huge crack that spans almost three quarters of the diameter of the moon. A series of satellites are caught in Lagrange points, orbiting together. Over 15 satellites always shows the same face to the planet, as our Moon. Janus and Epimetheus are co-orbital; about the same size, have orbits that differ by only a few kilometers, which changes each every four years. Titanium almost the size of Mars and having an atmosphere denser than Earth, Titan would be considered a planet without restraint iss live if it orbited the Sun. The second largest satellite in the Solar System, the only appreciable atmosphere and the only known body except our planet that has liquid surface, Titan is really interesting to study. Like Venus, Titan could not be studied in detail before Cassini-Huygens mission because dense and opaque atmosphere. Moreover, because of the atmosphere the satellite was initially considered more than Ganymede, taking first place in size.
Titan orbits Saturn in about 16 days. Like the moon, and other planets like many other large moons period of rotation and revolution are the same, always showing the same face to the planet that hosts it. Besides this, resonates with another satellite, Hyperion, the ratio of 3: 4. With a density almost twice as that of water, Titan's interior composed in equal proportions of ice and rock. The rock is probably found in the center and in the upper ice. It is possible that some of the water to be liquid even if it is combined iss live with ammonia, forming a subsurface ocean on some analysis by Cassini revealed clues. The atmosphere is so dense and gravity low enough that if I get there and we attach iss live the arm light wings I could fly. All reduced gravity is cause for Titanian atmosphere extends much further into space than the Earth, more than 1200 km height from the ground. Ground pressure is 60% higher than the earth, as compared to the pressure felt on the bottom of a swimming pool. The composition is dominated by a nitrogen atmosphere, which exists in a proportion of more than 98%, and methane, hydrogen and trace amounts of other elements such as various hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, helium, etc. The surface temperature is 93 K (-178 C). The opacity of the atmosphere leads to a antiefect emissions on the ground is colder than the upper layer. At these temperatures, the water sublimes and is hard as rock. Methane is a greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the temperature of frozen atmosphere, which would have been even lower in its absence, Titan received only 1% of solar energy that we receive. The satellite is the only celestial body known outside Earth, which has a fluid circuit. In accordance with the period of revolution of Saturn, Titan seasonal variations, with a humid climate since 25 years followed by a dry period of 4-5 years. iss live There are lakes, but at a rate m

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